PGP: I'm Dreaming of a U2 Christmas

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I watched Parade's End, and by the last part, I was extremely jealous of both Adelaide Clemens and Rebecca Hall......

:shifty: :reject:

It's quite good. I saw it when it came out over the summer on the BBC. I downloaded it and watched it on my computer. It's even lovelier on the big screen.

I think Rebecca Hall did an amazing job. There were times I felt bad for her.



:wave: wow MTE :wave:
have been wondering off & no since last month how you were. :)

So, how HAVE you been?

:ohmy: the mountain goat... tho they do have an incredible abiltity to get
out of situations like that

Grace who's the dude in grey in your new Avi?

Weldy- how are you re nasty storm?
which we are now dealing with - hopefully nyc will only get 5 inches (here from late afternoon tii Fri morning) and then we go right into 50°F right after in the next 2 :love: days!

tho :( people in the NJ shoreline, Southern parts of Staten Is. Brooklyn, & Queens
will get more insult to injury of Huirracaine Sandy
It's quite good. I saw it when it came out over the summer on the BBC. I downloaded it and watched it on my computer. It's even lovelier on the big screen.

I think Rebecca Hall did an amazing job. There were times I felt bad for her.

It really was beautifully done. I think they did an amazing job with the casting, especially Rebecca. Adelaide was really wonderful as Valentine too.

This one brought actual tears to my eyes.

U2-Elevation-Goat Edition - YouTube

All three of those: :lmao:

Grace who's the dude in grey in your new Avi?

Weldy- how are you re nasty storm?
which we are now dealing with - hopefully nyc will only get 5 inches (here from late afternoon tii Fri morning) and then we go right into 50°F right after in the next 2 :love: days!

tho :( people in the NJ shoreline, Southern parts of Staten Is. Brooklyn, & Queens
will get more insult to injury of Huirracaine Sandy

That is the villain of the new Star Trek movie Benedict Cumberbatch. He always plays Sherlock in the BBc version. While Bono is on sabbatical, he has taken over the role of number 1 hubba hubba. Hey, it's what happens when U2 go on hiatus.
That is the villain of the new Star Trek movie Benedict Cumberbatch. He always plays Sherlock in the BBc version. While Bono is on sabbatical, he has taken over the role of number 1 hubba hubba. Hey, it's what happens when U2 go on hiatus.
Not much of a fan of the new Star Trek,but I will watch it for this dude.
A quick update post for what's going on with me right now and why I'm not around as much:
Just yesterday moved my mom to an assisted living home, sort of like a nursing home. So I'm back home after a year. I've been stressed out to the max getting her moved, not just trying to condense a lifetimes worth of her possessions into a tiny room, but also all the medical transfer of records, med schedules, just tons of work. I'm so :crazy: right now. Still haven't moved my stuff back home yet so I'm in between right now.
And now, time to start the process for my dad, as it's clear he can no longer live alone anymore either. I'm about to seriously :crack:

Comet :hug: Hope things get settled for you and your parents soon.

Thanks for the :hug: everyone.

Quick update:
After finding that out, the oncologist called and said that there are two lumps, both are only about 1 cm, and that the radiation should take care of them. Apparently, the one who called and told us the first time was the radiation specialist, not the oncologist.
Well that's good news! Sometimes it's a huge difference who you speak to, I know that from experience too. And thanks also. :hug:
wow :ohmy:

:hug::hug: tara :hug::hug:

Soooo sorry to hear this.. ah i see it's better than intitial info.... Go zap that C crap!

:hug::hug: comet :hug::hug:

Ha..... I must have been tunning in your wave length...

After several inner promptings oof bthe past, oh, 6 weeks or so not acted on; tonight I finally was going to ask you about your mom?
I thought you hadn't mentioned her for a good while at least as far as
the posts I caught.

Well, .... it's sad :(N but also at least it should be better for you both and then your dad.

Don't remember your original situation.... Any siblings that could, be williing, or that you'd want to help?

I remember helping my mom pick out the stuff she needed and wanted. It was nice she did have a whole nice shelf plus spots here & there to put her favorite crafts given to her, or that she made. Beautiful items.
My folks went into the 2nd home within about half a year of each other.

Good Luck again.... :hug:
:wave: hey, JJ

wanna read some interesting computin power, speeed etc break throughs tech stuff... . go to

and how maany hours of sun are you getting now?
I actually have a sunlightday/dusk/night/dawn graph of your town, mine, varioius other cities along the latitudes i could up myself .... i'll go see :)

i found it :D looks like it's rising around 7AM and setting ariound 6PM

we arre going into Daylights Savings Time :hyper::love: on Sat>Sun :happy:
Whew, well, that's a little more promising news, Tara. Sorry to hear your mom's still going through this crap, though-hopefully all goes well and they can manage to get rid of everything :hug:.

And :hug: to Comet as well. Hopefully your mom will be able to make herself comfortable there, and good luck doing the same thing with your dad. I can't imagine how tough that would be, even if it is ultimately the right thing to do.

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