PGP: It's Beer O'Clock

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Whoa that's a lot. I'll work my way through there after kittens. Hot Buns :giggle: is probably going to be very entertaining
One of my all-time favorite videos. :D

Ha! I hadn't seen it in forever, so I just watched it now. Dave as himself on the plane and in the performance scenes is HOT. I think that's why I've never developed a full-blown crush on him - he's objectively attractive, but the whole scruffy, facial-haired look he usually has really doesn't do much for me.

I feel sort of guilty. All I've done today is a little tidying (seriously, like 10 minutes worth) and I've done dishes. Other than that, I've been on the phone, watched videos online, or played games online. After the past few weeks, I needed a day like today, but I still keep thinking of the things I could have been doing.
Thanks. :hug: I think what makes me feel most guilty about days like today is that I could have spent part of it visiting my mom. Even though she would be the first one to tell me to stay home and relax.
I'm so proud of myself. I resolved to try to eat more vegetables including salads, and I discovered the way to make myself do this is to buy a premade salad from the prepared foods section at this one store I shop at. If I buy the ingredients separately, I'm all "ugh, I don't feel like making this tonight..." for several nights, and then it inevitably gets thrown away. But these prepared salads, besides being convenient, are expensive enough that I actually make the effort to eat them.

I bought the size I usually buy late last week, which usually gives me 4 servings of moderate sized salads. Sarah was home and we both had some, and nearly finished the whole thing in one day, so a few days later, I bought the next size up, which is $9. Naturally, she didn't have any of it, and then she went home after a few days, leaving me with this enormous salad. All week I've been eating massive salads, to prove to myself that I won't waste it. I'm so happy, because I think tomorrow will be the last of it. I feel like I should get a salad eating award or something. :lol:

I tried to do the same thing with a prepared and sliced fruit tray, but that was less successful, so I quit buying them.
:lol: Yay for salad eating! :up:

Ever since I started my food website, my eating has become a lot better. Partially because I'm often trying out new recipes that I can eventually put up there. I have several that I've been meaning to post, but haven't gotten around to it yet.
:lol: Yay for salad eating! :up:

Ever since I started my food website, my eating has become a lot better. Partially because I'm often trying out new recipes that I can eventually put up there. I have several that I've been meaning to post, but haven't gotten around to it yet.

I can't wait to see them!

I told Sarah last weekend that I think to eat better (and lose weight, the ultimate goal!) I need someone here to judge me. Being alone, I can eat whatever crap I want. I just found out recently that Sarah is planning on moving back here Sept 1st, so that should help. The problem with her just coming home for weekends now, she pegged it last weekend, is "every time she comes home, it's like a mini-party, where we eat indulgent food." :lol: It's true, I tend to buy way more unhealthy snacks when she's here. Ugh.

For those interested, I just downloaded and burned this:
I'm not a huge Foo fan (I love their first two records, and then they're hit or miss for me beyond that), but my favorite track is Everlong.
Another of my amusing anecdotes.

My sister married a dairy farmer. Their adult children are working on the farm, so it's been going for four generations. He/the farm apparently was awarded this very prestigious award for the first time ever, and the award ceremony was last night. Yesterday, my sister had to see an eye doctor for this stye-like thing, and the doctor decided to perform minor surgery and remove it in his office. After that, she was too bandaged and loopy to go to the awards ceremony. I told her to call me if she needed anything. Last night she told me she was bandaged to the extent that it looked like she'd lost an eye. I called this morning to see how she was (she's good, the bandages were overkill) and my b-i-l answered the phone. I congratulated him on the award, and asked what he received. "Thanks. Five doses of bull semen." Farmers. :cute:
Funny, but when I think of my favourite bands, I never think of them. But I like so many of their songs, they have to be up there. But it seems that where the 90s material was more of an instant love for me, the 2000s stuff takes longer to grow on me. It eventually does, but it's a process that wasn't required in the 90s. And like many of you, I've seen them, but their show was just a'ight to me. It was part of a festival, and right after the show, they were taking off for Dave's bachelor party. Dave wasn't particularly interactive, and compared to some of the other artists there, they were down on the list (best group that weekend? Barenaked Ladies). I feel like I should give them another chance live, though.
Had to close this while I was burning another (Foo Fighters) disc, and while I did, the song Walk, from the most recent album came on. I really like it, have heard it on the radio, but not enough to "bond" with it. I paid attention this time, and really like it...but almost feel like it's basically Learning to Fly again, except Learning to Fly said it better. And although I like a lot of new FF material, I suppose that's the problem I have with it.

