They Shoot Pictures, Don't They? 1,000 Greatest Films

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Blue Crack Supplier
Nov 18, 2004
Los Angeles, California
Thought this would be a fun little exercise for some of our resident film buffs.

This website has taken rankings from various lists by critics, directors, writers, etc. and made a comprehensive list of the 1,000 greatest films of all time.

TSPDT - The 1,000 Greatest Films

There's also a website where you can sign up and keep track of which ones you've seen:

They Shoot Pictures, Don't They? top movies -

I'm in the process of doing this so I'll be back to share my current tally.

The TSPDT? main site is a nice resource as well.

They Shoot Pictures, Don't They?
I'm at 60/220 right now, and it's destroying my internet connection.
I've seen 39 of the top 200, and there were many named in that top 200 I'd never even heard of.
I'm not faring very well. All the foreign films, I mean, I have no chance. But, even if you removed those, which you obviously shouldn't, I'm still doing poorly. Maybe one day, I make it my mission to go film by film via netflix and see how far I get.
Holy shit, this is tedious beyond belief. I doubt I have the patience to make it through the whole thing. It takes 10 fucking seconds to load each check in the box for Christ's sake.
Yeah, sometimes it just keeps spinning when I check off something, so I close the window and just reload the site again. Maybe they could do without the "fancy" graphics?

It was bugging me so I had to take a break.

I think I was only missing 1 in the Top 50, but then they started piling up. I'm missing like 17 after the first 150.
Yeah, final count was 170. There's a good dozen or so that are right at the top of the list to watch though, so that's good.

Yeah, sometimes it just keeps spinning when I check off something, so I close the window and just reload the site again. Maybe they could do without the "fancy" graphics?

It was bugging me so I had to take a break.

That's what was killing me.
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I just looked at the master list and did dashes on a piece of paper. It was hardly the most careful counting I've done, but I got around 260 after a quick read through.
Don't "ugh" me. I have 26 fucking films. That's horrid. You're fine.

I'm 20 years older than you and have been interested in movies since a very early age so the ugh stands. I guess I just wind up seeing a lot of movies multiple times, and obviously, I end up seeing a lot of films that are not in the top 1,000.

Oh well, it just gives me a list to use as I broaden my cinematic horizons, even now.
The Shawshank Redemption
Schindler's List
The Usual Suspects
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Fight Club
Apocalypse Now
Taxi Driver
Saving Private Ryan
The Shining
Raging Bull
Blade Runner
Annie Hall
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Any Film by Kubrick or Hitchcock

Just some of the films I've never seen.
I'm 20 years older than you and have been interested in movies since a very early age so the ugh stands. I guess I just wind up seeing a lot of movies multiple times, and obviously, I end up seeing a lot of films that are not in the top 1,000.

Oh well, it just gives me a list to use as I broaden my cinematic horizons, even now.

Totally. If it had a foreign title, there are chances I haven't seen it. A shit-ton I hadn't even heard of either.
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