Should we sit down during the show?

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Oct 3, 2002
Land of northern lights
Hi, me and my wife was at both the Amsterdam concerts. As I am sick of queuing (because people do not sit their asses down anymore when queuing, they go to a bar), we got great seating tickets for both shows. On the second show, as soon as they entered the stage and Blackout came on, we stood up and started singing along. After just a few minutes, the girl behind my wife told her to sit down. I was completely surprised, and I have never experienced that before (I've been to over 40 U2 concerts). I turned around and told her (friendly, mind you), that "this is a U2 concert". When IWF came on, several peopel stood up, though. After quite a few songs, the girl to the left of me, that I did not know, and who was also standing, was told by the woman behind her to sit her ass down. I turned around and told that woman (now I was a bit annoyed, as they had kept hinting all the time) that "she can stand as much as she wants, this is a rock concert". The woman told me, "yes, but your place is down", and I just repeated "this is a fucking rock concert". We all continued to stand, and after the show I told the girl to the left of me that I was sorry about the people behind us, and that I hope she still enjoyed the show. She did. :) I was also surprised at how many at the first concert that was just sitting down.

Now... I am wondering. I am in the wrong here? I have been to many concerts, mostly with GA tickets, but also quite a lot of seating tickets, and this never happened before. And usually, when in Amsterdam, especially, I have exerienced a fantastic crowd, all standing up as U2 pumps out those great songs, jumping and singing along.

So; are we really supposed to sit when we have seating tickets?
Or are fans of U2 now so old that they need to sit?
WTF is going on? Help me here.
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There is a lot of standing but yes some of us are old enough that we need to sit, at least every so often, now. ;) Like me - I developed some knee issues over the summer, so I probably will have to sit sometimes during the two Milan shows I am going to next week. Fortunately I have row 1 seats for both shows that I scored over six months ago! Concert gods were with me... Now, the woman who was complaining to you sounds like a bit of a b**ch, but people sitting doesn't necessarily mean they're not into the show...
I much prefer seats too GA can go Loos get a drink etc & be able too come back too same place also in GA nearly everyone these days wants too film the WHOLE show im over 6ft so dont really bother me but will effect a lot of people your just stood there & phones every where..!!!
Never herd of this before then again ive not been in a block which has NOT sat down.
Even before my knee issues I never got why one must stand in seats at a rock concert. Really the music doesn't usually necessitate it, and I am a person in tune with rhythms. Of course dance-y songs like Mysterious Ways make one want to get up and dance, and one can head bop, sway and fist pump to other tunes just fine from a seat. And I never got the whole jumping thing (I was never a jumper, and now I really can't jump).
Basically if you want to stand so you can enjoy the show, there's no reason why the sit down group should spoil it. I get if you can't stand for a couple of hours, I had knee injury when I saw Green Day a few years ago, so I had to sit through some of the show, but I didn't expect or ask anyone else to sit down just because I chose to do so
I was at both Boston shows. On night 1, my entire section were hardcore fans, so everyone was standing for the whole show, except Best Thing and SATS. On night 2, my brother and I were the only ones standing, except during IWF, BD, Elevation, Vertigo and Pride
I was at both Boston shows. On night 1, my entire section were hardcore fans, so everyone was standing for the whole show, except Best Thing and SATS. On night 2, my brother and I were the only ones standing, except during IWF, BD, Elevation, Vertigo and Pride

My exact experience at Boston 2 as well!

As for the original post. I was only spoken to and told to sit once and believe it or not., it was in Foxboro on 360 in 2009. Usually Boston crowds are on their feet most of the night. This couple was beyond rude to my mom and I . We tried to explain to them nicely that this was a U2 show. I've never been a dancer or jumper , but I'm always up and singing along. Most of the rest of the crowd is as well in my experience. This couple wouldn't let it go . Left during MLK- near the end of the main set- and had another go at us on the way out. At which point I let them have it to the point others in our section were agreeing with me and telling them to get the hell out of there.

I've never been spoken to again about standing, but I did notice a lot of sitting at my last show in Boston. A lot of that I blamed on the band. Entering in the screen, doing Love is all-blackout and Lights of Home up front was a sure fire way to keep most people sitting. So now people who have a problem with standers, a minority for sure, think that the correct etiquette is sitting and can say "hey, most are sitting what's your problem."

It was amazing how quickly everyone e snapped to their feet, in unison, when the IWF riff started.

The band needs to set the "everyone stands" tone early
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I thought the only valid justification for sitting at a U2 show was if you were a GA line princess/line nazi who got to the venue 5 days before showtime, bullied other fans into complying with your rules, and then were not allowed to hold your rightful place on the rail once in the building.