That said, Katie posted the video for Let It Die that song, so much emotion, but every time I hear it, my throat hurts. LOL That song must shred his throat.
Yeah, I saw them in '03, and it was a festival, and they were probably all in "holy shit, we get to party our asses off in Vegas in a few hours, so lets get this over with" mode. Not that it was bad, it was a pretty straight-on rock show, with not much special to make it stand out. I also saw Blink 182 (shut up, I like them!) and Sum 41 (memories...) at the same festival, and would have ranked them above Foo Fighters, for those particular performances.
I'm also a big Nirvana fan, if that makes a difference. Funny, I see current music fans deride them, and say "I can't see why they're such a big deal!!11!!!" The big deal is, Cobain was an amazing songwriter with pop music and garage rock sensibilities combined, and it was exactly what was needed in music at the time. Watch this:

Nirvana - About A Girl (MTV Unplugged) - YouTube

With a slightly different arrangement, the Beatles could have done this, circa 1964. And Cobain was a huge Beatles fan.

The funny part of all of this is that I didn't appreciate Nirvana till the Nirvana vs Pearl Jam wars, I came out on the Pearl Jam side, at the time. Now, I still like Pearl Jam, but find Nirvana genius, and get the hype.
:lol: at the farmer story. Bull semen, woohoo!

I like your salad story, too. I may have to start trying that more often. I could definitely stand to improve my eating habits.

They're known for doing goofy videos. They're also good friends with Jack Black, and he's been in some of their videos.

Everlong is one of my favourite songs of all time.

I think I've yet to meet someone who doesn't like the song "Everlong". Whether someone like the Foo Fighters or not, or are ambivalent on them, as Cori's post makes note of, doesn't matter, anytime "Everlong" gets mentioned everyone goes, "Yeah, that's a good one."

I like what I've heard by the Foo Fighters, which mainly consists of their singles. Their videos are indeed often fun-I've always particularly liked the one for "Big Me", I love that they spoof the Mentos commercials (those ads were everywhere in the '90s, my god).

And I'd heard about them interrupting that anti-gay protest. Very cool, that gets them major bonus points from me :up:.

Oooh. Nice video.

I kinda liked that song.

I'm going to go to the animal shelter again today :hyper: to see kittens. Kittennnns! My dad's very much 'no' about taking home one of them, but my mom and I are sneakily thinking of adopting a kitten until I'm back at school. There's a really little one, a black cat like our last one, with a blue collar who came up to us and started rubbing against us purring, climbing all over me, etc :cute::cute::cute: Haven't been able to get the little baby off my mind.

Awwwwwwww :cute:. I hope you can manage to figure something out with that, it'd be great if you could take the little one in and give it a good home.


Everyone needs a chill day.

*Nods* I'll get a chill day on Tuesday, don't work that day. So woo. I know what VP means, though, either you think about the sorts of things she mentioned or you spend most of your day wondering what you want to do for fun and then wondering if you can get it all in within that day.

(Today was a zoo. Kids running everywhere, very busy customer-wise, and around 6 pm the computers decided to go offline for a while. AGAIN. :crack: :banghead: Here's hoping tomorrow will be better, and fly by.)
Anyway, in the Foo Fighters videos I posted earlier from their Vevo channel, there is a video of Kurt talking about a song, didn't catch which one, that Dave Grohl created the basis of. He called it boneheaded and simple, and it made me laugh, because much of Nirvana's music was simple, and therein lied the beauty.
Yeah, I saw them in '03, and it was a festival, and they were probably all in "holy shit, we get to party our asses off in Vegas in a few hours, so lets get this over with" mode. Not that it was bad, it was a pretty straight-on rock show, with not much special to make it stand out. I also saw Blink 182 (shut up, I like them!) and Sum 41 (memories...) at the same festival, and would have ranked them above Foo Fighters, for those particular performances.

