New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album

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A few nights ago I revisited NLOTH. While it doesn't have the HITS that they so desperately want, I actually thought it was a pretty strong album. Yeah, SUC is a sore spot as it doesn't really fit at all. Crazy Tonight, in all it's bubblegum pop still flowed pretty well in regards to the album.

What I felt is missing from the Songs just the sense of adventure. NLOTH had that throughout. It wasn't focused on being a tight Beatles style pop album, but you could sense the band was trying to find some narrative and let the music be what it is (despite it being overworked from what we read). As much as we wanted an African style album, Eno himself said after they finished recording there that theme and style just didn't produce.

I liked that the band wasn't trying on every song to be a #1 hit or radio play (minus the middle three)

I am hoping for a return to the weird U2 format, but I think we're stuck with Broadway U2 show tune songwriting for their final chapter.
US arenas would be surprising, not that I’d complain.

if these rumors have any validity - i think their thought (or fear) would be that a) if there's a fan in the states that wanted to see them, they probably came to Vegas, and b) far fewer european fans made that same trip... so play smaller venues in the states and larger ones in Europe - and you can always come back for stadiums in the states if the money is there.
if these rumors have any validity - i think their thought (or fear) would be that a) if there's a fan in the states that wanted to see them, they probably came to Vegas, and b) far fewer european fans made that same trip... so play smaller venues in the states and larger ones in Europe - and you can always come back for stadiums in the states if the money is there.
It would be even cooler if they hit up some cities that haven't gotten some love in a while *cough Milwaukee *cough
if these rumors have any validity - i think their thought (or fear) would be that a) if there's a fan in the states that wanted to see them, they probably came to Vegas, and b) far fewer european fans made that same trip... so play smaller venues in the states and larger ones in Europe - and you can always come back for stadiums in the states if the money is there.
Would also jive with “we’ve got a new album!” instead of “Did you miss us? Remember all these hits?!” I do think, again if valid, we’re in for another limited set of markets and longer stints a la I&E.

I believe such fears are somewhat unfounded. Plenty of people that would buy a ticket to a more local show didn’t make the trip to Vegas, and I’d wager anyone who trekked all the way there primarily for U2 would see them again at… a more local show. Stadiums in the top 10 markets would be easy if priced realistically.

If they go the stadium route, I’d (selfishly) love to see them do what Metallica did and offer discounted tickets for the under 16 crowd.
Someone created that "Will Larry Return to the Band?" thread in April, and my post in it was of confusion, as we had already heard rumors that he was playing with them again. No one else seemed to chime in with similar thoughts.

Good to see it reiterated in the above article:

A new album is being finished. The band were previously reported to be working in Los Angeles in February and March (including Larry Mullen.)
Park your ass in NYC U2 for 30 shows. Please and thank you. Fuck Milwakuee and SLC in the arse! (with consent of course)
As long as they give us an above average album with no “American Soul’s” or “Stand Up Comedy’s”, they can play 30 shows in Headache’s backyard for all I care.
As long as they give us an above average album with no “American Soul’s” or “Stand Up Comedy’s”, they can play 30 shows in Headache’s backyard for all I care.
Worth it just for him turning the hose on The List
Oh look, they're setting up a check in system...

Looks like U2songs isn't saying too much there... seems like they're suggesting that there was an aim to be done for the fall, but they don't have any insight as to whether this is on track

I think the smart money is on spring 2025
If they go the stadium route, I’d (selfishly) love to see them do what Metallica did and offer discounted tickets for the under 16 crowd.
I'd like them to also do the two nights with 100% different setlists like Metallica did on their last tour. That was a great way to play lots of their big songs, new songs, and some deep cuts.

But of course, this is U2 we're talking about, so I'm well aware that's likely wishful thinking on my part.
I'd like them to also do the two nights with 100% different setlists like Metallica did on their last tour. That was a great way to play lots of their big songs, new songs, and some deep cuts.

