I played WILD HORSES on piano

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The Fly
Aug 25, 2002
For the 2nd time in my life...yes, SECOND....a dream has come true.

First it was St. Louis with Yahweh.....

now, Honolulu....Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses

This was the single most amazing experience of my entire Hawaii Trip....(and it's not even over yet...i'm still in Kauai)

if anyone wants to know why I was being so "specific" as Bono put it....this is what happened.

I brought a sign asking to play "Wild Horses"....

Well, as "Angel of Harlem" is ending, Bono's playing his harmonica RIGHT over me....he see's my sign.

He stops and then just starts asking me to come on up on stage...
I quickly pointed out on my sign that it said "Wild Horses". But the security guy just threw me up on stage! haha

Bono puts his arms around me and ask "So you play piano?"

Thats when I was "FRANTICALLY" telling him "yes yes, but I can't play this...I've only practiced "Wild horses"

Bono looks at me and says "Bahh, you can play this!" (meaning Angel)....

and i'm like "No no no no!!! I can't. I promise! I don't know how to play that!"

Bono stops and just starts laughing and then tells Edge "Edge! I have a gentlement that is being very SPECIFIC.

The rest is history.....greatest time i've ever had at a concert.

I actually still haven't heard any audio of it so i'm waiting to get back home to do that. I hope it sounded half way OK.

I know i messed up once when they went into the "Bridge" and I hadn't realized they had yet because, just like St. Louis, i had trouble hearing Bono over the music. Edge starts shouting "GO TO "D"!!"

anyway, afterwards I told both of them that I was the same guy and they both just looked kinda shocked and laughed.

Well...obviously..if ANYONE has Photographs or Video....PLEASE PLEASE email them to me.

thanks so much!!!! This was the greatest U2 show i've seen out of the 10.....and it's not just because of this.

God bless
I didn't know you were the same guy from St. Louis! That's so cool. I was at that show too, and I think I met you in line.

Congratulations!! You were great both times. It was definitely great to hear Wild Horses.

I posted one picture of you on stage in the photo thread already. I might have a couple more still on my camera, but I'm not sure. I'll get back to you on that. :)
Hey Mike, met you after the show, what a great time that was, especially when you came back down Adam's B-stage and started jumping up and down and pumping your fist in excitement. The whole audience started cheering for you.

I have a short video clip of you and your sign after the show, it's kind of lame, but I'll post it in the next couple of days, if you want.
4U2Play said:
Hey Mike, met you after the show, what a great time that was, especially when you came back down Adam's B-stage and started jumping up and down and pumping your fist in excitement. The whole audience started cheering for you.

I have a short video clip of you and your sign after the show, it's kind of lame, but I'll post it in the next couple of days, if you want.

Congratulations :applaud: It was great when you came down back the catwalk jumping & cheering. I was so happy for you. You played the song great. Looked like you guys were trying to read the music or something and it was blowing away off the keyboard. I'm surprised Bono remembered most of the words :lol:

Haven't seen any audio or video show up yet, hopefully soon. BTW, my daughter was the girl brought up for SBS shortly after your moment. I have to agree - best show, and not just because she got up on stage. :happy:

That is so great, what luck you have!! You were so adorable when the song was finished, I was cracking up, all of us fans felt your excitement with you.

You know, a lot of people who don't really know U2 totally thought that was staged. Those of us who have been to enough concerts knew it wasn't. I mean, come one, they really struggled to get through the song.

It didn't look staged at all.

I'm surprised Bono was able to remember so many of the lyrics, though.
mads said:
It didn't look staged at all.

I'm surprised Bono was able to remember so many of the lyrics, though.

I agree, it didn't look staged at all to me, but a bunch of people around me were all saying "they totally planned that!". I was just :rolleyes:
Thats really cool Mike! I was the kid for SBS. I was so happy for you when you got up! I thought Bono's remark was really funny, and I'm glad you had a great time :happy:
Too cool. I was at the St Louis show also. I was telling my friends in the ellipse that something like this happened in STL also, having no idea it was you there again. It was eerily similar, Edge leaning in and offering some guidance. no bells this time though.....
:bow: I play piano and can't imagine just how good that must have felt.

Were you nervous second time around?

*mustgofind'Wild Horses'sheetmusic*
Pop Artist said:
You played well! That was very cool. :)

BTW, you might be interested in seeing this... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjlUtIj2ego



WTG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU ROCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happy:

just watching that and when you left the stage I can feel it (That thrill, joy that you were feeling wow!).. gives me goosebumps just watching it.

so when is your next wedding, bar mitzvah gig? :lol:

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