Anaheim II Setlist Party

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Earnie Shavers said:
1. Pretty clearly a run through for a set that is, and has every right to be, a pure Greatest Hits/Nostalgia set.

2. It's their own fault for these days only being able to write 'rockers' that can't hold a fucking candle to those Achtung songs.

I think nloth (song) is the closest they have come
What a great setlist! :combust:

I was glad I was going to Montreal 2 before, but now, I am beyond excited for it!! :panic:

I think this may be more af a rehearsal for Glasto, but dear God, I hope we get the Fly!!!
I'm hoping they close out the tour with this new setlist; at least play it in East Lansing! Way to shake things up U2.
That was AMAZING seeing The FLY tonight! My first time seeing it live so I pretty much lost it when they started it. Plus I freaked when I saw the guitar! I had just asked Dallas in Oakland when Bono was going to start playing it! He told me we weren't supposed to know about it... yet. :wink:

I'll have tons of pics to upload later when we go through them but I grabbed this one real quick before the camera battery died. :love:


WOW!!!! :heart::heart:
:drool: That's an EXCELLENT version of The Fly right there. The vocals are superb as well. Did anyone else than I think about how much better Bono sounds on the verses than on the Vertigo-tour? Instrumentally a lot more like it sounded on the Vertigo Tour, but vocally more akin to ZooTV.
That is a great version of The Fly. Fantastic that there's going to be a very pro, pro-shot version of it available at the end of the week.
I don't think that there's a major difference vocally between the Vertigo and the 360 versions, but it is unfair to compare one 360 version to about 100 Vertigo versions. Bono sounded far more energetic on some 2005 versions than here, and he sometimes sounded far worse (forgetting the lyrics as well) than in Anaheim. Time will tell as to which version I prefer, since I bloody well hope this will get played at every show from now on. When the band was on at the Vertigo Tour, it was easily that tour's highlight.

What I can see from the video is that the band is loving this. Larry looks, acts and plays with more energy than I've seen him in a long time, and Edge has this priceless devilish smirk on his face after the song ends.

That song will kick Glastonbury's ass.
The Fly = :drool:

This version of The Fly seems to combine cool aspects of all three versions. A guitar tone somewhere between Elevation and Vertigo, the sweeping Edge falsetto of Vertigo, and the drums of ZooTV and Elevation... wow.

Really? To me it sounded almost identical to the Vertigo versions.
They should add all the slogans to the screens like they did for Zootv and Vertigo.. That would put the performance over the top
Steved1998 said:
They should add all the slogans to the screens like they did for Zootv and Vertigo.. That would put the performance over the top

That would have been awesome

I wish they would have used my avatar during HMTMKMKM.

If they would have done that, I seriously would have whipped it out.
That was awesome!!
Does anyobody else miss Bono "losing his mind" running around like a maniac during this song? :lol::D It definitely adds something to it like the Elevation version when he jumps down in to the audience.:drool: That was badass. But can't have everything ....glad this makes so many of the faithful happy!:up:

For anybody that was there do you think the non regular fans realized how special this was? Could you tell if most were in to it?
This has to be the first set that featured more songs from the 90s than the 80s in ages. :drool:
I posted 4 videos in the YouTube and review threads...The Fly, MOS with Jungleland, GOYB and Stuck in a Moment...
I posted 4 videos in the YouTube and review threads...The Fly, MOS with Jungleland, GOYB and Stuck in a Moment...

Thank you so much. Jungleland is my absolute favorite Springsteen song. If I'd been there, I'd have exploded into a ball of goo - like in Spinal Tap.
I'll be right there. Almost done uploading THE MOTHERFUCKING FLY onto Youtube. Still cant' believe the hotel doesn't have WiFi.

Oh and the show was incredible. Minds were blown.

. . . is it sad that when I ripped the covers back and rubbed the sleep from my monday morning eyes, all I could think about was whether or not this video had been posted somewhere yet . . .:reject: :hyper: . . . and I can only imagine how freakin' exciting it must have been to witness this . . . so happy for all of you lucky enough to be there . . . of course there was honorary lounge room dancing in my world on your behalf :sexywink:

:heart: :heart: :heart:

Do you think it's a nod to the fact that Morrissey doesn't sing in a falsetto much?

Maybe, Bitch.

:lmao: :cute:
Ya, he definitely had more passion! He's been missing that lately. Thanks for posting all your great vids!

That type of passion hearkens back to the live "Bad" days during the UF tour.

So exceptionally powerful and moving.

The difference between trying to be passionate and being passionate.

Thanks for sharing Chrisedge.
That type of passion hearkens back to the live "Bad" days during the UF tour.

So exceptionally powerful and moving.

The difference between trying to be passionate and being passionate.

Ya, I miss the passionate Bono of years ago too.
When you see it return for just a split second or two these days it's very special. Too bad it's a rare occassion.
You guys were very fortunate last night. I think when there is something emotional going on that puts a new spin on things when Bono sings. Obviously :D
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