Songs of Surrender - Discussion, reviews, impressions

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Rick Ruben produced Window In the Skies.

If that is what came from them working together, I hope their paths never cross again.
All My Life would have been a really big song that this website would have hated. But it would have been a hit.
i went in and found some quotes on the rubin sessions...

On the aborted Rick Rubin sessions:

The Edge: I think had we finished the songs, it would have worked, but we sort of hadn’t really finished the songs. It’s typical for us, because it’s in the process of recording that we really do our writing. But we’d almost have to make a record with Brian [Eno] and Danny [Lanois] first, then go and re-record it with Rick Rubin. And we may do that. We did start material with Rick, which I still believe in. I would love to get back to that project at some point. I wouldn’t rule it out.

Adam Clayton: Rick was great; he was very focused and I was excited. The material was of a very high standard, but it sort of became clear that the things that we were interested in — in terms of, once we have a song, we’re interested in the atmospherics and the tones and the overdubs and the different stuff you can do with it — were things that Rick was not in the slightest bit interested in. He was interested in getting it from embryonic stage to a song that could be mixed and put on a record. And we’re almost the kind of band that goes, “Well, sure, you’ve got it to that point, but now how far can you push it?” He was committed to that process of getting it to that finished stage, and then at the point when we were kind of excited to push it further, that’s almost the point when he lost interest.

And I think initially, we had sort of said, “Well, you know, it’s gonna be interesting to do a sort of stripped-down, sort of Rick Rubin, back-to-basics kind of record,” and then as we as we kind of examined that it was like, “Well, all that would be doing is kind of making a kind of slightly better version of what we’ve already done.” And we just didn’t feel that the next record should be that.

I’m sure we’ll go back to those Rick Rubin tunes and that Rick Rubin session, but I guess we just thought, at the time, that wasn’t what we were interested in. We weren’t interested in redefining the basic U2. It would’ve been, you know, no overdubs — just band takes and here it is.

Larry Mullen Jr.: Simple as this, I’ve a huge fan of Rick, he’s a very nice man, an incredibly talented man, but we weren’t ready. He’s got very, very great skills but we are just slightly slow and we don’t learn quickly and we thought we were better than we actually were. So when we went in to record the songs, he was confused and so were we. He did a lot of work, but they weren’t right. And it’s nothing to do with him. At all. And it’s not his fault. It has been reported that he was dropped off the project and whatever — but that’s not true, it was more that we needed to have something to work off of, and that’s what Brian and Danny do.

and also found something interesting from larry in the same interview, especially in light of recent developments...

Larry Mullen Jr.: We don’t always like each other but we respect each other, and we love each other. Marriages don’t last this long. Will it stop working at some time? I’m sure it will. It’s not indefinite. There will be a time where it’s like, “It’s time to go,” and I would like that time to be on a high when you’re still achieving, as opposed to on the curve down. That’ll be sad for me. I think it’ll be a more dignified time to actually go, “You know what? That’s the end of that period” and we might come back in five years time and may do something together just for old times sake ’cause we know we’ll want to. And I think that’ll be a beautiful end to a long a beautiful career.

No [I haven’t discussed this with my bandmates]. We don’t discuss a lot of things. I’m just saying what I imagine it would be like, but I don’t know. Of course it can’t go on forever. It just can’t. And if it ended tomorrow, would it be sad? Sure. But it wouldn’t be the end of the world. It helps, I imagine, that you have a family, that you have a life outside the band. As a younger man would it have felt like the end of the world? I think it would have been more difficult. But my family is obviously important, as is everybody’s in the band. It’s an important part of our life.

the edge, on the band staying together, had a slightly different take

We’ve weathered so much stuff over the years that could well have broken up a group and we’re still here. I think it’s down to a number of factors. First off there’s genuine friendship and regard personally between the four members of the band. We hang out together. We enjoy each other’s company. We see each other on our break times as well as when we’re working. It’s not like I’m rushing to get out of the studio to see my friends. I’m in the studio with my friends. That’s sort of unique. I think we all fully appreciate how special it is, how unique it is to still be making great music after so many years. We don’t want to fuck up. It’s too precious.

good to remember that larry has always been a bit of a cranky bastard
Yeah - if All My Life as we know it was also a Rubin session song, then I can’t imagine it’s all bad. I don’t mind WITS - it’s not their best, certainly, but it’s pleasant enough, and the interesting time signature and reliance on keys was a real side step for them in 2006. So it wasn’t “safe” by any means. We’d kill for that now.
i went in and found some quotes on the rubin sessions...

and also found something interesting from larry in the same interview, especially in light of recent developments...

the edge, on the band staying together, had a slightly different take

good to remember that larry has always been a bit of a cranky bastard

Isn't this pretty much what Larry's scenario looks like? There's been so much subtext in recent interviews where they're talking about how much they really want to put into the band. Bono and Edge are all in, Larry is iffy, Adam's good natured and agreeable but maybe not as passionate as Bono and Edge. I'd almost rather see what Bono and Edge can do for awhile than wait for Larry to feel up to it. I think this may be the beginning of the end, but not for these four artists, just in this configuration.
Isn't this pretty much what Larry's scenario looks like? There's been so much subtext in recent interviews where they're talking about how much they really want to put into the band. Bono and Edge are all in, Larry is iffy, Adam's good natured and agreeable but maybe not as passionate as Bono and Edge. I'd almost rather see what Bono and Edge can do for awhile than wait for Larry to feel up to it. I think this may be the beginning of the end, but not for these four artists, just in this configuration.

