Holy fuck

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The Fly
Feb 27, 2005
France, precisely Dijon for mustard lovers
Holy fuck, you fit me like a key in the lock,
Lucky me who stands up like the hand of a clock
But stuck, I only fancy your gulp endlessly,
That cherry lollipop you suck gluttonously.

O sweet hole, I slip in as in a waterfall,
As your hips greet me home behind a firewall,
So soft and wet that I lose control to the heat
And the smooth velvet, it all swept me off my feet.

We need to get a grip and achieve the last lap,
Let us bite our lips and leave the clasp so sultry,
Let our bodies gasp and heave, just about to snap.

But my sap I do keep for your tightest entry
Where I will creep in and out, just filling the gap
And trapped in your deep, I will end the poetry.

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