Video Game thread XIII: Knights of the Bro Republic

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Hell yes, it's like Crysis everywhere.

Watch Dogs looks so damn good. Still want to see the console itself though, I gotta know exactly how black and boxlike this black box is going to be.





Does the PS4 have proper lighting this time around? I'm not sure what the term is, but on the consoles, they'd have to cheat with a sort of global ambient lighting technique which made everything look less realistic (and lit up the inside of characters mouths). On the PC, the lighting always looked awesome and had a more realistic dynamic range. Anyone know? It was something I was always disappointed with this current generation

I think this is a good question. N64/PSX-era games look obsolete most clearly in the present day when the developers physically had to compromise with matte paintings and incompletely generating local terrain, something this generation of consoles has pretty well gotten a handle on. And I think the same will happen for the 360/PS3 era against the PS4 consoles w/lighting. I did notice both Watch Dogs and Destiny in the limited trailers seemed to have a little more oomph in specific projected lighting that avoided the global ambient light you're talking about. I can't wait for them to finally start projecting sunbeams and cloud cover in open worlds.
One thing I noticed watching the Killzone gameplay trailer. In this current generation, the screenshots always looked better than the actual moving game. Not sure why that was: maybe something to do with texturing in place of actual geometry, so it took a hit when you could actually move around things.. But Killzone seems to hold up much better. Exciting.
One thing I noticed watching the Killzone gameplay trailer. In this current generation, the screenshots always looked better than the actual moving game. Not sure why that was: maybe something to do with texturing in place of actual geometry, so it took a hit when you could actually move around things.. But Killzone seems to hold up much better. Exciting.

I think a lot of games screen shots were taken on much higher resolutions than consoles could actually handle, since a lot of developers initially make the games on more powerful equipment. To make it work on the consoles, they typically scale back the resolution considerably.

I hate change.

I also hate weak wimpy oh God help! Laura Croft
I think a lot of games screen shots were taken on much higher resolutions than consoles could actually handle, since a lot of developers initially make the games on more powerful equipment. To make it work on the consoles, they typically scale back the resolution considerably.

I bet she sits in the corner and cries after that.
I hate change.

I also hate weak wimpy oh God help! Laura Croft

I've been worried that it would be too linear/too Uncharted like/too brown and dreary, but I think it's completely necessary to change Lara's appearance, and give her more character.

That's my big concern too - I raged pretty hard with the whole attempted-rape controversy when the game was showed last year, and the PR guy describing the gamer as "wanting to protect" Lara - that was infuriating.

It seems that some of that concern was warranted, as Lara does apparently get beaten to shit and does appear weak for the first two hours of the game, but that just seems to be a form of (albeit questionable) character and plot development, to make you feel for Lara and wish revenge on the bad guys. The rest of the game seems to be about her being tough and kicking ass. So there's that, I suppose.

There are certainly other games I'm gonna play first, but I'm not so annoyed by the Tomb Raider reboot as I was before. At the very least, I'll give it a bash and see if my worries were warranted.
Got tomb raider payed off, I can't wait! Just beat metal gear rising its a good game if you like cutting people into 50-100 pieces!
I almost forgot I preordered the special edition of the new God of War... I'm not even sure when it comes out lol.
I'm trying not to get too excited, but I'd be a liar if I said I wasn't pretty pumped.
Not too excited about prequels god of war:ascension an gears of war:judgment? Ehhhh! Now tomb raider and bioshock infinite bring that shit on!!!!!!!!
OH, btw, because you all can tell I am so up on video game news: When I was at Best Buy tonight, I saw the cardboard standup for "Destiny"...I had no idea there was going to be a non-Halo Bungie game....I'm super stoked.
Sometimes I go online and check websites or twitter even though it isn't even fun, it's just habit.

I bought LittleBigPlanet like 3 years ago, dropped it for a loooong time, but have nearly finished it now. I realized I was playing Skyrim almost habitually instead of because I really wanted to, so I stopped and picked LBP up again.

Kind of a weird comparison, but LBP feels like Yoshi's Story done right. It's not a competitive-minded game, but the levels are interesting, there's a metric ton of bonus content since it's the GOTY edition with fan-made levels, and its solidly made.
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