Do you ever look back at all the years of this site…

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I was playing MLB The Show the other day and played the Liechtenstein Whalers and couldn’t not think of interference.
And the fact that the guy owned up to it right away like it was no big deal. Like "Yeah I did it. So what?" and then he was banned 5 minutes later.
it all kind of started here...

after re-reading this? i may have to rethink Fake Edge/Dalkey Beach being the #1 moment.

oh and in the thread that follows this one? i go round for round with a poster who tried to argue that the U2 album is delayed by Jimmy Iovine on behalf of the illuminati. true story.

ahh shit this place used to be the best (and worst).

my favorite part of the aftermath of the whole church calling thing, in hindsight, is that a lot of the people who were complaining about how this place was becoming a toxic cesspool are now active participants in the political forum of TalkU2.
other highlights from those threads...

**iron yuppie made a comment in summer 2013 that U2 will never become hip and cool with the kids again if they insist on making every release a spectacle. ha!

**a poster thought it would have been a good idea for U2 to tag along on the new iTunes/iPhone release in September 2013. also ha!
so i'm on a full on 2013/2014 interference u2 rabbit hole now...

the guy who first tweeted that U2 would be releasing the album at the apple event? currently sends out pro-putin propaganda for RT.

so maybe that illuminati guy was on to something.
The plot thickens! I have been contacted by someone who says that the person who we all think called the church did NOT call the church! Either Shawn made it up or we have not caught the real church caller yet!
is this the "satellite of love thing"?

i've been going down a rabbit hole of epic interference flameouts this afternoon. we had some great ones.

This forum just ain't what it was pre-2007

So, effective immediately, close my account. You can attempt to distort perceptions and say I was banned if that's your style. Regardless, go ahead and take care of that today.

So this post is me taking action. The administrator(s) have 1 of one 2 choices. They can either take action themselves and "CHANGE" the culture here and improve the mood around here OR, they can dig in and stay mired in this communistic, censor-ridden climate. If they choose the latter, I am going to take serious action. They're are people in cyberspace who can help me. Help "US". If you wish to be apart of my "movement" should events lead me to that, by all means feel free to pm me. I will do everything in my power to see to it that the behavior of the powers that be on this board is exposed and that change is made. Change, so that casual posters such as myself are treated fairly and respectfully. The oppressive censorship, favoritism, and harrasment that exists here needs to END. I will make an example of of this mb by seeking help through the proper channels and bringing it's duplicity to light. The unfair practices that exist here will be exposed.


Well make no mistake, your oppressive rule, should it continue, will be brought to light and dealt with swiftly and justly.
The administrator and his/her yes-men will not strong-arm me into keeping my mouth shut on this matter. It’s called “FREEDOM OF SPEECH”. I will no longer be a silent drone to this oppression and tyrannical censorship.

The plot thickens! I have been contacted by someone who says that the person who we all think called the church did NOT call the church! Either Shawn made it up or we have not caught the real church caller yet!

get the fuck out of here...

guess this guy was right after all.

Originally posted by redhill

All truth passes through three stages:

First, it is ridiculed.

Second, it is violently opposed.

Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.


i think we all need to now accept the fact that Morrissey played Satellite of Love as a nod to U2's at that point yet to be performed Glastonbury set.

also here's an image of Steved out looking for the real church caller

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"This forum just ain't what it was pre-2007 but I still post here" is going in my signature.
  • call your church
  • fake edge / dalkey beach
  • grand bitch / sexual harassment panda
  • satellite of love
  • zoots scoot riot
  • larry is not on board
  • retractable roofs
  • r/thedonald / cracker barrel
  • Lichtenstein

what am i missing?
I need to make mention of two more things.

One was that awful 'boxscore' thread where two posters just argued back and forth ad infinitum about ticket sales. Anyone else remember that?

But I can comfortably say the worst thing that has ever happened on this website was the 360 setlist party threads making me hate Hold Me Thrill Me Kiss Me Kill Me.
  • call your church
  • fake edge / dalkey beach
  • grand bitch / sexual harassment panda
  • satellite of love
  • zoots scoot riot
  • larry is not on board
  • retractable roofs
  • r/thedonald / cracker barrel
  • Lichtenstein

what am i missing?

Can I get a recap of fake edge?

But also you’re clearly missing “Is Bono Okay?”

Also not in the same spirit here but I do love your early thoughts on Rudy Giuliani.
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