PGP: I'm Dreaming of a U2 Christmas

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TaraHow fantastic for your big bro! :applaud:

And congrats to your brother! Sounds like an awesome achievement. :)

Congrats to your brother Tara! :D THat's great news!

Congrats to your brother Tara!

Thanks everyone. :D

Grace, I :heart: your new av.

Whee, I've seen that one! I actually got another Second Doctor story today, cos I liked that one and I want to see more of his. It's such a shame that so many of his serials were lost... Stoopid BBC.
Honestly, before BBC America started the whole 50th Anniversary specials, I didn't think I'd like Classic Who :)reject:), but the Second Doctor is completely awesome. The First Doctor is very much the grumpy old man who yells a lot. :lol: I can't wait to see what's in store for the rest.
True Jari, I will have to try as I'm used to my apple keyboard. While I didn't use the OSX much, I truly enjoy the keyboard so much more, and the backlight is useful too. I'll miss that, but really, I can't justify buying another expensive macbook just for that. I'd rather get a cheaper, better windows laptop. Though I do have to figure out if I can legally downgrade it to 7, or if I have to go back to my piratey ways.
Well, you can if you format it and install Win 7 but theres an update coming this summer to win8 for people (grrr) who still want that effin start button back :lol:
Yeah I just got used to 7, and then I'll have to learn to use an OS that throws everything around? :crack: Foffff!!!!

I'd have to find my very cough legal cough copy of win7 then.. should have the ISO somewhere.

It's a good thing Ali. The snails are annoying little buggers that multiply like hell. I've set up a little tank for them to breed though, as the puffers can tend to get hungry and go on a raid, so even though their tank has plenty, I got backup. in the big tank I got my snail eating snails, so there's not many other snails left there. And they barely breed so I won't sacrifice them. :p

Just fed them for the first time. :cute: They're awesome.


Glad they'll be efficient controllers of snail overpopulation, as well as being adorable. :D

My phone recognises 3 bird sounds now :D coding an app like Shazam but to identify birdsounds, got tired when walking in woods to guess what bird is singing on :lol:

That is a great idea! And also, I'm jealous of your northern lights... I've love to see them some day but I hate the cold. :reject:

Honestly, before BBC America started the whole 50th Anniversary specials, I didn't think I'd like Classic Who :)reject:), but the Second Doctor is completely awesome. The First Doctor is very much the grumpy old man who yells a lot. :lol: I can't wait to see what's in store for the rest.

Haha, cool! You haven't seen any of the other classic Who, then? I can't wait 'til you get to Tom Baker (Fourth Doctor). :)

I think it's great that they (RTD/Moffat) managed to update everything in the new series, but still keep the same spirit of the classic one. They've done an amazing job, I reckon. Plus, you know. David Tennant. :D

:grumpy: I hate change.

I know how you feel! I bought my laptop late last year cos I saw that Win8 was spreading everywhere, so I wanted to get one while the shops still had stock left with Win7. And I got this one extra cheap cos it was a display model, which was a nice bonus.



Haha, cool! You haven't seen any of the other classic Who, then? I can't wait 'til you get to Tom Baker (Fourth Doctor). :)

I think it's great that they (RTD/Moffat) managed to update everything in the new series, but still keep the same spirit of the classic one. They've done an amazing job, I reckon. Plus, you know. David Tennant. :D
I saw a little super tiny bit of "Trial of a Time Lord" back on PBS in the mid 90's, and of course, the tv movie (Paul McGann :love:), but, for the most part, my only Who has been the new series.

Tennant :drool::love::love:
Have you watched the specials celebrating the 50th anniversary? They have interview clips with him, and he's looking a bit scruffy.... but in a totally sexy way. :drool:
:D As you wish. Man they're super tiny and absolutely adorable! Only 1cm big now(2/5th of an inch) and will end up being only 2,5cm(an inch). I'll be hand feeding them with pincers, to make them a bit tame.


OMG!!!! :lol::cute::cute::cute::love::cute::cute::cute::lol:

if cuteness was a magical power..........GG could command U2
to play a concert right naoh streaming live on all systems!

can't wait to get print-out to show f2f friends!!!!
:D Just fed them with the pincers again. It's really hilarious how they eat. They start circling around the prey, then move their eyes to look at it(They're one of the few fish that can rotate their eyes like we can) and look at it cross-eyed like the aliens in Toy Story "ooooooohhhhhh". And then suddenly WHAM they pounce and eat it. :cute: I'm so in love with my new fishies, bwhahaha.
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