NHL Thread

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Several reports out today that the Coyotes could be moving to Utah! Would be so fucking awesome to have an NHL team here. I really hope it happens.
Several reports out today that the Coyotes could be moving to Utah! Would be so fucking awesome to have an NHL team here. I really hope it happens.
This is wild. That arena is not built for hockey at all. They need to push the baseline risers in just to have the rink (barely) fit.

Yeah they will need a new arena ASAP. Ryan Smith unveiled plans a few months ago for a new downtown arena near the Delta Center for the Jazz and a future NHL team, so plans are in the works. They could also possibly play temporarily at the 12,600 seat Maverik Center in the west suburbs which was the main hockey venue for the 2002 Olympics and where currently the ECHL Grizzlies play.
Quebeckers are BIG MAD at this news lol.

I just hope that the team can finally get a nice arena and a solid fanbase wherever they end up. I wanted to like the Coyotes since day one but they've really been a flop of a franchise (except for their logo) and the city of Phoenix (slash Tempe slash Glendale slash etc) certainly did them no favours.
Yeah they will need a new arena ASAP. Ryan Smith unveiled plans a few months ago for a new downtown arena near the Delta Center for the Jazz and a future NHL team, so plans are in the works. They could also possibly play temporarily at the 12,600 seat Maverik Center in the west suburbs which was the main hockey venue for the 2002 Olympics and where currently the ECHL Grizzlies play.
The best part about the Delta Center is that it's built specifically for basketball and not hockey - so the crowd is right on top of the court. Would be a shame if they made a new building and couldn't keep that same atmosphere
May I suggest Utah Po'Boys as a team name to go along with state appropriate NBA team name Jazz.
Ha! If we’re going to steal another New Orleans name, Saints would be a better fit.

Some of the names fans are throwing around are:

Utah Blizzard
Utah Yeti
Utah Black Diamonds
Utah Outlaws
Utah Cutthroat (would never happen)
Utah Spikes (also could be an MLB name)
Utah Trappers
Utah Arches etc etc

I’m sure whatever it’s named I’ll probably hate it. Ryan Smith isn’t exactly known for great branding decisions after turning the Jazz primary color to highlighter yellow.
Quebeckers are BIG MAD at this news lol.

I just hope that the team can finally get a nice arena and a solid fanbase wherever they end up. I wanted to like the Coyotes since day one but they've really been a flop of a franchise (except for their logo) and the city of Phoenix (slash Tempe slash Glendale slash etc) certainly did them no favours.
If the Jazz support is any indication, I’m hopeful Utah will support a NHL team really well. The Utah market is underserved in my opinion with Professional sports and the Metro population has grown about 3x since the Jazz arrived in 1979.

Also in less than a day:
the "leaked" list of possible names for Utah are uniformly bad and generic. apparently Utah Yeti is in the front running somehow? even though the Yeti is from the Himalayas but Sasquatch and Bigfoot aren't being considered?
Yeah none of the names get me too excited. I think Utah Yeti is popular in part because of the alliteration
Looks like they might be Utah Hockey Club for the first season, but those colors make me worry Yeti is the long term name. Also, even if its just a temporary name, those mock-ups are pretty lame.

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Utah Hockey Club? I'm hoping for Mammoth, but shouldn't it be Mammoths?

In other news, the freakin' Florida Panthers are one win away from their 1st Stanley Cup. That should kinda be a big deal. It's been, what, 31 years? Another season of no Canadian team winning. Were the Canadiens the last winner? Time is just flying by.

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