Desert Island XI - QUARANTINE ISLAND - Rules and Signup Thread

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I'm still putting the finishing touches on mine. I thought it was completely done yesterday, and then I woke up today and had a change of heart about some things.

Question: the rules in the OP stated that we could, this time, use tracks that we've used before in previous DIs. Has anyone actually done this? I'm trying not to, but there's one track I'm tempted on due to fit.
It was so long ago that I don't remember. I did not look up my old submissions. Most of the artists in my list this time are first time for me, but I suppose there's a chance a couple old ones slipped in there.
I'm doing the master list and groupings tomorrow. Still need completed entries from Ashley and namkcuR as well as you before we can proceed.
Is there anywhere one can easily find the results to past comps? The master threads were posted in this thread, but not results. I am pretty sure I won a competition, I just can't remember which one. I think it was a mini one. Would also like to see how my last list fared.
We really need to assemble another website once this competition is over.

The way I find DI info is to do a Google search dedicated to just the domain. So what you would use for search terms is " Desert Island results thread" or " Desert Island final round"
The playlist I've submitted is actually just Fetch the Bolt Cutters front to back so I should probably win.
My list is up on Spotify already, I just need to do the paperwork. I work until midnight, so once I'm done, I'll get on it.
Fuck yeah. Got in there with like two minutes to spare.

Weird how much joy I got from writing out the tracklist one by one. I thoroughly enjoy doing that after I've made a playlist.
Got it. :up:

So now Ashley is scrambling together her entry at the last second. I'll have the entire document set up by the end of the night.

The groupings are set, BTW. Just randomized the names and broke them up into three groups of five using whatever order they landed in.
Is there anywhere one can easily find the results to past comps? The master threads were posted in this thread, but not results. I am pretty sure I won a competition, I just can't remember which one. I think it was a mini one. Would also like to see how my last list fared.

I actually looked up the answer to this:

Phanan - 4 wins (III, IV, IX, Retro Island)
LMP - 3 wins (I, II, Best of 2000s)
LemonMelon - 2 wins (V, VII)
Screwtape2 - 1 win (VIII)
Mr. V - 1 win (VI)
bono_212 - 1 win (X)
GibsonGirl - 1 win (Prog Island)
phillyfan26/Jerry Dunk - 1 win (Symphonic)
cobl04 - 1 win (Mini Island)

We did a survivor format last time and your list came in 7th place.
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Next time I have some free time, I'll build a database for this stuff. What else am I going to do? Log hour 115 in Skyrim?
I'd love that! It would save me wasting like two hours sifting through tons and tons of threads to find my entries and placings haha. I vaguely recall phanan's old site, it was very ~geocities~ IIRC.
Can't believe Screwtape actually won one, considering the shit we gave him.

Re: discussion earlier this thread, I really do wonder what happened to him. I think we knew his first name? But never his last. I made some effort years ago to try to pin him down but failed. What a strange dude - I hope he has resolved the clearly toxic attitudes he had about women and interpersonal relationships, and that he has prospered with his evident talent at writing and music. Can't help but fear something of the reverse has happened though.
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