Embarrassing childhood stories.

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StlElevation said:
i shoved a pea up my nose when i was 7 for no apparent reason

I did that with both a penny and another time with a button. Unfortuantely, no one realized what I had done until I began to stink.... :rolleyes: :yuck:
I don't know if this is embarassing, or just odd

I have been told I would, as a small child, I would wake up really early in the morning, and pour myself a bowl of cherrios, alone, and eat them, alone, in the morning. Before anyone else. ANd I would like demand that people left the cherrios and the bowl out for me, so when I woke up, I could eat. I have no memories of this, so I must have been young... but I'm not too surprised, and people swear by it.

It's sort of amazing I didn;t like choke and die, I guess. But I don't know.. . maybe that was the beginning of my indpendant streak?

Let's see....

I always used to dress up as eitiher Batman or Rapheal from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I have vivid memories of an early birthday party where I would be in my bedroom, and then yell for my mom to come in. I'd tell her, say, that I was going to dress up as batman, and that she should tell everyone to expect batman to come out, and etc... But of course, I would wait until she left and then I would put on the Rapheal costume, and I would gloriously strut out there, like a hero, and apparently I got off on people's *surprise* - they expected Batman, but I was Rapheal

I really don't get it... I guess it is kid logic...
but whatever
all I know si that I like did that for the whole party, it seemed...
Strange... :huh:
Oh, this one is a DOOOOOZY. Please keep in mind that i grew up in brooklyn New York w/ lots of older kids on my block who taught me a lot of bad stuff.

So I'm in the car w/ my parents and older sister, I must be like 6 at the time. Time After Time by Cindy Lauper comes on the radio.

Cindy sings: You said: "Go slow, I fall behind"
I say to everyone in the car: Wouldn't it be great if she sang "Go slow, dildo"

:lol: :laugh: :no:

My mom went beserk !!:ohmy:

I thought the D word was just another word like idiot or stupid, or jerk.
Once in the 4th grade (obviously too old to be telling a story like this) I had to piss, and when I asked if I could go the teacher said "only if it's an emergency". To me, this meant only if I had to throw up or something. So I held it for many many minutes. When it became unbearable, I just figured I could let out a little and then the urge would not be so great. What's the worst that could happen? My underwear get wet? Whatever... so I do, and all the sudden I hear it trickling on the ground. The teacher is like "EVERYONE OUTSIDE! GO READ ON THE SWING SET!!!"
StlElevation said:
i shoved a pea up my nose when i was 7 for no apparent reason

Reminds me of a trip to San Diego with wife #1...Ricky in a carseat and his 3-year old sister next to him...along the way, I notice that Jenny is quiet and sounding sorta strange...

I move the rear view and see that Jenny has shoved a series of Tic-Tacs up her nose and she can't breath....I swerved across several traffic lanes and pull over..spent the next 15 minutes working 6 Tic-tacs down her nostrils....:kids: :)
Moonlit_Angel said:
Love yours, Numb1075 :lol: :up:.

:hyper:...Raphael! I used to pretend to be him when I was little, too :D.


Raphael was my favourite ninja turtle as well! I remember having a Rapael costume when I was little and running around the house pretending to beat up footsoldiers :laugh: :reject:.
Okay, okay...this one is TRULY embarrassing...

My first grade teacher hated me. That's the only teacher I ever had who disliked me. I was always in trouble. One day, she made me stay in for recess, and I asked her if I could go to the bathroom. She said I couldn't because I had just gone recently and couldn't possibly need to go again. I begged and pleaded, but she instructed me to sit at my desk.

Well...I sat at my desk...and peed my pants...and didn't tell anyone because I figured I'd get in trouble. Even worse, I was wearing yellow leggings, and for some reason, the fabric turned green between my legs (the only logical explanation I can think of is that mayhaps I was wearing blue underwear). So I walked around, pee-soaked and stained for the rest of the day, refusing to tell a soul what I'd done (though I'm sure many figured it out).

I still loathe that woman, wherever she is. :mad:
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Numb1075 said:
Oh, this one is a DOOOOOZY. Please keep in mind that i grew up in brooklyn New York w/ lots of older kids on my block who taught me a lot of bad stuff.

So I'm in the car w/ my parents and older sister, I must be like 6 at the time. Time After Time by Cindy Lauper comes on the radio.

Cindy sings: You said: "Go slow, I fall behind"
I say to everyone in the car: Wouldn't it be great if she sang "Go slow, dildo"

:lol: :laugh: :no:

My mom went beserk !!:ohmy:

I thought the D word was just another word like idiot or stupid, or jerk.



Actually that reminds me of one of my own. In Primary school, I was 9 years old, and me and my classmates were having our lunch in the main hall. We were saying rude words...you know...like SEX and BUM that kind of thing!:wink: Then one friend said to me, "Ask the dinnerlady for a Blow Job, it's the new...special pudding that we can have". So naturally, upon hearing this, I strolled up to the dinnerlady, with my bowl in hand a little like Oliver Twist, and uttered the words - "Can I have a Blow Job for my pudding please Miss?"

