PGP: Off with the horns, on with the show

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All I see is the 4Chan name :confused:
. We're getting ready to hunker down for a blizzard.

Another 8-14 inches here too, and then another snowstorm on Sunday. Le sigh. My plans involve finishing this sweater for my sister

So that I can start this one for myself.
Well, it's knitted, on needles, with yarn. It's just unreasonably tiny and gorgeous and made out of baby alpaca and silk, and will probably require frequent absentminded stroking of my own torso. Hmm... maybe I should make Bono one? :hmm:


Fellow Sherlock fans:

Did anyone catch a live stream of the season premiere? All the links I found for it were either dead or reached capacity. :sad:

I just wanna know if it was worth the wait.

Ok,I might be late here but, OMG! Is it worth the wait,you ask? YESYESYES!
Another 8-14 inches here too, and then another snowstorm on Sunday. Le sigh. My plans involve finishing this sweater for my sister
Yikes! Back to back snow storms. And I thought our 10 inches of snow was bad.

Those sweaters are beautiful! What a great talent to have.

One of my 2014 goals to sew a dress. Checking out fabrics and sewing classes over the weekend. This should be an interesting project...considering I can't sew. :lol:
You can't sew YET, Rhi. It's not a permanent condition. :sexywink: I was thinking about maybe starting a hand crafters thread in the lemonade stand for people who do various stuff to show off and share, cross stitch or blacksmithing or what have you. Are there others out there?

1) Use a WHITE rose with a stem about 8".
2) Decide which/how many colors you want to use. To get this effect, I'm guessing: Pink, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue & Purple.
3) Fill small cups with water and food coloring in the colors you've chosen.
4) Split the bottom of the stem so you have one section for each color.
5) Place each stem section into a cup and leave the rose to drink up the color and water for 1-2 days.

Rainbow Rose Coloring Process by - YouTube


so going to do that outside to some flowers on summer :D
:tongue: Damn that's old mate, we used to do that in primary school haha. Used different flowers though, as uhhh I think peonies is the English word, absorb colour much easier.
Still between -20 and -35 F here. It didn't get above zero in the daytime yesterday.
looks like this now



Now you have something to do JJ ,2nd and 3rd lap are the best :

You take 1 piece of hardboard or wood or plastic, some thick rope for a handle. Some thick rope for a pulling line, a nice ass John Deere or a good 4x4 , and your off. :lol: As long as you can make 30-to-60 KM/H
Friends of mine done this on flooded street here too. Works excellent. No talent needed.

Weather is mild here. Nothing to complain about. Big thunderstorm and some damage by wind/storm in the east. Roofs ripped off buildings. But no one injured and stuff. Nothing big really..
Its 24F here right now. Not supposed to be above 30F today or tomorrow; Monday the bottom drops out. We won't see above 0 for at least 3 days. They're saying it's going to break records. I'm already scheming to buy up some extra milk and bread, as well as wash up the warmest clothes for the kids. BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

Also, this is appropriate.
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