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I'm gettin' pretty excited over hyah... originally I had class all day, but thanks to Harvey I'm out (srsly tho, I hope everyone here affected by the storm has managed shelter!)

<1 hour... let's go, Blackout XD
I had a bunch of 8 tracks when I was a kid, but never had a U2 8 track.
I want this one in particular because I have this weird thing about owning every version of TUF, and this one is particularly fun trying to find. Per u2wanderer :

Only released through Columbia House Record Club in the USA. Most manufacturers had stopped producing 8-tracks, but Columbia still had an 8-Track club, and had an agreement with the various labels to continue production in small quantities.
Yes, the only people in the Columbia House 8-track club were mustached men who drove Pontiac Firebirds. Very elegant gentlemen only.
Good old Columbia House. Get 6 albums (or 8 tracks) for 99 cents, then one a month at regular prices, if you don't like the monthly selection just send it back, cancel at any time. Of course cancelling was near impossible and they sent collections letters for payments of the monthly choice if you didn't pay right away or send it right back... the good old days.
Columbus House and BMG were great when you were 15 and had no credit history yet. I felt bad for never paying and by 18 I became a legit paying member.
30 minute warning. Really can't wait to a) hear it b) read the wide mix of reactions loving/hating it :hyper:
Good old Columbia House. Get 6 albums (or 8 tracks) for 99 cents, then one a month at regular prices, if you don't like the monthly selection just send it back, cancel at any time. Of course cancelling was near impossible and they sent collections letters for payments of the monthly choice if you didn't pay right away or send it right back... the good old days.
My mom got into so much trouble with them, so many times when I was a kid.
Good old Columbia House. Get 6 albums (or 8 tracks) for 99 cents, then one a month at regular prices, if you don't like the monthly selection just send it back, cancel at any time. Of course cancelling was near impossible and they sent collections letters for payments of the monthly choice if you didn't pay right away or send it right back... the good old days.
That's why you made your friend sign up and then just "borrowed" or made tape copies of the CDs. Duh.
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