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    • MrPryck2U
      MrPryck2U replied to the thread MLB 2024.
      That purple bastard is a menace to society.
    • MrPryck2U
      MrPryck2U replied to the thread MLB 2024.
      Right, that's when Jim Gray bumrushed Pete Rose on national television.
    • MrPryck2U
      MrPryck2U replied to the thread MLB 2024.
      Oh, and by the way, thank goodness for the All Star Game being on tonight. There's something else on tonight of which I do not speak...
    • MrPryck2U
      MrPryck2U replied to the thread MLB 2024.
      Quick reminder (Not like you didn't know): The All-Star uniforms suck!
    • MrPryck2U
      MrPryck2U reacted to djerdap's post in the thread Pearl Jam Discussion Part 3 with Like Like.
      The shows in Barcelona were great! Best crowd I've ever witnessed at a Pearl Jam gig. The atmosphere was explosive, even though the 2nd...
    • MrPryck2U
      MrPryck2U replied to the thread MLB 2024.
      Right. Severino's a Met now. He'll have a party. :ROFLMAO:
    • MrPryck2U
      MrPryck2U reacted to Headache in a Suitcase's post in the thread MLB 2024 with Like Like.
      oh i have no doubt that Michael Kay will call out Severino multiple times today...
    • MrPryck2U
      MrPryck2U replied to the thread MLB 2024.
      Keith, Gary, and Ron are great. No doubt. They tell it like it is. But Michael Kay and Co. are pretty consistent with calling out...
    • MrPryck2U
      MrPryck2U reacted to Headache in a Suitcase's post in the thread MLB 2024 with Like Like.
      i am undoubtedly incredibly biased here... but this is why Gary, Keith and Ron are the best in the business. (and yes, Keith is on...
    • MrPryck2U
      MrPryck2U reacted to Headache in a Suitcase's post in the thread MLB 2024 with Haha Haha.
      my 9 year old was like "are they really going to blow a 6 run lead" and i just sat him down and told him "son, you are now a mets fan"
    • MrPryck2U
      MrPryck2U replied to the thread MLB 2024.
      I bet when the score hit 9-6, you grimaced. :alien:
    • MrPryck2U
      MrPryck2U reacted to Headache in a Suitcase's post in the thread MLB 2024 with Haha Haha.
      The Mets took a huge lead in extra innings and proceeded to make every last one of us left in that ballpark believe that they were going...
    • MrPryck2U
      MrPryck2U reacted to DeVaul's post in the thread MLB 2024 with Haha Haha.
    • MrPryck2U
      MrPryck2U reacted to Hewson's post in the thread MLB 2024 with Haha Haha.
      Mets ownership must grimace every July 1 when they write that check.
    • MrPryck2U
      MrPryck2U replied to the thread MLB 2024.
      What's really awesome is that Bobby Bo is gonna get paid until 2035. He'll be able to buy his great grandchildren enough Christmas presents.
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