PGP: It's Beer O'Clock

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Omg. "It's such a versatile liquid." Who the fuck thinks that in the middle of a heated sexytime session???? :scream:

I seriously cannot be friends with anyone who buys into that shit.
I'm sorry it's filling you with such rage, VP. :(

At least it's the weekend, so you don't have to deal with that crap for a few days. :)

Thanks. I think I'm burned out, and in desperate need of some vacation time. And to be honest, I really don't have a lot in common with most of the people I work with, and this is just something that highlights it.

I read that the interview went well for you - fingers crossed and positive vibes! :)

Dazzled, if you see this, I'm so sorry for your family's loss. :( And I hope things are going well for you at home! In case you don't see it, I'll text you.

OH!! My mom's appointment went very well, and they feel that she's responding to the drug!! Yay! :) :)

The tumour has shrunk, the lymph node has shrunk, and there is about an inch less of fluid in her lung.

They said this is just the beginning of the improvements, but that it should continue over the next several months. We're so happy. And we had an awesome day - went out for dinner after the appointment, and my mom ate almost her entire meal, which she hasn't been eating much at all lately. And then we went to an ice cream place for dessert. Then when we got back to my mom's place, she was determined she wasn't going back to her room, she wanted to sit outside on their patio, which, she did a lot of last year, but with the oxygen and everything, hasn't this year much. I finally left at about 9:15, and had to tell the staff to bring her in when it got dark. :lol:
Oh, one other thing.

There is one nurse there I don't like very much. She talks to you like you're a child, doesn't give details or facts, just speaks in platitudes like "oh, that's to be expected," while giving this faux-sympathetic smile. That bugs the shit out of me. I want FACTS, dammit. Facts comfort me. Anyway, she had been talking about starting my mom on palliative care, and talking about her going downhill and stuff. She was working when we got back from the appointment, so it was SO satisfying to be able to tell her that the drug is working. SUCK IT, NURSE!
Wiki: Grohl has been vocal in his views on drug misuse, contributing to a 2009 anti-drug video for the BBC. "I have never done cocaine, ever in my life. I have never done heroin, I have never done speed," he said in a 2008 interview, adding that he had stopped smoking marijuana and taking acid at the age of 20. In the BBC video he said "I've seen people die. It ain't easy being young, but that stuff doesn't make it any easier".[41]

I did not know he is anti-drug.
Foo's! :up: Their newest was all over the alt radio station back in Baltimore, I didn't realize it until looking through iTunes this summer...

I dunno. I'd think Dave would be anti-drug after...well...everything shitty having to do with drugs ever.

Speaking of radio. It's broadcast time ~7pm. Dear god, do not let this DJ be a total douchebag. Let this rather be a beginning of a new enjoyable life to pass time in the middle of nowhere, CA.

Thanks. I think I'm burned out, and in desperate need of some vacation time. And to be honest, I really don't have a lot in common with most of the people I work with, and this is just something that highlights it.

I read that the interview went well for you - fingers crossed and positive vibes! :)

Dazzled, if you see this, I'm so sorry for your family's loss. :( And I hope things are going well for you at home! In case you don't see it, I'll text you.

OH!! My mom's appointment went very well, and they feel that she's responding to the drug!! Yay! :) :)

The tumour has shrunk, the lymph node has shrunk, and there is about an inch less of fluid in her lung.

They said this is just the beginning of the improvements, but that it should continue over the next several months. We're so happy. And we had an awesome day - went out for dinner after the appointment, and my mom ate almost her entire meal, which she hasn't been eating much at all lately. And then we went to an ice cream place for dessert. Then when we got back to my mom's place, she was determined she wasn't going back to her room, she wanted to sit outside on their patio, which, she did a lot of last year, but with the oxygen and everything, hasn't this year much. I finally left at about 9:15, and had to tell the staff to bring her in when it got dark. :lol:

So glad your mom is getting better! :hyper::hug:
So glad you could tell the nurse to suck it, VP. :up: Idiot. :tsk: So glad your mom had a good day today! :hug:

