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Dec 6, 2005
Cannot wait to hear this song! I think this might be the big one from the album, Noel Gallagher has says he wished he wrote it, which is saying something.

I wonder if it is a reworking of all my life? It's apparently very beatlesy which AML was.
I wish AML was on this album, it's a mindblowing demo.
Early Beatles.. So we're into All My Loving, Please Please Me, She Loves You territory. Could be good, but not something I'd assume u2 would be good at
Cannot wait to hear this song! I think this might be the big one from the album, Noel Gallagher has says he wished he wrote it, which is saying something.

I wonder if it is a reworking of all my life? It's apparently very beatlesy which AML was.
I wish AML was on this album, it's a mindblowing demo.
Hope you are correct! Loved All my life BIG TIME [emoji7]
Noel says it’s one of their best ever songs. That’s high praise!
Saul says All My Life is not on the album. I can't believe how U2 can leave a chorus like that off an album. It's possibly the best chorus they've come up with since Angel of Harlem. I mean, it just defies all logic, to the point that one must wonder if they have no memory of it whatsoever.
Saul says All My Life is not on the album. I can't believe how U2 can leave a chorus like that off an album. It's possibly the best chorus they've come up with since Angel of Harlem. I mean, it just defies all logic, to the point that one must wonder if they have no memory of it whatsoever.

It could be that it didn't fit the tone of the album. I'm sure it will see the light of day in the future on another 'Best of' or compilation album just like Mercy probably will.
It sounds like a 2017 cover of a rock 'n roll song from the period 1960-1965
Allowed myself to listen to this one, saving the rest for when the album comes out. This is a good one; the chorus is so catchy and Bono's vocals are snappy and strong; he sounds 20 years younger here than he is. Very lighthearted song, very nice.
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I'm really not hearing the Beach Boys like a lot of people have said, but I do hear some Buddy Holly groove like someone has referenced before. It's so nice and bouncy and light. And it has one of my favorite verses on the album ("It is what it is but it's not what it seems, this screwed up stuff is the stuff of dreams. I got just enough low self esteem to get me where I wanna go...") The lyrics and vocal melodies and Bono's phrasing are just killing me on this record!
Yeah, not the Beach Boys for sure.

I can see this song's appeal, but I don't like it at all. The chorus is annoying to my ears. Maybe this is how some people feel about Wild Honey (a similar song, which I love).
Listened some more to this, man it's just a...delight. The melodies are wonderful, the whole production is light on its feet in a way that reminds me of The Sweetest Thing or something like Trip Through Your Wires, except contemporary.

I know I said Bono's voice sounds 20 years younger in this song, but honestly thinking about it it reminds me the most of the way he sounded back on Boy/October. Not quite as, well, boyish, but the way he sings the chorus is totally reminiscent of that era. The way his voice ramps up at the end of "a little more better", or the delivery of "look so good, just a little more little more".

I haven't heard the other non-released songs yet, so maybe a bit premature to say, but please release this as a single. Please.
Very fun song, IMO. Definitely a song I could see as a big live tune. Really enjoying Larry and Adam's work on this song.
It’s a fun song. Bono sounds in October days when he sings “just a little more little more”. This albums party girl. Could be on a ‘90s soundtrack like a Dumb & Dumber.
This is the song that I have the hardest time getting my mind around. It hits me a little like Wild Honey did. Just so unexpected. The most unlike-U2 song I've ever heard them do. It's bright. It's poppy. The "LOOKS SO GOOD!" thing is clearly going to be a big crowd sing along.
Really good song. Could have benefitted from a little guitar solo in place of the bridge.

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