Maddy's Story (This is Maddy!!)

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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BonosLil'Pal94 said:
thanks schmeg. it was really great to meet u! i could see u and zoney for a little bit, but then i lost sight of u, lol

We saw you!

And then when you were pulled up...we both had to wipe a tear from our eyes too! Tears of happiness! :D:up:

People around us thought we were pretty weird yelling "THAT'S MADDY...THAT'S MADDY!!!" They were yelling "That's KidRock" before the show, and the we were yelling for you! ARE famous now! :D We were both so happy for you!
just found this great photo

I've received so many privately so far. A big :hug: to all of you
MADDY!!! congrats!!!!!!!!! did you see me smiling and waving at you (and i might have been screaming, GO MADDY! :reject: )

You were wonderful :)
Thanks Ruffian! I don't think I was really looking at the crowd at all :reject: except for when Bono did the No Mores with the crowd. But thanks for rooting for me!!! I appreciate it! :rockon:
Congrats Maddy! I recognized you immediately by your hat (I remember you saying it was vertigo colors) and began screaming. We were cheering for you like mad, enough to get awkward looks from the people around us :wink:

I'm sooooo happy for you!
Congrats again Maddy! I was hoping someone would let you get up closer as the U2 set started and was happy when I saw Daryl hooked you up. Seems like John was fantastic to you, and well, we know about Bono! :drool:

You did very, very well!

This is Michael..."wild horses" guy. I saw your post on my thread and thought i'd say hi. You did fantastic on stage. I'm sure Bono was so pleased how well you went with it.

Maddy, I posted earlier in this thread but am enjoying reading all the positive feedback! I hope this thread grows and grows, you deserve the attention! Again, congratulations, and don't forget the little people as your fame grows! :)
redhotswami said:
Congrats Maddy! I recognized you immediately by your hat (I remember you saying it was vertigo colors) and began screaming. We were cheering for you like mad, enough to get awkward looks from the people around us :wink:

I'm sooooo happy for you!

Us too - we knew it was you right away! I was telling these ppl next to us (Brian, who was TOO cool - thanks for the beer runs and for hoisting Jason up on your shoulders) ITS MADDY, we know her! Jason is wearing his Bono shirt, and they're like "does EVERYONE you know get up there???" I said, well, Bono loves kids, and we're kind of a tight (crazy) little community, and if you go to enough shows, good things are bound to happen.

Maddy, you were absolutely awesome on stage last Saturday night. It made for one of the most beautiful moments of the show. I only had a Kodak funsaver camera with me but I did snap one shot during your performance with Bono.

Rock on, little sister!!!

- Jim


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Lila64 said:
just found this great photo

I've received so many privately so far. A big :hug: to all of you

I know that person that took that pic! Nicamom.. she used to post here.. Here name is mariana and if you need any more pics let me know I can email her.. She lives in Fullerton,CA... I met her back during the elevation tour...
redhotswami said:
Congrats Maddy! I recognized you immediately by your hat (I remember you saying it was vertigo colors) and began screaming. We were cheering for you like mad, enough to get awkward looks from the people around us :wink:

I'm sooooo happy for you!

I know, the four of us all turned to each other and screamed “That’s Maddy!” What a show!
Maddy, you have no idea how excited so many people are for you. You totally deserved it and did a great job. I was so impressed with how you held your own hanging out with a bunch a adults all morning, you are very mature.
I gave you a pair of black and red beads right before they started moving our pens. I know you had lei on; did my beads make it up on stage too?
thanks for that photo Vox4Life!!!

And Amy, yes, I sent you a message about Nicasmom's photo, would love that one too! Wait til the photo shop sees me with disc of photos to be printed, LOL.

Hi patti!!! :wave: :hyper:
Who's kid are you Maddy? I mean, it seems Lila's taking credit for you, but Lila's kinda reserved and you're much more fun and outgoing...:wink:

Congrats kid...and I thought meeting Bono at the Edun thingy was cool...this tops that by miles!!! :rockon:
Lila64 said:
thanks for that photo Vox4Life!!!

And Amy, yes, I sent you a message about Nicasmom's photo, would love that one too! Wait til the photo shop sees me with disc of photos to be printed, LOL.

Hi patti!!! :wave: :hyper:

Hey Lila... I just emailed Mariana and gave her your yahoo email addy. :wink:
Maddy (and Lila) - I just finished reading through this thread. I was there in Hawaii and saw your story in real life. That was so awesome! I have a 10 year old daughter and when she hears about you, I'm sure she'll want to come along to the next U2 show that I go to.

Hi Patti and Mia :wave:
Maddy, let me join in congratulating you!
You have a wonderful mom.

On the next BAW-B-Q, you will be a celebrity! :)

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