Survivor 47

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ONE love, blood, life
Jun 16, 2000
Blue State of Mind
There's always a party with Survivor and we have been blessed with 46 of them. Here's to an entertaining and exciting Season 47! Enjoy!
That decision will almost certainly come back to bite them in the ass.

Do they intentionally cast players with anxiety issues these days just so we can have these breakdowns early in the game? Seems to happen every season lately.
Yeah, the novelty has long worn off. Paranoia and low self-esteem. Always a good combo. :ROFLMAO: I don't know who I like yet, but I know I dislike Andy. :poop:
Omg its so good already. 3 tribal immunity idol?? I would have stopped there too.

Wahndy is a hot mess. Dont go on Survivor if you have major anxiety and panic attacks bro.
Wow, they're really making Andy look like an idiot. The right person got voted out, though. Even though Gabe orchestrated the blindside, I don't see him lasting long. I like Sam and some of the others. I wish they'd show Sol more. He seems like a cool dude. I guess Jeff was a department store security guard in his younger days. "Empty those pockets!" :ROFLMAO:
Ha. As we were watching the challenge I said to the wife, "wonder if they could fill their pockets with rice", and not 1 minute later Rachel does just that.

Didn't realize Rome AKA Andre 3000 was this close to being an NBA player (at what, 5'5"?) and superstar rapper (with zero rhythm and cadence). Dude has some opinion of himself.

The Fiji heat is doing a number on Sue's dozens of facial plastic surgeries. At times looks like her face is melting. The fake tits appear to be holding up, however.

TK just couldn't keep his mouth shut. Has the dude never watched the show before? Anyone who comes off all domineering and borderline bullying is an easy target.
As soon as Rachel made reference to eating the rice, I figured she'd try something. I didn't think Jeff spotted it, though. Rome is another dude who won't be long in this game. One moment Sue looked like she had a birthmark on her face. Next minute it's gone. Lol!

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