They Shoot Pictures, Don't They? 1,000 Greatest Films

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I was curious, in a little over 9 years, where am I at now. Ever since Laz introduced me to this site, I've been obsessed. I'm coming up on 2,000 checks (I will constantly run into pockets of stuff I haven't checked yet, so I'm probably past that point by now), so I figured it was as good a time as any to revisit.

In 9 years, I'm now at 330 movies on the list. Not too shabby.

Enjoy this drive-by bump. Or maybe it will spark conversation in this long-dead corner of the forum.
I don't keep a list of what I've seen, but I'm lucky enough to live in a place where I can see old / obscure movies regularly in a cinema, often on 35mm (recent example). A quick look at the list says maybe I've seen just over a third or so of those 1,000.
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I'm doing this and I wasn't even aware of the existence of this thread.

As of now, out of the top 500, I've seen 325. 90 in the top 100.
I don't keep a list of what I've seen, but I'm lucky enough to live in a place where I can see old / obscure movies regularly in a cinema, often on 35mm (recent example). A quick look at the list says maybe I've seen just over a third or so of those 1,000.
Living in LA has definitely opened up a lot of great possibilities for seeing things in theater. It's great.
I try. Seriously, though, I have a horrible addiction to I Check Movies. People try to get me to move over to the more popular Letterboxd, but I can't bring myself to do it. I need the lists.

How have you progressed, sir?
Living in LA has definitely opened up a lot of great possibilities for seeing things in theater. It's great.

When I was there last year I checked out Cinefamily (which I later found out closed in sad circumstances a few months afterwards) and The New Beverly Cinema.
When I was there last year I checked out Cinefamily (which I later found out closed in sad circumstances a few months afterwards) and The New Beverly Cinema.
Cinefamily closing broke my heart. I only got to go there once and never got to take my husband there :(.

New Beverly is great! Their Saturday afternoon programming, is really entertaining, more kid-oriented but definitely a great time. That's the only time I've been, though. Hoping to go again sometime in the near future.
It’s been closed for over a year for renovations. Tarantino owns it so not sure why it’s taking so long.

Holy shit, I had no idea, I thought you were talking about Cinefamily for a sec and got confused. That really sucks.

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