So the logical response to this: sit and pout.

has that changed?
Hi, me and my wife was at both the Amsterdam concerts. As I am sick of queuing (because people do not sit their asses down anymore when queuing, they go to a bar), we got great seating tickets for both shows. On the second show, as soon as they entered the stage and Blackout came on, we stood up and started singing along. After just a few minutes, the girl behind my wife told her to sit down. I was completely surprised, and I have never experienced that before (I've been to over 40 U2 concerts). I turned around and told her (friendly, mind you), that "this is a U2 concert". When IWF came on, several peopel stood up, though. After quite a few songs, the girl to the left of me, that I did not know, and who was also standing, was told by the woman behind her to sit her ass down. I turned around and told that woman (now I was a bit annoyed, as they had kept hinting all the time) that "she can stand as much as she wants, this is a rock concert". The woman told me, "yes, but your place is down", and I just repeated "this is a fucking rock concert". We all continued to stand, and after the show I told the girl to the left of me that I was sorry about the people behind us, and that I hope she still enjoyed the show. She did. :) I was also surprised at how many at the first concert that was just sitting down.

Now... I am wondering. I am in the wrong here? I have been to many concerts, mostly with GA tickets, but also quite a lot of seating tickets, and this never happened before. And usually, when in Amsterdam, especially, I have exerienced a fantastic crowd, all standing up as U2 pumps out those great songs, jumping and singing along.

So; are we really supposed to sit when we have seating tickets?
Or are fans of U2 now so old that they need to sit?
WTF is going on? Help me here.

So I’m with you in that I’m confused myself. Every U2 show I have been to from PopMart to iE I stood and the people all around me stood the entire time. Then on JT30 I noticed people around me sitting through much of the back half of JT and it was odd. I decided to sit for a few of those songs too just because being the only one standing for Mother’s of the Disappeared would have made me feel odd.

Then on this current tour, almost everyone around me sat the entire show save for I will Follow. Now, I have expressed a lot of complaints with the US set list and it definitely lacked excitement but I have never seen people sit for Vertigo, Elevation, Until the End Of the World, etc....

I feel like the dynamic at the show is changing and it’s not because U2s fan base is aging...hell, most of the older fans have more energy and enthusiasm than I do. It’s like the shows consist more of casual music fans.
I've only done seats once for U2 at London JT30 and everyone around me was standing from the second they walked on right up until the end. If anyone needed to sit, they weren't going to get much of a view.
do whatever you feel you need to/want to. stand, sit, lie down, hang from the rafters, whatever.

rule #1: mind your own fucking business and don't worry about what other people are doing. enjoy the show on your own terms.

just don't be eve hewson trying to shame people into standing up.
We didn’t all win the lottery at birth like Eve Hewson. I’d be jumping and cheering everyday too if I was born a millionaire. Quiet down young lady... some of us had to work all day before the concert.
If you want to sit down? Sit down.

If you want to stand up? Stand up.

There's a million ways to be

You know that there are

But the question is, and this might read as ridiculous but, what’s the “concert etiquette”?

I’m not looking to argue with people, especially at a U2 show but if they are sitting and I want to stand...something has got to give. I felt very weird standing at MSG last concert because everyone around me was sitting, so I sat for many of the songs and it sucked(although I could have slept through Best Thing and that would have been ok....shit show if a performance).

My instinct is to say “I paid for these seats and if I want to stand, I’m going to stand and it’s the sitters choice to sit” but is that being a dick?
But the question is, and this might read as ridiculous but, what’s the “concert etiquette”?

I’m not looking to argue with people, especially at a U2 show but if they are sitting and I want to stand...something has got to give. I felt very weird standing at MSG last concert because everyone around me was sitting, so I sat for many of the songs and it sucked(although I could have slept through Best Thing and that would have been ok....shit show if a performance).

My instinct is to say “I paid for these seats and if I want to stand, I’m going to stand and it’s the sitters choice to sit” but is that being a dick?
The only concert etiquette is this - don't be a dick about it.

If you want to stand the entire time, go ahead. If the person behind wants to sit, maybe suggest switching spots with someone, or even switching with them to move back a spot. If that doesn't work, shrug your shoulders, apologize, stand and enjoy yourself.

If you want to sit? Hey, try and plan accordingly. Most concerts have seating maps allow you to pick the row you want now. Pick a front row.

If you can't, and you need to sit because of medical issue or you're just an old and can't handle standing the entire time? Work it out with the people around you before the show (if possible). Talk to an usher ahead of time. Go to guest services.

The default assumption should be that most people will want to stand at a rock show. Prepare accordingly. Don't be a dick if people around you are standing.
The only concert etiquette is this - don't be a dick about it.

If you want to stand the entire time, go ahead. If the person behind wants to sit, maybe suggest switching spots with someone, or even switching with them to move back a spot. If that doesn't work, shrug your shoulders, apologize, stand and enjoy yourself.

