Red Hot Chili Peppers Thread

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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I still love that this thread was made by Lance.

I'm sure his mom got him "discounted" tickets to that show of his.
Just heard Black Summer... oy

Listening to this makes me appreciate being a U2 fan. While U2 may have lost and gained fans along their many changes in sound. This is the same shit we've heard from RHCP for 25+ years. And Kiedis' vocals sound like I'm listening to a song from a Yo Gabba Gabba character.

hard pass.
Love Frusciante's guitar work and his backing vocals(scarce as they are in this song) a lot. Chorus melody/hook could be stronger, but John's so good it doesn't bother me all that much.

Don't get all the hand-wringing over the weird accent thing. It's only there for like two lines...maybe ten seconds out of a nearly four minute song.

I'd say it's a good, but not great, song, that gives me a lot of hope for the album. I am fully expecting it to be my album of the year for 2022.
One other thing - Pitchfork published a list a while back of their top 45 most anticipated albums of 2022:

Apparently one of the biggest band in the world's first album in 16 years with their legendary guitarist isn't one of the 45 most anticipated albums of 2022. I'm not surprised at all, RHCP was never P4K's thing. But still.

Never change, Pitchfork. Never change.
the solo is pretty good. the rest of the song feels like 70% californication and 30% dani california. nothing they haven't done before but it'll probably be a good live jam.
Not bad. Band sounded great. Anthony's haircut in the video is awful. He has great hair. Why does he get these shitty haircuts?
Black Summer is pretty pedestrian, but it's nice to see and hear them back together and I really hope they can tour down under. I've still never seen them live.
Album has leaked,and it's great! Here ever after should have been the first single. Not a song I feel the need to skip, not stadium arcadium level but better than the last 2. Solid 8/10
The Heavy Wing kicks ass. Love those Frusciante vocals on the chorus!
I have a feeling this will become my favorite Chilis album. It has a lot of variety, some of the structures are very interesting, the musicianship is stellar, and every song is at least an 8/10, and Unlimited Love has the Heavy Wing and the other albums don't ;)

The singles didn't thrill me but they've grown on me a lot and they fit really well on the album. Flea-Frusciante-Kiedis-Smith are really on of the best bands ever. I'm so happy that the magic is still there. I wonder what would happen if U2 played, wrote and recorded with the same focus and dedication as RHCP.
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Frusciante rightfully gets most of the praise because the band is on a different level when he's in it but I want to draw attention to the skill, ferocity, and sensitivity of one Mr Chad fucking Smith. He's always been excellent but on this album he's ascended to the top tier of great drummers in any genre.
Gotta be honest, listened to a little bit of this and thought it was pretty awful. I guess I’ve just found so many better bands out there that this album was tough to get into. I’m sure you can call it a god late career effort but it didn’t grab me at all.
it's a really good album but if they had cut it down to the best 60ish mins and used the other tracks as b-sides, it'd be a stone cold classic. i'll probably make a custom playlist later. most of these songs are going to sound great live.
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Frusciante rightfully gets most of the praise because the band is on a different level when he's in it but I want to draw attention to the skill, ferocity, and sensitivity of one Mr Chad fucking Smith. He's always been excellent but on this album he's ascended to the top tier of great drummers in any genre.
Yep,he has moved up a gear on this album. And flea has stepped up as well.

Last night's show. They definitely do not sound or look their age!

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