But of course, this is U2 we're talking about, so I'm well aware that's likely wishful thinking on my part.
Also liked that it was a 2-night ticket. There’s a lot they can do to fill the bigger places. I do think it’s harder to do something new production-wise in a stadium where it all has to be free standing. After Sphere, what can they do that feels like the next new thing - if that’s something they’re still interested in?
Yea as long as I get to see them at least one more time, I don’t care what the venue or production are like. I like seeing them in arenas and stadiums, so am mostly interested in set list. Like, if the tour’s theme was to play as many of their songs as possible over however long the tour is. A core setlist, but more alternating song slots a night than usual.

The dream would be to get to see a couple different shows and get somewhat unique set lists at each one. The reality will probably be a fairly static set, but whatever.
Honestly at this rate it's all gravy. They can do whatever they want because there's an above average chance that this will be the last time I'll get to see them.
Exactly! We are in overtime and that's how I look at it all now. 10, even 5 years ago, I had a completely opposite view. Setlist, venues, dates, production. All this is secondary to being able to see them at all.

I mean, it should be clear to everyone by now that unless you've never seen U2 live or haven't more than 2 or 3 times, you have WAY more shows behind you than ahead of you! I'll be happy to see a show that's up to their standards of live performance.

As difficult as it was in the multimedia barrage that is the Sphere, I tried very hard to take in many moments throughout my show and tell myself "this could very well be the last time!"

"All I want is you" hit especially hard here. I'd been following the sets before my show and lamenting the fact that it wasn't the Lovetown ,Slane or I&E version with the solo, etc. In person, I just took a moment to take in the story Bono told prior and think back to how I felt when I first discovered that song. I was kind of able to do the same with BD at the end.

Opinions and discussions are great and why we are all here! They just require way more perspective now than they did even a few years ago.
I love reading rumours, but talk about hedging your bets... 😀
A new album is being finished. The band were previously reported to be working in Los Angeles in February and March (including Larry Mullen.) We were told at that time that the progress was good and the band was still hopeful to have something out later this year.

More recently all four members of the band have been in Dublin, and we’ve been told they’ve been spotted coming and going at Hanover Quay. Hanover Quay is the studio the band themselves own in Dublin. It’s possible some work is being done on the album at this time in Dublin, but it is also home to Principle Management these days, U2’s own management team, so there may be other reasons to visit as well.

Once the album is finished and a release date chosen the date is very hard to keep under wraps I guess.
U2 have a couple of months to finish off the album if they want to make a Fall release date including vinyl, and we are expecting to hear more once the album is complete and a release date chosen.
Exactly! We are in overtime and that's how I look at it all now. 10, even 5 years ago, I had a completely opposite view. Setlist, venues, dates, production. All this is secondary to being able to see them at all.
And that we’ve even had 4 tours (if you count Sphere which I kinda am) in the last 10 years is crazy.
The news that Lillywhite and Jacknife Lee are steering this makes my heart sink. It's a very safe road, sticking with people they know. Lillywhite's arrival coincided with the sinking of NLOTH and I don't care for HTDAAB at all.

And, while we blame Ryan Tedder (rightly) for the blunt edges of Songs of Experience, it's worth remembering that Lillywhite has a smattering of production credits on that record and that Jacknife Lee steered the following monstrosities:
-- American Soul
-- Landlady
-- Blackout
-- Love is Bigger

Looking back, Danger Mouse was a properly push-the-boundaries-while-staying-close-to-the-mainstream producer, but they seem to have ditched most of his work. I've just listened back to Songs of Innocence for the first time in an age - to my ears, the strengths are concentrated in the tracks where Danger Mouse is the sole producer:
-- Sleep Like a Baby
-- This Is Where You Can Reach Me Now
-- The Troubles
-- Crystal Ballroom (who is advising them that they didn't think this warranted inclusion on the album?!?!)

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