It all lines up except for the fact that Larry, the straight shooter, has said he’s injured and wants to come back. Why are people intent on ignoring that.

If Larry was out, he’s say “I’m out”.

People want to think seven layers deep to see things unseen, but ignore the most obvious parts. It’s like watching interviews at Trump rallies where the conspiracy theories about two militaries and Biden being a lizard. Follow an obscure thread, ignore real information.
Fuck all the producers... this isn't some make a person from American Idol have a hit album... U2 (what makes them great) is they still think they are those 16-17 year olds trying to prove themselves... but they are the ones making it happen. I could be the producer and it would be okay.

Also Larry says what Larry thinks and does what Larry wants. No one is pushing him out of his own band.
Fuck all the producers... this isn't some make a person from American Idol have a hit album... U2 (what makes them great) is they still think they are those 16-17 year olds trying to prove themselves... but they are the ones making it happen. I could be the producer and it would be okay.

Also Larry says what Larry thinks and does what Larry wants. No one is pushing him out of his own band.

And Larry is not being cagey or silent about whether he has quit. If Larry has quit there is no way we don’t get a statement from him saying “I’m done”
Ok, I have a confession to make. And this is kind of a big deal: I haven't listened to or bought Songs of Surrender yet. So, reading the comments is piquing my curiosity. I'm getting the CD eventually, but I'm not sure when I'll be able to buy it. I think the last time I waited this long to buy some U2 material was Passengers. :wink:

Love reading all the opinions! Great stuff! :up:
It all lines up except for the fact that Larry, the straight shooter, has said he’s injured and wants to come back. Why are people intent on ignoring that.

If Larry was out, he’s say “I’m out”.

People want to think seven layers deep to see things unseen, but ignore the most obvious parts. It’s like watching interviews at Trump rallies where the conspiracy theories about two militaries and Biden being a lizard. Follow an obscure thread, ignore real information.
Yes, but there was also the stuff he's said about not having fun and not liking decisions being made. Reading the subtext of Bono and Edge comments, I think Larry doesn't have the same commitment they do, and a rift is forming. Maybe he'll come back later, but I think Bono and Edge and friends should do something off the success of SOS, and keep that momentum going.
So I don't think Larry is quiet quitting the band with this injury thing

My posting of Larry being a surly prick who is the only one talking about not staying in the band forever was more as a way to downplay his Washington Post "benevolent dictatorship" comments.

He's always been a Mr. Cranky Pants, so we shouldn't read anything into his latest cranky pants comment.

He's hurt, and when he's healthy he'll be back - scowling and miserable as ever.
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It all lines up except for the fact that Larry, the straight shooter, has said he’s injured and wants to come back. Why are people intent on ignoring that.

If Larry was out, he’s say “I’m out”.

People want to think seven layers deep to see things unseen, but ignore the most obvious parts. It’s like watching interviews at Trump rallies where the conspiracy theories about two militaries and Biden being a lizard. Follow an obscure thread, ignore real information.

I agree, but I think some people are ignoring that because U2 like to control the narrative and are also very private, so there's some information out there but not a massive amount. Some of the info is from quotes in interviews which were done some time ago, some more recent, but maybe released out of synch.

Personally, I just think it's symptomatic of that final attention to detail when it comes to PR that U2 have lacked for years. They could have given an exclusive interview to at the time of the Kennedy Centre thing or before SOS or the Sphere ad - Larry or all of them, just saying what's going on and how everything is cool.

Of course, people like to over-think and analyse everything to death these days, so nothing would stop that, but it appears that both casual and die-hard fans have been confused by some of the messages coming out, so they definitely could have managed it better.
Imagine how easy life could be if you just said "Oh that's cool, one of my favorite bands growing up just gave me different versions of 40 different songs, including some deep cuts, and the instrumentation sounds great. What a nice bonus gift."

That person could be you.

As if it’s taxing on one’s life to listen to most of these exactly once and then move on.
I’m making the excruciating journey through this thing today

SYCMIOYO - Wow almost as bad as the original but still an improvement

Oof. This is giving me flashbacks to my own excruciating journey through this thing.
I have to admit that after giving it a ton of spins when it first leaked and over the first weekend - and enjoying it immensely?

I haven't listened to it once since.

Part of that is because I transitioned into Bruce mode as I was seeing him a week after the album came out - but now that that's passed? Yea I haven't felt the urge to go back.
I have to admit that after giving it a ton of spins when it first leaked and over the first weekend - and enjoying it immensely?

I haven't listened to it once since.

Part of that is because I transitioned into Bruce mode as I was seeing him a week after the album came out - but now that that's passed? Yea I haven't felt the urge to go back.

I think that's the crime of this album. When you know the songs so well, even when they are changed up. Only a handful or so call me back to listen.

I think it would have been WAY cooler, more interesting, and much more commercially successful if they had put the request out to other artists to do reimaginings of these 40 songs. From big names to lesser known artists. Have Bono and Edge be part of some of the songs as well. I think it would have been much more interesting and could have pulled a different demo or generation into checking out their music.
my entire thought process with this thing was that it would provide me with some songs that i could toss on when i want something quiet and chill - which i still think is true. i just haven't had said quiet and chill moments just yet. tends to be few and far between when you have an 8 and 5 year old screaming at each other from the moment they wake up until the moment they go to bed.

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