PGP-Dirty dancing into a new thread

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No, I remained under the radar until recently. For awhile, everyone was griping about being assimilated. I thought FB gave up. Yes, I have no plans to go back and add to my timeline or tag anyone else.

The secret is to stay on the news feed ;) I only go to my (timelined) wall if someone's posted a link there for me :lol:
Drea said:
DG :heart: Your coworkers rock!

I know, right? OMG I cried multiple times tonight. Someone told me the cardboard card is signed by those who helped contribute, but I'm 99% sure everyone who donated didn't sign. I don't know who else did but I'm so grateful. They all have expenses but still helped anyway.

OK, here come the waterworks again. :lol: :heart:
Okay, so here is a brief synopsis of my weekend.

As everyone knows I was nervous about getting together with my family as it had been 15 years since I saw 2 of my brothers (including the one that was in the accident). After a LONG travel day to Destin, Florida by way of Houston....we finally got together with everyone.

It went amazingly well like no time had passed. I was filled with so much love from my family that I wish I could bottle it and give it to everyone so you could experience it too. I think this time we are really going to try to stay connected like we were this weekend.

Thanks for the well wishes as y'all knew I was nervous.

And we saw the most amazing thunderstorm ever while at my brother's house in Ft Walton. He lives about a 1/4 mile from the beach and we saw some AMAZING lightning as it went out over the ocean.

Yay for things going well! :hyper:

I killed the thread! :panic:
Sorry. I kinda posted and ran.

Fun fact about the meeting I was at for work (that a few of you will appreciate) - we were meeting at a Harley dealership, and there were a couple of guys playing pool near the meeting room we were in. 2 out of 4 of them were wearing SAMCRO shirts. :D It made me grin. And it reminded me that I have very little time to watch the rest of Season 4. :D
Hi there. :shifty:

Hmph. Well, I have an amazing attention sp-ooooooooh look a bunny!


Sorry. I kinda posted and ran.

Fun fact about the meeting I was at for work (that a few of you will appreciate) - we were meeting at a Harley dealership, and there were a couple of guys playing pool near the meeting room we were in. 2 out of 4 of them were wearing SAMCRO shirts. :D It made me grin. And it reminded me that I have very little time to watch the rest of Season 4. :D
:love: :love:

2 words there that I absolutely love: Harley and SAMCRO.

And, you have 4 and a half weeks until season 5 premieres. That should be enough time to watch the rest of season 4, even if it's only on the weekends..... it depends on the amount of episodes/time you have. :D

*is planning a SoA marathon when s4 comes out on DVD* Starting on the 31st, I will be full of SoA goodness.

:reject: *misses Tig, Chibs, and Happy*
I got my entire family into watching this. I started with my Dad, and then we hooked my brother, and then we got my mom.

It's a family show now. :lmao:

:reject: *has just realized she talks way too much when she's sleepy*
Hi there. :shifty:


:love: :love:

2 words there that I absolutely love: Harley and SAMCRO.

And, you have 4 and a half weeks until season 5 premieres. That should be enough time to watch the rest of season 4, even if it's only on the weekends..... it depends on the amount of episodes/time you have. :D

*is planning a SoA marathon when s4 comes out on DVD* Starting on the 31st, I will be full of SoA goodness.

:reject: *misses Tig, Chibs, and Happy*

I just looked it up, and I think I've only seen 4.5 episodes. I have a lot more to watch than I thought. :lol: It's hard to justify watching TV on the weekends (aside from the Olympics right now), since I try to be outside as much as possible while the weather is so good. But maybe I could load up the episodes and then take my laptop outside and watch them while getting some sun... :laugh:

SoA is on Netflix. It's in my never ending queue of shows to check out.

It's not on the Canadian site, unfortunately. :sigh: It takes SO much longer for us to get shows/movies there. Kinda sucks.
Galeongirl said:
Same here! :lol: And even then I can hardly navigate. It seems to randomly go left or right, so weird!

I did choose a cover photo for the big day. It's like, hey you can go public now. I'm all, fuck you - make me.

But it ought to bend my mom the wrong way as it is my father's family and she can get jealous over the stupidest things. She already cancelled my birthday once this year. Yeah, doesn't mean we aren't both a year older, woman.
Yea it was annoying to find a picture that actually fits that timeline bar.

Well if she gets jealous, it's her problem right?
Yep. Perhaps if she didn't cancel getting together with people, her photo would be up there.

I know that part of the distance between that side of the family and I was due to my mom. I'm not going to point a finger and say 'it's all your fault'. However, she was instrumental in playing to my insecurities and doubts. And she wanted us all to herself - she didn't want to share. If you did spend time with other families (be it your father or husband) she'd attempt to make you feel guilty. I came to the conclusion that I could do everything my mom wanted me to do and she'd still be miserable. So...why make myself miserable and isolate myself from people who love me? She needs to find her own way out of the dark. I'm here if she does...but I cannot join her there.
What the..? It's expected to be -2 C tonight. Come on! It's summer still:|

Oh,:wave: everybody!
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