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Was in swamp picking cloudberrys and fell in up to my chest there :lol:

blender + cloudberrys, blueberrys and raspberrys and just a bit of gin now, damn this is goooooooood :D
JJAsi said:
Was in swamp picking cloudberrys and fell in up to my chest there :lol:

blender + cloudberrys, blueberrys and raspberrys and just a bit of gin now, damn this is goooooooood :D

Switch the gin with vodka and :drool:
Was in swamp picking cloudberrys and fell in up to my chest there :lol:

blender + cloudberrys, blueberrys and raspberrys and just a bit of gin now, damn this is goooooooood :D

:lol: Nice faceplant!

Had to google the type of berry, man you have SO many near you. :envy:

Just picked our Japanese Wineberry(for the first time a berry that is directly translated into Dutch lol), I love those. Will be having those for dessert tonight.

:shifty: I'm having a Glenfiddich n coke. Have to get rid of the coke leftovers from my birthday somehow, and I can't stand it virgin.
Cloudberrys? :ohmy:


not my pic

From wiki

Cloudberries occur naturally throughout the Northern Hemisphere from 78°N, south to about 55°N, and very scattered south to 44°N mainly in mountainous areas. In Europe and Asia, they grow in the Nordic countries and the Baltic states and across northern Russia east to the Pacific Ocean. Small populations are also found further south, as a botanical vestige of the Ice Ages; it is found in Germany's Weser and Elbe valleys, where it is under legal protection, and rarely in the moorlands of Britain and Ireland. In North America, cloudberries grow wild across most of northern Canada, Alaska, northern Minnesota, New Hampshire, Maine, and there is a small population on Long Island, New York.

The cloudberry can withstand cold temperatures down to well below -40°C, but is sensitive to salt and to dry conditions. It grows in bogs, marshes and wet meadows and requires sunny exposures in acidic ground (between 3.5 and 5 pH).

and damn they taste good

not my pic



By far, the least weird looking berry I have ever seen. :lol:

From wiki

Cloudberries occur naturally throughout the Northern Hemisphere from 78°N, south to about 55°N, and very scattered south to 44°N mainly in mountainous areas. In Europe and Asia, they grow in the Nordic countries and the Baltic states and across northern Russia east to the Pacific Ocean. Small populations are also found further south, as a botanical vestige of the Ice Ages; it is found in Germany's Weser and Elbe valleys, where it is under legal protection, and rarely in the moorlands of Britain and Ireland. In North America, cloudberries grow wild across most of northern Canada, Alaska, northern Minnesota, New Hampshire, Maine, and there is a small population on Long Island, New York.

The cloudberry can withstand cold temperatures down to well below -40°C, but is sensitive to salt and to dry conditions. It grows in bogs, marshes and wet meadows and requires sunny exposures in acidic ground (between 3.5 and 5 pH).

and damn they taste good
Okay, then. :D
you can sell em too, price atm is 22 euros / KG and thats alot as blueberrys go for 1.5 / Kg :ohmy::D

but I´m eating mine :drool:
you can sell em too, price atm is 22 euros / KG and thats alot as blueberrys go for 1.5 / Kg :ohmy::D

but I´m eating mine :drool:

Holy shit that's a lot of money! :lol:

Poor you Grace, but I thought everyone was already forced to that shit?

I never use it. I find it annoying as fuck.
No, I remained under the radar until recently. For awhile, everyone was griping about being assimilated. I thought FB gave up. Yes, I have no plans to go back and add to my timeline or tag anyone else.
GraceRyan said:
No, I remained under the radar until recently. For awhile, everyone was griping about being assimilated. I thought FB gave up. Yes, I have no plans to go back and add to my timeline or tag anyone else.

I got hit back in April. :sad: You get used the suckiness though.

not my pic


COOL! Never seen nor heard of em before! :ohmy:

I wonder if they are related to strawberries... reminds me a tiny bit of them. Wow, neat! We grow blackberries in my backyard, and we can grow strawberries whenever we want too.
bonocomet said:
COOL! Never seen nor heard of em before! :ohmy:

I wonder if they are related to strawberries... reminds me a tiny bit of them. Wow, neat! We grow blackberries in my backyard, and we can grow strawberries whenever we want too.

And avocados. Mad jealous.
And avocados. Mad jealous.


Thora will like this: :hmm:

We can grow a lot here. As a kid I used to love hanging out in my grampa's backyard. He lived just a few miles from where I live now. He grew oranges, apples, walnuts, passion fruit, macadamia nuts, peaches, plums, nectarines, persimmons, berries, coconuts, bananas, and my favorite... sugar cane. Probably more I'm forgetting! He was from Hawaii, grew up pretty much in the wild there long before it was a state. He used to tell us how as a kid it was his job to go out in the mountains/jungle and kill the wild boars for their food. :ohmy: When my dad was growing up there it was becoming more civilized, but he still had to walk thru wild areas to get to school and he would bring home coconuts and bananas that were growing wild on the way home.
That sounds yummy.

