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Well that's a mile better than whatever the hell that sack of crap first single was.
I don't care what you douche whistlers say, I'm crazy psyched for this album tomorrow. Eat poo, fart faces.
Isn't Steve Vai on one of these new songs? That would explain it.

well if I listen to the song again it actually sounds so much like Steve. his solo is in Go! it kinda surprises me, though the fact that he's in alt rock album. but again, Steve isn't typical close-minded shredder so i understand.
Downloading now, poopy head. :madspit:

It is without a doubt very different (and problably more "Frenchy") than anything he's ever done, but it's also fun and well done. I enjoyed my first listen.
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I'm not digging it too much on first listen, everything is a little too upbeat and 80's cheese for me - I literally had a flashback to watching terrible TV shows as a kid during Moon Shadow...

Its missing almost all of the atmospherics that made me fall in Love with Saturdays = Youth and Hurry Up, We're Dreaming.
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Laughed so hard at Moon Crystal.

I'm not one to fetishize 80s cheese, so this really isn't the direction I wanted to see him take. But it's an entertaining album.
Laughed so hard at Moon Crystal.

I'm not one to fetishize 80s cheese, so this really isn't the direction I wanted to see him take. But it's an entertaining album.

Moon Crystal is basically background music for super-early weather forecast (5am-ish?) on public TV station in Japan. basically elevator music.

i can't really tell why 80s nostalgia is becoming this popular. I don't think it's right direction for shrinking music business.
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I don't think this album sounds like the '80's at all. French pop, yes.
I'm sure I'm alone in this, but this album is growing on me quite a bit. Sure, it's not what everyone expects from M83, but it's still pretty damn enjoyable.

If you don't agree, S my D, MFs.

this happened today, in the midst of Prince (and infinite sadness).
I feel like M83 should at least should hire guitarist who can play Steve's solo.
Sometimes I forget there's one song on this album that I like.

I'm bummed people don't like the album, but I get why. Very different from what people probably want from him, but I'm still really happy with it for what ever reason (that reason being that I'm happy with any new M83, regardless of style or quality. Ironically, an M83 song is on a commercial on TV as I type this). Go's definitely a great song. Anyways, I don't know why I feel compelled to continually defend this album, I TOTALLY understand why people aren't liking it. That said, it'll probably end up on my year end list. Really wish I would have gone to his/their recent concert here. I sometimes almost hero worship certain bands I've never seen live, or haven't seen live very often.

M83 are definitely one of those artists who seem to release music that's right up my alley I can't find much wrong with, regardless of quality. So many good memories and history with his/their music.
I love M83. I defend them even at their most lyrically inane or musically ostentatious and they certainly push those limits often.

But Junk just feels like a genre exercise to me, a celebration of a time and place (that I had no access to), rather than a collection of excellent M83 songs with a specific set of influences. Go! is awesome because it's a naturally enjoyable M83 song that also fits into the theme of the album. To me, it's as good as much of Hurry Up We're Dreaming.

I totally understand what you mean w/r/t defending albums that you know lack appeal in certain areas. I'll always defend The Life of Pablo, but I know why some fans would hate it or be disappointed by it.
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Yeah, I definitely understand where you're coming from and respect your opinion. You and Bonoz2012 are awesome music fans with good taste and I'm really glad you're both still posting here. I'm probably semi-drunk (or totally drunk), but really mean that. This thread is so fucking nostalgic for me. So many awesome kickass mother fuckers have posted here. I miss you all.
Haha, I would have guessed high. I love you, mofo. Keep posting. But take recommended breaks every 20 minutes.

An added bonus of defending unpopular albums to the death: occasionally, occasionally you'll enjoy the delicious taste of victory when time passes and everyone realizes they were wrong.
Anyways, I don't know why I feel compelled to continually defend this album...M83 are definitely one of those artists who seem to release music that's right up my alley I can't find much wrong with, regardless of quality.

Basically how I feel about King of Limbs.
I'm enjoying Junk as well. Can't say that much about it though. It's just a nice listen.
I'm with mofo on this one. I enjoy the album a great deal, even if I haven't been able to go back to it as often as I'd like. It doesn't reach the level of Hurry Up or Saturdays = Youth, but that's a high bar.
I can't even finish it :(. I really like some parts of it, but there's nothing I love and a couple of tracks I just fucking hate. I'm trying, Mofo. I am. For you.

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