Pink Floyd Thread

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Awesome review. About ten years ago my dad, sister, and I had a similar experience at a Waters concert. Like you they are one of my favorite bands, but I don't often find myself returning to them these days. I hadn't thought of the pertinence of Animals to the present day, but damn you are right about that. Pigs especially.
haha that's awesome. i saw roger waters with my dad too in 2006 and i could have written a very similar review then too.

i still listen to pink floyd from time to time but not as much as i used to, now it's usually when i'm playing guitar and i feel like playing along with dsotm or shine on or echoes etc. the release of the early years box set last year got me back into them for a while, and i gave most of the discography another listen. i'm sure i'll always occasionally listen to the albums from meddle to animals, not sure about the rest.
The Animals tracks are pure genius. I'm looking forward to see Roger here in May - I've seen him twice before and all shows were breathtaking.
Yeah iYup, I was not surprised but I was a little stunned at just how well Animals fits today. Obviously it’s a sociopolitical commentary on 70s Britain, the burgeoning years of Thatcherism and all that, but my goodness it’s still so relevant today. Dogs is the ultimate, it was a shame to not get Sheep but he couldn’t play everything. Pigs though really was stunning. I’m sure you’re aware of him using it as a brutal anti-Trump treatise but it really comes to life in a live setting. The massive screens that run all the way down the arena, transformed into Battersea Power Station, are all displaying pics of Trump as a pig, with a Klan hood on, with a tiny penis, it’s a fucking riot. I’ll post some pics later on that I took on my phone. ‘CHARADE’ and other lyrics on the screens. Even the song’s own lyrics have turned around to be super relevant…. “Hey you, Whitehouse!” is Mary Whitehouse, but it kind of blows you away to realise that bang, it’s now the White House.

Not just Animals, either…. I was quite blown away by the enduring humanity of Us and Them as well. He’s named the tour after the song, and I’ve always fucking loved it dearly, love the sax, love that it contains significant contribution from Wright (my favourite member). And those second, fourth and sixth verses (“forward, he cried, from the rear…”, “haven’t you heard, it’s a battle of words…”, “out of the way, it’s a busy day…”) are simply spellbinding. But yeah, it was quite poignant how relevant this track is as well. It was backed with a ton of concurrent war imagery, which made it really powerful. I was taken by the line, “listen son, said the man with the gun / there’s room for you inside”, with the imagery, it kind of made me think of a soldier on the front lines, reaching out to a helpless civilian, there’s room for you in here, you’ll be safe. Just beautiful.

Few other things from last night that I wanted to add. Mostly around the post-concert glow. It happened when I saw U2 back in May last year, the next few days, weeks, I was just caught up in this beautiful U2 glow. How nice does it feel to fall in love with an old friend all over again? Like you gents I’ve not really listened to much Floyd in recent years but right now I’m blaring their music at work (hungover, lol). It made me think of the Interference glory days, when we used to spend so much time picking apart everything there is to know about Pink Floyd. And so I’ve been diving back into all of that yesterday and today, and I’d forgotten how fucking fascinating their story is. There’s so much to it. Syd, the progression from meandering psych and prog into a band of note, WYWH being one of the most touching tributes ever… I mean heaps of bands have had members come and go, but how many bands write such a touching album about a former member who’s gone insane? How about that time when Syd rocks back up at the studio asking to play again, fat and bald, and it brings the band to tears? And then how the band starts to fall apart in the coming years, Roger Waters getting ever more pissed off at the world, taking more and more control until Gilmour essentially just became a session musician, The Wall, Wright getting fired, The Final Cut, Waters leaving/getting forced out and then Gilmour takes the reigns. And then they just fucking hate each other, so much so that it made a reunion seem an impossibility, until Live 8 brought them back together. But then Wright does and that’s it. Man. It’s just all so fascinating.

The lyrics to Wish You Were Here, the song, are absolute magic. My favourite line is “could you tell a green field / from a cold steel rail…” the imagery, and the way he sings it, just magic. Dave you once described it as transcendental beauty and that’s spot on.

And I love how music is also strongly tied to place and time as well. As he was playing Welcome to the Machine and WYWH I was instantly transported back to a race track in country Victoria, 15 or something, drunk on shitty bourbon that dad had bought me, listening to the album.

Ahhhhh :heart::heart::heart::heart:
Like, I really wish I hadn't got tickets to War on Drugs on Tuesday night, I would so go again. If I wasn't going with a good friend, I'd probably sell my ticket and get another Roger Waters ticket. If he inserts Vera back into the set after Mother I'll cry.
Pigs is a very special PF song for me. Whenever I would drive around with my dad as a teenager, he would play the local classic rock station and I would hear Money, Another Brick 2, Have a Cigar...the usual suspects. I dug all of them, of course. But one day they had a special request for something from Animals, and they played Pigs. And I was like, "holy shit." It was an entirely different side of the band, and for someone used to peppy bollocks like Foreigner and Queen and such, it sounded like a transmission from hell - in the best way possible, of course. I remember being so astounded at the talk box solo at the time, lol. It was a bit of a musical awakening for me, on par with the first time I heard Everything in Its Right Place and Idioteque.
I've been basking in the post concert glow all morning. A lot of gigs I'll go to, enjoy in the moment but not think too much about it later on. This was a special one. I haven't listened to pink floyd much the last few years but I went through a phase of listening to dark side / the wall / animals fairly obsessively a while back. Thanks for summing it up so eloquently cobbs.
Still can't believe how amazing it was seeing The Wall a few years back. So glad you had a great time, Cobs! Sounds like the show was a banger.
Interestingly, the PF album I return to most often is Animals. It's so good.

