Long Hair On Guys: A Poll For Women

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Long Hair On Guys - What do you think?

  • Love it

    Votes: 34 41.0%
  • Indifferent to it

    Votes: 27 32.5%
  • Hate it

    Votes: 22 26.5%

  • Total voters
I LOVE it. :love: JT Bono was HOT!

While I prefer long or at least shoulder length hair on guys, it doesn't have to be really long. I can't stand very short, spiked, gelled or shaved hair. It has to at least be long enough to lay down on its own. Long enough to shake, long enough to grab a handful of. To me, a guy with all his hair shaved off or closed cropped makes his face less attractive.

Strangely enough, I prefer a totally bald head to shaved or stubbly hair. If a guy is losing his hair, I'd say go for the chrome dome instead of the sparse look. Either that or put on a beanie, Edge's is cute.

But if you can grow hair, please do!
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Lila64 said:
think it depends on the man

quoting myself here..

I prefer this (well not mussed up, but what I could find):

to this:


actually - that may be a bad example. That last pic ain't half bad :hmm:


who could I look for :hmm:
No thanks. The only guys that can pull it off are never my type anyway (or, they'd look just as fine with shorter hair). Phil has thick hair and short, tight curls :drool:
I voted "indifferent" because I like either way, but some guys can pull it off and some guys can't.
In the long hair cases I prefer not much more than shoulder length and it has to be clean and non-stringy. As for hairstyle... ponytail is usually ok, some guys can pull off other styles, but if you're not sure don't do it.

My boyfriend has long hair. In reality it's down to between his shoulderblades, but since it's curly it looks about shoulder-length.
It's also thinning and I've been trying to gently tell him to cut it, because balding long hair is never good. Plus, he sheds all over everything.

Oh, and you have have have to take care of it. Many men (like, my boyfrind) just don't know how - wash it all on top of their head with no conditioner, rub it furiously with a towel, and put a fine-toothed comb at the top of their head and pull (and then wonder why I'm screaming at the horrible ripping sound).
Celticfc said:
hey ladies dont diss the long hair on guys.

I don't think they were LOL. I think most didn't mind it! Its all good! Us longhairs can sleep easy! (on our comfortable mains!)
Sting said:

I don't think they were LOL. I think most didn't mind it! Its all good! Us longhairs can sleep easy! (on our comfortable mains!)

Ive had long hair since I was 17. Im 36 now and its not as thick as it used to be. Im still not cutting it..:crazy:
I used to say I'd never go out with a guy with longer hair than myself (even when it was short) but then I saw this Australian guy for awhile who was :drool: and the best looking guy I have seen here definitely had a ponytail....so I guess I am a convert. If a guy can pull it off, why not? :drool:
Sting said:

how about this hip medium length haircut

In my opinion this is still short! But it's not too short at all. I like this look and this guy is hot. :combust:

From what I've seen this appears to be the new 'in' look and it's a great improvement over what has been 'in' the last 10 years. This is indeed the new 'hip' look :drool:
I tend to prefer males with longer hair, though there are exceptions. Nothing too far beyond the shoulders, mind you. And I hate it when guys tie their hair back into a ponytail. :yuck: So I guess it's mainly that 70s look that I like the most.

Really really short hair does nothing for me. Spiked short hair does even less. :mad:
U2Kitten said:

In my opinion this is still short! But it's not too short at all. I like this look and this guy is hot. :combust:

From what I've seen this appears to be the new 'in' look and it's a great improvement over what has been 'in' the last 10 years. This is indeed the new 'hip' look :drool:

sweet! one forumer thinks im okay looking! w00t!
tis I! Sadly this is a dead thread... i was reading a thread about Bono's hair in PLEBA and I saw the title of this thread below in the Similar Thread part... I posted and than didn't realize it was about a week old :sad:. Oh well!

I had it short for a couple of years, now ive been growing it for more than a year.. with one haircut in between.

Still means something to me. The whole musical "Hair". Or Dreadlocks. Or the greasers.

I used to have it all cut, neat neat, even thought I had to have it cut for management jobs and the like, you know; today no one will judge a man for long hair, but it is still uncommon to see, say, lawyers with hair down to their ass. Well, what can I say, when I got 30, all of that schtick didn´t matter that much anymore, so let it grow, let it grow,..
whenhiphopdrovethebigcars said:

I had it short for a couple of years, now ive been growing it for more than a year.. with one haircut in between.

Still means something to me. The whole musical "Hair". Or Dreadlocks. Or the greasers.

I used to have it all cut, neat neat, even thought I had to have it cut for management jobs and the like, you know; today no one will judge a man for long hair, but it is still uncommon to see, say, lawyers with hair down to their ass. Well, what can I say, when I got 30, all of that schtick didn´t matter that much anymore, so let it grow, let it grow,..

Uhoh! You're turning into an old hippy! :ohmy:

I like short hair on guys. I like the whole clean cut look on guys. I just find them much more attractive.

I also like guys who have lots of hair on top. You know like James Dean hair:

:drool: :drool:

Of course I like ANY tye of hair style that my husband has had:


:drool: :drool:

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