Shuttlecock XXXIII: Is Bono Actually Enrico Palazzo? Discuss.

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does anyone else find the first 4 tracks to be a tad meh?

I felt that way at first but they all turned out to be growers for me. In particular, Bloom was a late-bloomer, and now I love it. I even like Feral. Magpie is probably my least favorite on the record.

The only thing I really don't like about King of Limbs is how much the title sounds like Kings of Leon, whom I do not enjoy.
Every year or so, I read All About Sam to my students. It's about a boy from infancy to age 4. It's mildly hilarious, especially if you're 10 years old. Anyway, one of the chapters is about the boy's pet worm, whom he names King of Worms. That's what I think about when I read the title of the album in my head.
That's awesome. One thing I love about subbing is getting to read to the class. Maybe I should have been a librarian.
The only thing I really don't like about King of Limbs is how much the title sounds like Kings of Leon, whom I do not enjoy.

Haha, that's come up in the Radiohead thread.

I like the first 4 tracks as much, if not more, than the last 4.
Congrats on the job, Elfa. Sorry to hear about your cat.

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