Aw. Well, hey, as long as you had some fun at the festival overall. I think some bands can do the festival thing better than others.

I liked a few Blink-182 songs when I was a teenager. They had some good videos, too:

blink-182 - All The Small Things - YouTube

blink-182 - What's My Age Again? - YouTube

(Man, I remember when John Henson used to host "The Soup", or "Talk Soup", as it was known back then.)

And I like Nirvana as well. I definitely understand why they were so hyped when they were around in the early '90s. But whether they're "overrated" (a word I really hate, by the way) or not, I don't care, I just like their songs. "All Apologies" is probably my favorite Nirvana song.
Wow you guys posted so many videos for me to check out! Thanks! Unfortunately I'll have to check them out later.... NONE of the videos are working for me. :huh: Is it just me? All of the you tube vids you all have posted are just a blank screen for me. If I go to the YT site, it's just a black screen that says an error has occurred and to try again later.

So I was going to post a pic of the awesome bday gifts my kids gave me today, but Photobucket isn't working for me either. Argh!

I might go to a movie with them now. Today is Camille's 20th birthday. I can't believe it!
Another of my amusing anecdotes.

My sister married a dairy farmer. Their adult children are working on the farm, so it's been going for four generations. He/the farm apparently was awarded this very prestigious award for the first time ever, and the award ceremony was last night. Yesterday, my sister had to see an eye doctor for this stye-like thing, and the doctor decided to perform minor surgery and remove it in his office. After that, she was too bandaged and loopy to go to the awards ceremony. I told her to call me if she needed anything. Last night she told me she was bandaged to the extent that it looked like she'd lost an eye. I called this morning to see how she was (she's good, the bandages were overkill) and my b-i-l answered the phone. I congratulated him on the award, and asked what he received. "Thanks. Five doses of bull semen." Farmers. :cute:


I'm also a big Nirvana fan, if that makes a difference. Funny, I see current music fans deride them, and say "I can't see why they're such a big deal!!11!!!" The big deal is, Cobain was an amazing songwriter with pop music and garage rock sensibilities combined, and it was exactly what was needed in music at the time. Watch this:

Nirvana - About A Girl (MTV Unplugged) - YouTube

With a slightly different arrangement, the Beatles could have done this, circa 1964. And Cobain was a huge Beatles fan.

The funny part of all of this is that I didn't appreciate Nirvana till the Nirvana vs Pearl Jam wars, I came out on the Pearl Jam side, at the time. Now, I still like Pearl Jam, but find Nirvana genius, and get the hype.

:hyper: I love Nirvana.

Oooh. Nice video.

I kinda liked that song.
I admit, I like the original studio version by PF much more, but.... :drool: Bryan Adams... :shifty:

Bryan Adams - House Arrest (Live) - YouTube

(this was filmed this past April... *really wishes she lived in Canada sometimes*)

*Nods* I'll get a chill day on Tuesday, don't work that day. So woo. I know what VP means, though, either you think about the sorts of things she mentioned or you spend most of your day wondering what you want to do for fun and then wondering if you can get it all in within that day.

(Today was a zoo. Kids running everywhere, very busy customer-wise, and around 6 pm the computers decided to go offline for a while. AGAIN. :crack: :banghead: Here's hoping tomorrow will be better, and fly by.)

Yay for a chill day! And, a :hug: for today.
The kittens were adorable :cute: I don't get to adopt one, but I do get to help at the shelter, so...

I'm currently kind of quite obsessed with Nirvana. I've been playing pretty much them and the Replacements on and off for about 3 months now I think...I've been pretty quiet about it on IF, though, bc a lot of people here are veeery anti-Nirvana.

I thought I heard something about Dave Grohl having a lot to do with the songwriting at one point—which wouldn't surprise me. Not lyrics really, but the actual sound of the songs. Some of the melodies n stuff. Anyone know anything further about that?

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