And thanks for your positive vibes! :)

I'll have to watch that video when my dinner's in the oven. I'm going back and forth between the kitchen and the living room, since I haven't finished with the stove portion just yet. :D I'm drinking copious amounts of wine, because I got started cooking later than I should have. I hope it will be fully cooked by 8pm, but thankfully that's not too late for me - I generally eat at 7pm-ish.
Not sure if any of you have seen Foo Fighters Wasting Light In the Harbour, from Sydney, but I'm watching the dvd, and had to find this for you all. Watch the first several minutes for hilarious banter between Dave and Jim, his Australian look-alike. :lol:

Foo Fighters - Up In Arms/Big Me (live) - YouTube

It's apparently Dave Grohl crush night. :heart:

I haven't seen it, but I definitely want to watch the rest now. :up: OMG, that interaction is hilarious! :lol:

And holy fuck is that ever a gorgeous backdrop. What a perfect night for a concert! :love:
Wiki: Grohl has been vocal in his views on drug misuse, contributing to a 2009 anti-drug video for the BBC. "I have never done cocaine, ever in my life. I have never done heroin, I have never done speed," he said in a 2008 interview, adding that he had stopped smoking marijuana and taking acid at the age of 20. In the BBC video he said "I've seen people die. It ain't easy being young, but that stuff doesn't make it any easier".[41]

I did not know he is anti-drug.


VP, is that Sydney thing an official DVD?
I need some cool friends who don't live a zillion miles away. :(

This. So much this.

(I love my friends I have here in town and whatnot, don't get me wrong, they're wonderful. But it sure would be great to find someone out there who shared more of my interests.)

Glad your mom is doing better, by the way, that's wonderful news :) :hug:! Here's to continued success with the treatment!

And yeah, unfortunately, I think we've all had to deal with obnoxious doctors like that. It's so incredibly annoying and frustrating. And kinda scary, too, to think these people are in charge of taking care of loved ones. Sorry you have to deal with her, but yay for throwing back her "know-it-all" attitude in her face!

Everyone's sharing entertaining links...someone posted this link elsewhere and I just started reading it last night, and I don't know if anyone here's seen it before. But if not, if you have a warped, snarky as hell sense of humor, I would definitely encourage you to check it out:
Full House Reviewed | Every episode of Full House reviewed in chronological order

Truly, it is one of the most hysterical things I've ever read. And I used to watch (and liked) the show when I was a kid, too!

As for tumblr, I started an account on there...what, early last year, I think? But I haven't been in there in AGES.
Everyone's sharing entertaining links...someone posted this link elsewhere and I just started reading it last night, and I don't know if anyone here's seen it before. But if not, if you have a warped, snarky as hell sense of humor, I would definitely encourage you to check it out:
Full House Reviewed | Every episode of Full House reviewed in chronological order

Truly, it is one of the most hysterical things I've ever read. And I used to watch (and liked) the show when I was a kid, too!

As for tumblr, I started an account on there...what, early last year, I think? But I haven't been in there in AGES.

:laugh: Oh my god, that's hilarious! Thanks for the laughs. I was totally obsessed with the show when it was on. :giggle:
Radio guy was a bit of a douchebag in the sense that there were too many people there already and he probably forgot I was gonna figure out soundboard/etc. But it doesn't seem like there's much of an opening for new broadcasters (especially part time/summer only) anyhow so...

Although unexpectedly I have maybe befriended some of the teenage crowd here. Unsure what to think about this.
Not sure if any of you have seen Foo Fighters Wasting Light In the Harbour, from Sydney, but I'm watching the dvd, and had to find this for you all. Watch the first several minutes for hilarious banter between Dave and Jim, his Australian look-alike. :lol:

Foo Fighters - Up In Arms/Big Me (live) - YouTube

It's apparently Dave Grohl crush night. :heart:

Oh look, a new addition to my "List of Musicians I Have a Crush On".

