NYC March 2nd

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.




I know.

I'm going to buy a disposable digital camera for tomorrow.

This trip has been so worth it
so each of them spent less than a couple of minutes then, you'd say? another Q: is there enough time to go to a show, then run out as soon as it's done to meet them?
Yeah, you can do that.

They didn't spend that much time because it was freezing out.
That is the BEST photo of Larry, the one where he's trying to cross the street. Must've been a pretty busy I love it...and I love his jacket. Edge looks like he is absolutely freezing to death...great job in getting the photos...thanks for posting, hope you've warmed up a bit.
I have. I took a shower as soon as I got back to the room. My camera wouldn't work for Adam and Bono, but I got them earlier and Bono signed for me this time. He didn't sign for a lot of people
That is the BEST photo of Larry, the one where he's trying to cross the street. Must've been a pretty busy I love it...and I love his jacket. Edge looks like he is absolutely freezing to death...great job in getting the photos...thanks for posting, hope you've warmed up a bit.

There was a lot of traffic coming
so afterward you waited across the street, right? the opposite side of where you waited in the afternoon? How come?
There was really no one over there and we decided to go there. They went to where we were before too. Across the street in the afternoon there was alot of phtographers and reporters, so that is maybe why they didn't spend as much time
so would you say it's best to go to whatever group of fans is smaller, or to the side where they don't have to cross coming outside?
so would you say it's best to go to whatever group of fans is smaller, or to the side where they don't have to cross coming outside?

They went to both sides after the taping. So you just have to pick one. If there looks like a lot of media across the street they might not stay over there.
Sucks your camera stopped working for Bono and Edge.
i would have loved some more of edge haha
my hands were frozen and i couldnt react quick enough when he came over
adam did too today! when they were getting the street named after them, he took either a picture or video of us.....i made a really funny face :D
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