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I get dad rock out of a mere 15 seconds

if just the intro is WEIRD ("") distorted guitar .. and the rest is like in the chorus .. it is Edge by numbers .. which is not bad ... but I'd like some different kind of Edge work here ... but we'll see


I just want U2 be interesting again
I don't expect u2 this late in their career to come up with something so out there like they did with AB. No band into their 4th decade has accomplished that. I think a lot of people are setting themselves up for dissapointment if they truly believe u2 can pull off the near impossible. Just enjoy and cherish the fact that they are still making music. If you can't do that, then maybe it's time to move on and go and enjoy younger bands.
SOI has better songs than most albums since Pop, but suffers from a glossiness in the production in the same way HTDAAB suffers from loudness, and NLOTH suffers from suckiness (in parts).

I am hoping for an open, airy, but raw production style here.

Interesting. That the clip seems to achieve the groove/feeling it has while still being essentially just the four of them playing. I wonder how different this song would have sounded this time last year when they decided to re record because they couldn't really play the songs live.

I agree. SOI is an incredibly strong album. I can go back and listen to it (almost) straight through and I am continually impressed by it.
I think the first reaction people had the day the album dropped with Apple was, wow, it sounds very "bright" and modern, which then turned to more - "over produced" and "glossy".

While that may be true in some areas of the album, the band themselves saw this, and we know they took steps this time to avoid that. So I think we will be pleasantly surprised on the sound of this album.
If they can keep the quality and consistency of SOI, but be a bit more, live, raw, and hopefully put Edge more front and center, we are in for good stuff in my opinion.
I still like SOI. I honestly like it more than ATYCLB, Bomb and NLOTH. ::shrug::

totally agree. I listen to about half the songs, if that, on ATYCLB, Bomb and NLOTH. I listen to all of SOI, sometimes skipping SFS.

That's a HUGE difference.
I still contend that SOI contains some of their best songs, and most definitely some of their best since the 90's masterworks.
I don't expect u2 this late in their career to come up with something so out there like they did with AB. No band into their 4th decade has accomplished that. I think a lot of people are setting themselves up for dissapointment if they truly believe u2 can pull off the near impossible. Just enjoy and cherish the fact that they are still making music. If you can't do that, then maybe it's time to move on and go and enjoy younger bands.

Well pretty much everyone over at @U2 absolutely hates it after listening to an in depth 15 seconds of it.

So that pretty much secures the fact that I will love the song.
I get dad rock out of a mere 15 seconds

if just the intro is WEIRD ("") distorted guitar .. and the rest is like in the chorus .. it is Edge by numbers .. which is not bad ... but I'd like some different kind of Edge work here ... but we'll see

I just want U2 be interesting again
You haven't heard the fucking song!
I don't expect u2 this late in their career to come up with something so out there like they did with AB. No band into their 4th decade has accomplished that. I think a lot of people are setting themselves up for dissapointment if they truly believe u2 can pull off the near impossible. Just enjoy and cherish the fact that they are still making music. If you can't do that, then maybe it's time to move on and go and enjoy younger bands.

Already have...

Still like u2 though...

21 Pilots and some other bands fill that void for me at the moment.
I used to assume that a new U2 single would be good and I'd just wonder about what it would sound like because you never knew where they'd go. Now I have an idea of what it will sound like and just don't want them to embarrass themselves. This seems like it'll be a good song.
Someone already used "dad rock"?!

FFS this place


I have had a great time these past couple months enjoying speculation and theories and now getting a new song, and another following in about a week.
Tiresome to see people pop in just to take a shot at 15 second clip, that sounds pretty damn good for a 15 SECOND CLIP! Jesus.

please proceed Interference...
Oh hey Springsteen on Broadway tickets go on sale today too

So there's a bloodbath going on today then?

I don't expect u2 this late in their career to come up with something so out there like they did with AB. No band into their 4th decade has accomplished that. I think a lot of people are setting themselves up for dissapointment if they truly believe u2 can pull off the near impossible. Just enjoy and cherish the fact that they are still making music. If you can't do that, then maybe it's time to move on and go and enjoy younger bands.

Yep. But if there's so much as a guitar or vocal hook, the sellout/"they should make the music they (i.e., I) want them to make"/not experimental/Edge "by the numbers"/not like 'Pop' or their 90's material comments will be out in force in these parts.
I really love Pop and I'm liking very much this clip. I'm still not clear if this is a clip of the live performance or taken from the actual album. Anyone know?
Ah fuck it, somewhere inside me still beats the heart of a U2 fan. I'm sticking this out until 2am.
Already have...

Still like u2 though...

21 Pilots and some other bands fill that void for me at the moment.

Jesus fucking Christ find some better new bands. There's lots of them out there.

21 Pilots... :|

And you're shitting on U2 from a 15 second clip?

No kidding. I'd take post-Pop U2 over 21 Pilots, and you folks know what I think of post-Pop U2.
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