Red Hot Chili Peppers Thread

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Blue Crack Addict
Aug 29, 2004
Ba Sing Se
So, it's only 9 days until my first Chili Peppers concert here in D.C. From what I hear, they're an amazing good live band, and put on one hell of a stage show. Awesome. I like that in a band.

But I'm only familiar with Californication, By the Way, and of course Blood Sugar Sex Magik. Would you reccomend getting Stadium Arcadium before the show, becuase I'm sure the setlist will be heavy on new material. Or is it not worth it? I've heard wildy mixed reviews on it, which is why I havn't picked it up yet.

Oh, and if anyone gets to one of the first shows on the tour, please post your impressions here. Coolness.
Lancemc said:
So, it's only 9 days until my first Chili Peppers concert here in D.C. From what I hear, they're an amazing good live band, and put on one hell of a stage show. Awesome. I like that in a band.

But I'm only familiar with Californication, By the Way, and of course Blood Sugar Sex Magik. Would you reccomend getting Stadium Arcadium before the show, becuase I'm sure the setlist will be heavy on new material. Or is it not worth it? I've heard wildy mixed reviews on it, which is why I havn't picked it up yet.

Oh, and if anyone gets to one of the first shows on the tour, please post your impressions here. Coolness.

I am excited too!! :hyper: I will be right there with you! In section 6 on the floor!!
Yes, Stadium Arcadium is a great album, one of my faves of last year. I wish I had listened to it more before the show.

Can't wait to hear your reviews! :hyper:
Definitely get Stadium Arcadium, especially if you're going to the show.

I'd say 8-10 are straight from Stadium.
Re: Re: Red Hot Chili Peppers Thread

U2Fanatic4ever said:

I am excited too!! :hyper: I will be right there with you! In section 6 on the floor!!

"right there with you" being a figure of speech of course. I got seats way up in section 403. :wink:

Thanks for the tips though. I'll definitely check out the album now.
Re: Re: Re: Red Hot Chili Peppers Thread

Lancemc said:

"right there with you" being a figure of speech of course. I got seats way up in section 403. :wink:

Thanks for the tips though. I'll definitely check out the album now.

aww.... Lance we all will be in the same place/arena and that is what counts! Rockin out!:wink:
RHCP are amazing live. I saw them in September, it was truely awesome. You need to hear Stadium Arcadium before the show. If you are a Peppers fan you'll love Sa
definitely get Stadium Arcadium. I love it. Even if you don't like every song with so many to choose from you're bound to like some! :wink:

have fun at the concert, I'm incredibly jealous :drool:
I went back in August. Believe me, they put on a really great show. I would recommend getting Stadium Arcadium first. Not just to learn the songs, but the album is really really great.

Enjoy the show :D I'd so go to another show if I could :drool:
Get Stadium Arcadium and One Hot Minute.

Stadium Arcadium is the best record of 2006.

One Hot Minute is the record they made with Dave Navarro and Frusciante was gone, and it gets a lot of undeserved flack - it's a pretty damn good record in its own right. 'My Friends', 'Warped', and 'Aeroplane' are incredible.
Stadium Arcadium is good and I listened to it like crazy when it came out. But I hardly play anything from that album anymore. :slant:
I get any album that I go to the concert for.

It will be heavily played, you will like it and remember it for it anyway.

Besides, while Im a member of the "It Was Too Long School", its a good album for the Chile Peppers.
namkcuR said:
'My Friends', 'Warped', and 'Aeroplane' are incredible.

Aside from those three (and maybe Walkabout) I still think it's a rather mediocre album on the whole. It's worth buying for My Friends, I guess.

Ah, the Chili Peppers...I go through such mood swings when it comes to that band. Sometimes I love them, sometimes I'm bored with them. I'm stuck in the latter category right now.
namkcuR said:

One Hot Minute is the record they made with Dave Navarro and Frusciante was gone, and it gets a lot of undeserved flack - it's a pretty damn good record in its own right. 'My Friends', 'Warped', and 'Aeroplane' are incredible.
Now you see I think the flack is deserved. The band is probably at their least creative and playful on One Hot Minute. I don't want to blame it on Dave, but there's just some element missing to a lot of the album tracks that brings the whole thing down a few notches. I'll be listening to it all the way through again soon though so maybe I'll change my opinion.

Since I don't listen to the radio it took me until now to discover Tell Me Baby. The great thing about the RHCP is that even on the straight up melodic poppy shit they're still musically solid gold baby.
One Hot Minute has some very cool songs, like Shallow Be Thy Name, Transcending, Deep Kick and Warped.

Everything since Californication has been a major disappoitment for me. Mother´s Milk is my favorite RHCP album, a truly unique and amazing effort by the guys (Knock Me Down, Taste the Pain, Good Time Boys, Nobody Weird Like Me... :drool: )
djerdap said:
Mother´s Milk is my favorite RHCP album, a truly unique and amazing effort by the guys (Knock Me Down, Taste the Pain, Good Time Boys, Nobody Weird Like Me... :drool: )

Now that's a great album. One of my favourites. Anthony's lyrics are mostly HORRIBLE on it (but what else is new?) The music more than makes up for it.

GibsonGirl said:

Now that's a great album. One of my favourites. Anthony's lyrics are mostly HORRIBLE on it (but what else is new?)
RHCP is like Muse - it's all about the music :wink:

Hey oh, listen what I say oh?
I enjoyed the show. I was a little disappointed overall though. It wasn't one of the best shows I've seen by any means. The but stage design was excellent. :drool:
I've always bashed RHCP, but you know what? Screw it. I'm going to listen to tons of the band's material and give it a serious chance. I don't like bashing bands that I know little about. There's a good chance I'll love them anyway. :shrug: The only albums I have are Blood Sugar and Californication, but I'd best get to listening to them.
Lancemc said:
I enjoyed the show. I was a little disappointed overall though. It wasn't one of the best shows I've seen by any means. The but stage design was excellent. :drool:

Did Gnarles Barkley open? :drool: I love them. :hyper:
Yes. But they were extremely shitty. Much MUCH better in the studio if you ask me. I've heard from several other people that they were shitty live too. Guess that's just how it is. :shrug:
:( Damn, sorry to hear that. I guess that happens sometimes. Beck was disappointing when I saw him, but I guess can blame that on the venue as much as I could the artist...the sound was absolutely horrible. Indoor venues, as comfortable as they are, seem to have the worst sound. :| Still glad I went anyway, it was a great show.

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