If you want to sit? Hey, try and plan accordingly. Most concerts have seating maps allow you to pick the row you want now. Pick a front row.

If you can't, and you need to sit because of medical issue or you're just an old and can't handle standing the entire time? Work it out with the people around you before the show (if possible). Talk to an usher ahead of time. Go to guest services.

The default assumption should be that most people will want to stand at a rock show. Prepare accordingly. Don't be a dick if people around you are standing.

Nailed it. :up:

I remember bringing my Dad to a McCartney show a few years ago and he was one of those people that dislike people standing the whole time at shows. So I got the both of us aisle seats for the show. Seemed to make it a non-issue the whole time!
Had this issue in Dublin. Some lady behind me who was probably 60+ kept asking us to sit. During songs like the Fly, Wild Horses etc. I politely said I’m sorry but we paid a lot for the tickets and quite frankly I’m shocked that in Dublin you’re even asking during these songs. I turned back around. Next thing I know her husband wants to fight. I just ignored him and others around me came to my defense. I just think the fanbase has really aged in recent years. Up until 360 they always had a pretty diverse crowd.

That said, even if I’m 60 seeing this band and you see me telling people to sit down, you have my permission to take me out behind the shed and put me down. That will NEVER be me.
The only concert etiquette is this - don't be a dick about it.

The default assumption should be that most people will want to stand at a rock show. Prepare accordingly. Don't be a dick if people around you are standing.

That's pretty rich, since i'd say the dickhead in this case would be you.

Even while I'd like to stand all show and will when I get the opportunity, I realise I've bought seating tickets and the people behind me may or may not be able to stand all show and I find it baffling that people think blocking the view of the persons behind them is somehow their right to do so, and also don't find it inconsiderate.

If you cannot enjoy a show sitting, buy GA tickets, people protesting after you standing for an hour are full well within their right. People sitting around you enjoy and do wanna enjoy the show just as well.

I stand when people behind me stand, or, at most, ~5-7 songs I really like. I don't mind people standing for a few songs before me either, but 24/7, you're just being a dickhead.

Recently been to the Human League who, for 1 show, instead of booking a small veneu like Paradiso or whatever, booked a theater. So every person remotely close to Belgium booked those theater tickets, including me taking my mom who cannot stand for more than 5min. Then I saw a fight break out right in front of me, as 2 fatties were standing, in the 3rd row right infront of stage, as far back as the support-act already and I totally agreed with all the people pulling them down. It's like you haven't been thought basic values in your youth.
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Lol shots fired.

I would go beyond “don’t be a dick about it” and rather just say “be aware of your surroundings.” If everyone’s standing, you don’t owe the people behind you sitting a courtesy of field of view. Maybe they’re old and you can clearly do them some favors by sometimes also sitting?

If you’re the only one standing I mean... you probably owe a courtesy to the folks behind you to at least make sure you’re not standing legit perfectly right in front of them.
Lol shots fired.

I would go beyond “don’t be a dick about it” and rather just say “be aware of your surroundings.” If everyone’s standing, you don’t owe the people behind you sitting a courtesy of field of view. Maybe they’re old and you can clearly do them some favors by sometimes also sitting?

If you’re the only one standing I mean... you probably owe a courtesy to the folks behind you to at least make sure you’re not standing legit perfectly right in front of them.
So what you're saying is don't be a dick about it?
Then I saw a fight break out right in front of me, as 2 fatties were standing, in the 3rd row right infront of stage, as far back as the support-act already and I totally agreed with all the people pulling them down. It's like you haven't been thought basic values in your youth.

So in a debate about etiquette and manners it's totally OK to label people as fatties. Got it.
So what you're saying is don't be a dick about it?

I dunno, perhaps that’s what my examples are saying, but being aware of your surroundings is a bit less about just standing and sitting. Like, if you’re in GA, if the person behind you is 5’4” I mean... you’re not responsible for someone else’s height, but if you don’t even know they’re there... you can’t really help them.

This is weird to say given that it’s inevitable at a show, but I can’t stand when someone is too close to me. I mean, if it’s that wild of a show I understand it’s the nature of the beast. Inadvertent contact is going to happen. But when there’s free space to move about and someone who came from nowhere is obliviously in contact with you ... like, fuck off. That person’s not really necessarily being a dick. It’s not like they can read my mind.
If everyone in your section is sitting and you stand, you're being a bit if a dick.

If everyone is standing and you're complaining cause you want to sit, you're being a bit of a dick.

So basic rule of thumb here is don't be a dick.
Semantic war with headache :3

If you’re standing and everyone else is sitting and you have absolutely no idea that everyone else is sitting, you don’t even know you’re being a dick.

I’m really not sure why you’re insisting upon telling me what I’m saying lol.
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