Think this is where I'll head out-off to my friend's in a couple hours, then it's off to St. Paul for Coldplay tomorrow. Want to make sure I've got all my stuff together. So bye, all, will talk to you again Saturday or Sunday, depending on when I get home and/or if I stay with my friend Saturday night :wave:! Have a good weekend, everyone!
Oh man wish I could live with your grandpa! :drool: That sounds like heaven.

Yeah he missed Hawaii a lot when they moved here when my dad was 12, so he tried to duplicate his backyard here in San Diego to be as much like Hawaii as possible, and he did pretty good!

(Without the wild boars though. :wink: )

Have fun M_A! :wave:
I have the most amazing coworkers EVER. Went in to visit everyone at work. I haven't seen them since July. My managers handed me a big cardboard poster that was a makeshift card with sweet and funny messages. Then they handed me a regular card. Inside was a damn good amount of money my coworkers raised to help me out. I was told they put out a sign up sheet if anyone wanted to work extra shifts to contribute. That means some of my coworkers worked shifts and didn't keep a cent of the tips they earned. I started crying. I'm overwhelmed by their generosity. :heart:
Your Grandad's backyard sounds like it was awesome :drool:

That sounds yummy.

Think this is where I'll head out-off to my friend's in a couple hours, then it's off to St. Paul for Coldplay tomorrow. Want to make sure I've got all my stuff together. So bye, all, will talk to you again Saturday or Sunday, depending on when I get home and/or if I stay with my friend Saturday night :wave:! Have a good weekend, everyone!

Have fun.

I have the most amazing coworkers EVER. Went in to visit everyone at work. I haven't seen them since July. My managers handed me a big cardboard poster that was a makeshift card with sweet and funny messages. Then they handed me a regular card. Inside was a damn good amount of money my coworkers raised to help me out. I was told they put out a sign up sheet if anyone wanted to work extra shifts to contribute. That means some of my coworkers worked shifts and didn't keep a cent of the tips they earned. I started crying. I'm overwhelmed by their generosity. :heart:

Your coworkers are awesome. :heart::cute:
Okay, so here is a brief synopsis of my weekend.

As everyone knows I was nervous about getting together with my family as it had been 15 years since I saw 2 of my brothers (including the one that was in the accident). After a LONG travel day to Destin, Florida by way of Houston....we finally got together with everyone.

It went amazingly well like no time had passed. I was filled with so much love from my family that I wish I could bottle it and give it to everyone so you could experience it too. I think this time we are really going to try to stay connected like we were this weekend.

Thanks for the well wishes as y'all knew I was nervous.

And we saw the most amazing thunderstorm ever while at my brother's house in Ft Walton. He lives about a 1/4 mile from the beach and we saw some AMAZING lightning as it went out over the ocean.

Thora will like this: :hmm:

We can grow a lot here. As a kid I used to love hanging out in my grampa's backyard. He lived just a few miles from where I live now. He grew oranges, apples, walnuts, passion fruit, macadamia nuts, peaches, plums, nectarines, persimmons, berries, coconuts, bananas, and my favorite... sugar cane. Probably more I'm forgetting! He was from Hawaii, grew up pretty much in the wild there long before it was a state. He used to tell us how as a kid it was his job to go out in the mountains/jungle and kill the wild boars for their food. :ohmy: When my dad was growing up there it was becoming more civilized, but he still had to walk thru wild areas to get to school and he would bring home coconuts and bananas that were growing wild on the way home.

That's so cool!! :up: Nothing like fresh fruit and veggies, picked from your own back yard. Crazy about the boars, though! :lol:

I have the most amazing coworkers EVER. Went in to visit everyone at work. I haven't seen them since July. My managers handed me a big cardboard poster that was a makeshift card with sweet and funny messages. Then they handed me a regular card. Inside was a damn good amount of money my coworkers raised to help me out. I was told they put out a sign up sheet if anyone wanted to work extra shifts to contribute. That means some of my coworkers worked shifts and didn't keep a cent of the tips they earned. I started crying. I'm overwhelmed by their generosity. :heart:

Aww, I love it!! :love:

Okay, so here is a brief synopsis of my weekend.

As everyone knows I was nervous about getting together with my family as it had been 15 years since I saw 2 of my brothers (including the one that was in the accident). After a LONG travel day to Destin, Florida by way of Houston....we finally got together with everyone.

It went amazingly well like no time had passed. I was filled with so much love from my family that I wish I could bottle it and give it to everyone so you could experience it too. I think this time we are really going to try to stay connected like we were this weekend.

Thanks for the well wishes as y'all knew I was nervous.

And we saw the most amazing thunderstorm ever while at my brother's house in Ft Walton. He lives about a 1/4 mile from the beach and we saw some AMAZING lightning as it went out over the ocean.

Glad it went well! :)

My brain is fried. We had a debrief meeting for our big event that was a few weeks ago, and it went SO much longer than I thought it would. :crack: Ended up having to work longer than normal. Oh well, that means more time off for me at a later date! :lol:

I had intended to make this incredible sounding vegan gnocchi dish tonight, but it's been put off until tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be able to make it then, because I was just too tired tonight to put in the effort.
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