I was sent to the Head Teachers office for the remainder of the day, even tho it wasnt REALLY my fault!:grumpy:

I have so many--I'm surprised I'm not traumatized for life. My mother took me to school one time, this was when I was in the second grade, and it was a holiday. The school was open because the janitors were there working. I kept thinking gee I'm here awfully early. One of the janitors found me and took me to call my mom. I was crying and embarrased. She was embarrased too when she came to get me. I have never let her forget it. One time my boyfriend asked me to go to the bathroom with him--cause we never left each other's side--sickening I know---but a teacher caught us in there & asked what we were doing. We made up some story about his hand being cut & I was helping him clean up. This was 2nd grade too! :sad:
i wrote this in someone else's journal once to make him feel better about passing out, or fainting...but anyways...

when Star Wars came out, it was a huge thing. the luke skywalker, princess leia action figures, i had them all.

well there was this thing at a mall where they had some people dress up as the characters from that movie. and people lined up to shake hands and get autographs. i thought i was standing in line to meet princess leia (she was my fave), but when i got to the front of the line, darth vader was standing in front of me. a very tall, man dressed in the darth vader suit and helmet. he shook my hand hard.

i passed out.
Aw...:hug:s icelle.

Halifax said:
Raphael was my favourite ninja turtle as well! I remember having a Rapael costume when I was little and running around the house pretending to beat up footsoldiers :laugh: :reject:.

LOL, awesome :up: :hug:.

Also, oh, my god, Mr. BAW, I can't imagine how scary that must've been :ohmy:. Thank god you got her taken care of.

I remember eating a bunch of Flinstone vitamins once when I was little. And I've been guilty of going to the bathroom while at school, too. The teachers can be so stingy about that sort of thing sometimes.

And :lmao: at Aardvark's story :D.

oh yeah...just remembered another one...

one time when i was 2, i crawled into an oven:|

my mom wasnt too thrilled to find me in there.
Moonlit_Angel said:

I also remember being in...first grade, I think it was, and my teacher had said something or other, and I was joking like I was upset and yelled really loudly, "Dang!" or something like that and pounded my fist on the desk. My teacher just gave me a surprised look.


When I was about six, I think, my grandparents took me to a mini-golf course for my birthday. My grandfather was going to show me how to swing the club but I thought I could do it myself so I took a giant swing like a professional golfer. Missed the ball and ended up smashing my grandpa in the face with the club.
I remember watching Saved by the Bell, the tv show, and Zach Morris heard some people coming to the bathroom. So he quietly stood on the toilet in one of the stalls to get some gossip about someone.

I decided to try it out one time, and the three guys somehow heard me, opened the door, and found me standing on the toilet. Oops.

Oh, and my mom made me mad when I was 5 so I hit her with the HUGE red wiffle ball bat...when she was pregnant with my sister. I was a really bad kid. :reject:
When I was little they kept me on a leash. You know one of those things for children? I kept running away and getting lost. One day my parents decided to just let me go and follow me and see what I would do and I just kept right on going untill they had to stop me. I was adventurous. When I ask my mum about it she always says it wasn't a leash...it was a set of reins. Good god.
I was so sloppy whenever I ate spaghetti that had to wear a bib whenever we ate it. That lasted until I was about 8 years old or so! :mad: :lol: :reject:
I can tell one about my oldest son. When he was four I was awakened by the smoke detector going off. I ran into his room to get him and my two year old son. The smoke was coming from their wall heater. The fire department arrived and informed me that it was steam not smoke. He had peed on the heater for some unknown reason.:huh:
Gosh, the memories are all flooding back to me now...:lol:

My sister and I were playing Barbies out in the yard one day. We were close to the side of the road (we lived out in the country, so it was fairly quiet). We both stood up to go inside, and as a car was driving by, my sister decided to yank my pants down. :ohmy: :eek: :lol:

She also handcuffed me to a tree once. :mad: I stood there, screaming that I had to pee. :lol:

In 1st grade, I begged my mom to let me stay home from school and go shopping with her one day. the next day I took the giant coloring book into class for show and tell and explained how my mom had let me stay home from school to go shopping, even though I wasn't REALLY sick.... :rolleyes:
She got a rather stern phone call from the teacher and principal for that one

I refused to wear a shirt until I was five years old ... I mean, they would wrestle one on me to go anywhere, but it was too much of a hassle for day to day around the house because I was constantly stripping it off... and yes, I would try and strip it off in public, too. They just had to hold on tight to me or put bibs on me to make it difficult.

In seventh grade I decided to try and cut my own hair :yikes: I tried to give myself bangs... but ended up with NO hair on that side of my head. and I have a really high forehead. It was bad :reject:
Oh, and I recently took my 4 year old nephew to have his pre-school picture taken. He has a 16 year old brother who had recently gotten in trouble for having a huge "hickey" or lovemark on his neck in his school picture.

So Jeffy (the 4 year old) walks right into the room and announces that He does NOT have a hickey. :lmao:
:lol: at all these other ones!

Lynz778 said:
When I was little they kept me on a leash. You know one of those things for children? I kept running away and getting lost. One day my parents decided to just let me go and follow me and see what I would do and I just kept right on going untill they had to stop me. I was adventurous. When I ask my mum about it she always says it wasn't a leash...it was a set of reins. Good god.

A leash? Wow...

The Barbie ones remind me, when I was little, I used to watch the show "Rugrats" all the time. And there was an episode where Tommy'd decided to forgo clothing. And he'd say things like, "Nakey is good, nakey is free, nakey is...nakey!" Well, my sister and I thought that was the funniest thing ever back then, and one day, we were playing outside with a girl who lived across the street from us, and we were all playing with our Barbies, and we suddenly started removing all their clothes and throwing them in the air and shouting, "Nakey is NAKEY!" :D. Nobody really saw us doing all that, but I can imagine now how odd that would've looked should anyone have passed by.


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