Ongoing Mass Shooting Thread #3... that's right, a third thread. Because 'Murica.

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Headache in a Suitcase

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Jul 16, 2000
With the other morally corrupt bootlicking rubes.
‘And then you go the further step, and that’s the movies. ‘You see these movies, and they’re so violent a kid is able to see the movie if sex isn’t involved, but killing is involved, and maybe we need to put a rating system for that."

-Donald J. Trump, 2/22/18

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I was overly dismissive in my reply to you as well, and for that I apologise.

(Replying here b/c the other thread is closed).

Fair enough.

I am just incredibly angry about this. I was home as Parkland happened, on Twitter, and watched this unfold in real time and got an alert from my kid's school during (it was a rainy day so pickup was changed...fkn seriously? Text alert for that at that moment?). Not that any of that is needed to be angry, but this was visceral for me.

And I have been part of the political machine. But not party. Non-political staff (that is hilarious, BTW) and researcher for campaigns. I no longer participate in the machinery. But I am intimately familiar with how the NRA crushes candidates through PACs.

Whatever...we need a change
Fewer people in public life chill my blood the way Wayne Lapierre and now Dana Loesch do.

And that includes Trump.
None of those people bother me. They're cynical, and playing a political game, and that's why political cynics do. They can be expected to act a certain way, in certain situations. That I understand and know how to deal with.

The people who scare me are the extreme ideologues...the true believers like Pence or (shudder) Santorum. People who are so blindly devoted to any one ideology that they're ruthless in the application of their dogma.

"A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject." - Churchill
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Fewer people in public life chill my blood the way Wayne Lapierre and now Dana Loesch do.

And that includes Trump.

maybe because Trump is just a malleable narcissist and the other two are actually intelligent and evil? And motivated to push an agenda other than their own name?

Trump has way more opportunity to do damage, but the other two are Damage Inc (with apologies to Metallica. Except Lars. He's a dick).
I was looking for an orange t shirt for June, I always wear this dressier orange top I have but I need a statement shirt and I need to wear it more than once.

So I saw this one. In order of importance? Three way tie?

Dana Loesch is like a credible, professional version of Kellyanne Conway.
Regarding sympathizing with and being affected by what the kids at Parkland were experiencing the day of the shooting, it was heartbreaking, during that town hall last night, to hear the stories from the kids who had to grow up doing active shooter drills in their schools. I never had that growing up. Even after Columbine, we didn't implement that at my schools. I think my sister might've had a couple lockdown drills towards the end of her time in high school, but if so, that was all.

To think about the fact that children are learning this stuff from the time they're old enough to go to school is just insane, and I truly can't believe we've just accepted that as the norm now in our country, instead of immediately decided, "Yeah, our children shouldn't have to think about or be taught how to hide from shooters at school."

And this idea that we need to essentially make our schools look like prisons with all this talk of metal detectors and guards and bulletproof windows and whatnot is equally as ridiculous. If some nutjob can't get a gun in the first place, you wont' NEED any of that stuff, geniuses. That's the whole point.

Here's the NRA score card for my state, one district...there is some pattern here

I'd need to sign up to look up the grades for my state, but I do know the politicians in my state are very NRA-friendly in general. I am ITCHING for the chance to kick Ernst, Grassley, King (especially King, 'cause he is frightening on so many levels), and the like out of office at the first opportunity.
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And this idea that we need to essentially make our schools look like prisons with all this talk of metal detectors and guards and bulletproof windows and whatnot is equally as ridiculous. If some nutjob can't get a gun in the first place, you wont' NEED any of that stuff, geniuses. That's the whole point. .

Yes, but nut jobs can get guns. So the question is, what can you do to prevent them from getting guns, and what do you do in the interim to keep schools safe until that day comes?
Just the idea that this dope is rehashing the video game and movie argument again just drives me up the wall. I thought we had at least left those bullshit theories behind.

Coupled with the fact that he apparently doesn't know that movies already have ratings (have since what the 70's I think?) and those ratings specifically mention things like violence etc. now....hard to believe he's that out of touch, well maybe not.
None of those people bother me. They're cynical, and playing a political game, and that's why political cynics do. They can be expected to act a certain way, in certain situations. That I understand and know how to deal with.

The people who scare me are the extreme ideologues...

So you don't think LaPierre is an extreme ideologue? Seriously???

If he is not extreme, I don't know who is. And his ideology is pretty fucking clear. Demented, but clear.
I probably wasn't clear, but I'm more referring to ideologues in the Government. No doubt many people who are heads of advocacy groups are ideologues. You're probably right that LaPierre is an ideologue, which is a good reason to not like him.
None of those people bother me. They're cynical, and playing a political game, and that's why political cynics do. They can be expected to act a certain way, in certain situations. That I understand and know how to deal with.

The people who scare me are the extreme ideologues...the true believers like Pence or (shudder) Santorum. People who are so blindly devoted to any one ideology that they're ruthless in the application of their dogma.

"A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject." - Churchill

I agree with your points re: Pence and Santorum, but at the same time I cannot help but wince at any use of a Churchill quote. It's long past the time that we repeat or care about whatever the hell he thought, in my opinion.
I agree with your points re: Pence and Santorum, but at the same time I cannot help but wince at any use of a Churchill quote. It's long past the time that we repeat or care about whatever the hell he thought, in my opinion.

We'll have to disagree on old Winston. Churchill was one of the greatest leaders of the 20th century, and certainly one of the greatest Britons ever. Though obviously he had his flaws.

Plus, he's more quotable than just about anyone who ever lived with the possible exception of Shakespeare.
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We'll have to disagree on old Winston. Churchill was one of the greatest leaders of the 20th century, and certainly one of the greatest Britons ever. Though obviously he had his flaws.

Plus, he's more quotable than just about anyone who ever lived with the possible exception of Shakespeare.

We'll have to disagree on old Winston. Churchill was one of the greatest leaders of the 20th century, and certainly one of the greatest Britons ever. Though obviously he had his flaws.

Plus, he's more quotable than just about anyone who ever lived with the possible exception of Shakespeare.

One of the greatest Britons ever? Nick, are you on the turps right now?
One of the greatest Britons ever? Nick, are you on the turps right now?

High on history my friend. :)

I don't regard that statement as particularly controversial. Brits think he's the #1 Briton anyway, BBC said so! (though that ranking was of dubious quality, as it had Princes Di at #3 above Darwin and Shakespeare).
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