I've been basking in the post concert glow all morning. A lot of gigs I'll go to, enjoy in the moment but not think too much about it later on. This was a special one. I haven't listened to pink floyd much the last few years but I went through a phase of listening to dark side / the wall / animals fairly obsessively a while back. Thanks for summing it up so eloquently cobbs.

So jealous you're going on Tues! Where are you seated? How much was the ticket? My only complaint is that for a bloke who is very obviously left-wing and passionate about his anti-capitalism, he fucking charges ridiculous amounts to see him.

Still can't believe how amazing it was seeing The Wall a few years back. So glad you had a great time, Cobs! Sounds like the show was a banger.

He came to Aus for that tour, but I was in Thailand :( so jealous. Will have to chase down a DVD of it.
Interestingly, the PF album I return to most often is Animals. It's so good.

So jealous you're going on Tues! Where are you seated? How much was the ticket? My only complaint is that for a bloke who is very obviously left-wing and passionate about his anti-capitalism, he fucking charges ridiculous amounts to see him.

He came to Aus for that tour, but I was in Thailand :( so jealous. Will have to chase down a DVD of it.
They reduced all the tickets for Tuesday to $80 a week or two back. Got in at the right time for one on the floor five rows back. Makes up for lcd cancelling on Thursday a little bit..

Despite being far up last night, I didn't really feel that distant. I was a few rows from the top but right in the middle of the 6 ceiling screens.
They reduced all the tickets for Tuesday to $80 a week or two back. Got in at the right time for one on the floor five rows back. Makes up for lcd cancelling on Thursday a little bit..

Despite being far up last night, I didn't really feel that distant. I was a few rows from the top but right in the middle of the 6 ceiling screens.

Oh my god, fuck off!!!!! Now I'm even more upset. Damn, I'm so tempted to cancel on my friend. Fuck The War on Drugs.

And yeah, not many bad seats, the screen is huge and particularly in the second half it's an awesome view and probably better from the seats, as you wouldn't be able to see shit on the floor.
I'd think you'd be better served watching the Wall Live In Berlin, from what I hear, though I haven't actually seen it myself, so someone else can say for sure.
Oh my god, fuck off!!!!! Now I'm even more upset. Damn, I'm so tempted to cancel on my friend. Fuck The War on Drugs.

The War on Drugs were excellent in Sydney last week, just FYI.

But then I clearly don't have the connection to Roger Waters that you do. Great review. I've passed on Waters' tours without hesitation; maybe if David Gilmour toured here I'd consider going. As long as Great Gig in the Sky is not in the setlist, anyway. I'd never go to a show if I had to sit through that.
I don't either, really, it's the band I'm connected to and I prefer both Gilmour and Wright's contributions. There's a reason that two of the best songs on The Wall are co-written by Gilmour.
If you didn't care
What happened to me
And I didn't care
What happened for you
We would zig-zag our way
Through the boredom and pain
Occasionally glancing up through the rain
Wondering which of the buggers to blame
And watching
For pigs on the wing...

You know that I care
What happens to you
And I know that you care
For me too
So I don't feel alone
Or the weight of the stone
Now that I've found somewhere safe to bury my bone
And any fool knows
A dog needs a home
A shelter...
From pigs on the wing.

How is this different from seeing Robert Plant solo play a bunch of Zeppelin songs? I wouldn’t go to that.

I have a lot of respect for Waters as a writer and thinker but if he’s a solo artist he should primarily be playing his solo work.

Don’t want to rain on people’s parades of enjoying a big show but I don’t get it.
It was definitely cool when he was at least touring with Jimmy Page. I saw one of those shows.

Plant by himself doing Zeppelin, without Page on guitar? No interest.
On a similar vein, I couldn't bring myself to see Queen, no matter how much of a worthy replacement Adam Lambert might be.
That's different though. Neither would I, but Queen is very much about Freddie. Waters and Gilmour are equally the biggest parts of Floyd, so I'm very happy to go see both.
If you didn't care
What happened to me
And I didn't care
What happened for you
We would zig-zag our way
Through the boredom and pain
Occasionally glancing up through the rain
Wondering which of the buggers to blame
And watching
For pigs on the wing...

You know that I care
What happens to you
And I know that you care
For me too
So I don't feel alone
Or the weight of the stone
Now that I've found somewhere safe to bury my bone
And any fool knows
A dog needs a home
A shelter...
From pigs on the wing.


:up: THIS.....
As I did last time stumbling upon this thread I listened to the Final Cut today.... Yes I know(considered the Water's solo album) but there's some great moments in that.
i love this album so much. it was the first time that the post-syd band revealed a talent for writing real songs with meaningful lyrics and not just spacey jams.

side two of the division bell is maybe the most underrated part of pink floyd's entire discography (edit: he said, until he remembered that his favourite pink floyd album is obscured by clouds lol). i haven't heard these songs in a long time and hearing them now on the good speakers i picked up since the last time is friggin great. :drool:
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A recommendation for a Korean-issued best of Pink Floyd LP from the early 90s popped up in my eBay feed.

The tracklisting:
1. Atom Heart Mother suite
2. Money
3. One of These Days
4. Free Four
5. Obscured by Clouds

Interesting choices to say the least.

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