:love: Dave :heart:

Everyone's sharing entertaining links...someone posted this link elsewhere and I just started reading it last night, and I don't know if anyone here's seen it before. But if not, if you have a warped, snarky as hell sense of humor, I would definitely encourage you to check it out:
Full House Reviewed | Every episode of Full House reviewed in chronological order

*has no entertaining link to share*


Unless you guys want a Bryan Adams video :shifty:

Also, that link? :lol:

Radio guy was a bit of a douchebag in the sense that there were too many people there already and he probably forgot I was gonna figure out soundboard/etc. But it doesn't seem like there's much of an opening for new broadcasters (especially part time/summer only) anyhow so...

Although unexpectedly I have maybe befriended some of the teenage crowd here. Unsure what to think about this.
I didn't get along with the teens even when I was a teen, so this odd to me. :ohmy:

:ohmy: And I do believe you are the only teenager I have ever been friends with. :D
Same here. Often it's been hard to find people my age to hang out with. Everyone I know seems to be younger than me or older than me. I realized a while back I'm the oldest of all of my friends-everyone else is a year to three years younger than me :der:. I was also one of the older kids in my class at school, too.

Sorry about the radio guy being a bit of a pain, Katie, but hopefully everything else went well?

*has no entertaining link to share*


Unless you guys want a Bryan Adams video :shifty:

Also, that link? :lol:

Share whatever you want, it's cool with me :).

(This reminds me that I still have to e-mail you back :reject:. I'll do that soon.)

:laugh: Oh my god, that's hilarious! Thanks for the laughs. I was totally obsessed with the show when it was on. :giggle:

:D You're welcome. Glad both of you like the link. I was literally wiping tears away last night, I was laughing so hard. And I haven't even gotten all the way through every review yet. Now that I'm older, if I come across an episode, I'm noticing so many of the same things the reviews are pointing out.

But yeah, who hasn't enjoyed some cheesy program over the years, right? Sometimes it's nice to just sit back and watch something silly and light.
M-A, yeah, it was alright. My head is killing me for some reason though. First I took that to mean 'too much rap in the broadcasting aaaall the punk rock'. Nope. Sleep better darn fix that headache.

Grace—I just watched the Jimmy Fallon 50 Shades thing. It was the best. I wonder if people are going to start doing this at weddings...:giggle:
Happy midsummer :wave:

these are taken @ 0:30 last night



This country is basicly closed in midsummer, thursday-sunday, 5.4 million ppl and 2.7 million summer cottages and 4 big festivals, so towns are empty as hell :lol:

Just came back to cabin from town and saw 3 people there :lol::D
AnCatKatie said:
M-A, yeah, it was alright. My head is killing me for some reason though. First I took that to mean 'too much rap in the broadcasting aaaall the punk rock'. Nope. Sleep better darn fix that headache.

Grace—I just watched the Jimmy Fallon 50 Shades thing. It was the best. I wonder if people are going to start doing this at weddings...:giggle:

That would be brilliant.
OK,It's Midsummer. 90% of estonians are gonna be drunk and partying all night long. But I have to be at work at seven o'clock tomorrow morning.:madspit:
But I have next week off!:yippie: I'll sleep until I'm sick of it:up:
Whoa! so light out for that late!

I'm going to go to the animal shelter again today :hyper: to see kittens. Kittennnns! My dad's very much 'no' about taking home one of them, but my mom and I are sneakily thinking of adopting a kitten until I'm back at school. There's a really little one, a black cat like our last one, with a blue collar who came up to us and started rubbing against us purring, climbing all over me, etc :cute::cute::cute: Haven't been able to get the little baby off my mind.
It gets dark shortly after 10pm here.

I remember when I went to Russia many years ago, it was SO deceiving because it rarely got dark at that time of year. It was really strange, especially when we were out past midnight and it felt like early evening. :lol:
I am completely Foo Fighters unawares. (Except for one song on the Songs For Japan album that U2 was on.) Is there a song that was real popular I might recognize? Or any songs anyone would suggest to give a listen to? :hmm:
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