PGP: It's Beer O'Clock

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
That is is! :yes:

The interview went well, thanks. It was a LOT longer than the majority of my previous interviews have been, but it didn't feel long at all. I did my best, and I feel positive about that. It's always so hard to tell, because I feel like I've done well in almost all of my prior interviews, but I've never gotten the job. :shrug: This job sounds cool, the people are super nice, and I know it would be a good challenge, but I'm refusing to get my hopes up. I'm tired of being disappointed. I should find out either way by the end of next week.
AnCatKatie said:
Good thought. I'll probably have a long songs day so I can just chill.

Then She Did from Jane's Addiction worked. I cannot place the others I used. Good Morning Beautiful from The The was good.....cept he drops an F bomb.
Longest song I've got is Autobahn by Kraftwerk, then Something In The Way by Nirvana (wouldn't work, though, bc too much silence), then The End by the Doors...I need to get more lengthy songs...
zuropa_fit said:
Oh and yeah, Katie, I forgot to say Congrats! on the radio thing - sounds like fun.

Zu, I just got my butt handed to me by my trainer. I jumped 4 flights of stairs 4 times. Then there were the jump boxes......

Where's arw???
Meat Loaf - Paradise By The Dashboard Light? :wink: The album version, not radio edit.

:lol: I'd never even heard that song until my first year university - every pub night that year that I went to the DJ played it and a bunch of us from my res house would be up on the floor dancing to it *g*
Major :hug: for Dazz

I'm surprised this thread hasn't reached post limit yet :laugh:

Oh my, Dazz. Hope everything's alright :ohmy:

I've got to call some kid up at the Middle-Of-Nowhere radio station so I can sit in on a broadcast. Part of the ingenious Keep Katie Busy During The Summer plan. Parents/neighbors are hoping I'll eventually DJ there. Blerg. I mean, it'd be nice. But I have the self confidence of an earthworm, so even calling this dude isn't fun times.

Also, guess what! Baby deer really close-by today! One of them almost came right up to my mom before its mom stopped it.


And they just ran past right now too :cute: Both sets of twins at once. D'aww.

:cute: Babies!

And, congrats on the radio thing.... it sounds fun. :)

Meat Loaf - Paradise By The Dashboard Light? :wink: The album version, not radio edit.

Larry would be short three drumsticks and the other three wouldn't be able to sit down until after drumstick extraction ;)
I'm sorry for your loss, dazz. :hug:
Crap, Dazz, I'm so sorry to hear that :hug:.

Your aunt sounded like a really cool woman. My condolances to you and your family.
Sorry to hear that Dazz :hug:
Sorry to hear about your aunt Dazz. :hug:
Daz, I'm so sorry to hear about your family's loss. :hug:
Major :hug: for Dazz

***THANK :heart: YOUS***


I talked to my cousin least she was able to get out there in time to see her mom who was still lucid...

SO far seems like they'll have a little memorial service for her down the street from their house ( had her dad's memorial there) and come back to the house for lunch and lots of happy memories. It's mid-July so I should be walking even i can get up the few steps ok or with any needed light help.

I think though my sis will have to hire a car. Unless i heal up miraculously fast enough to do long sets of stairs and being on the subway and train crowds; :uhoh: which normally would be fine or tolerable, and will be again at some point!
Car would probably make sense as opposed to subway/train crowds. It'd be the shittiest of shitty to think you could make it through that, then realize 'wait no too painful' :/ be careful dazz.

Totally off topic time—has anyone been suffering from extreme lack of privacy recently? I've gotten heap upon heap of privacy invasion in the past couple days or so.

Spoiler'd because kind of rant-y and long and shite
-People keep wanting to judge my art, which I feel like is private unless I'm selling it or it's for a class, or I specifically post it with that intention. Specifically, a family member's been paying a very small amount for me to do life drawing, but it's ridiculously small and I'd really rather be with my friends far away...and apparently the money secretly means I have to show all the drawings. What the fuck. Art is personal.

I've had my room invaded a lot recently. One of the family desktop computers is there. But it's not just computer surfing people are doing, it's also really angsty phone calls I don't need to overhear and really don't want casting a dark cloud over my life.

I've been asked to add older members of the family on Facebook, which is fucking awkward. It's hard to explain that even stupid things there feel private to me. Like how if you're at a friend's house, usually you get to be in a relatively private situation, whereas with Facebook, not at all. I don't need these people to know about my life, my various obsessions, and generally stuff I basically just tell my friends only.

And wonderfully enough, the reason my parents assume is why I keep Facebook private must be 'sexual orientation'. What the actual fuck. First of all, whatever they're assuming is no issue at all. Second of all, as my roommate in college put it, it's none of anyone's business and people need to stop asking so casually. Third of all, just because I have gay friends does not mean I'm gay. I don't know why people ever assume that.

Sorry for the angst fest. It's not really deserved on my part. I've got really stupid problems when in the middle of nowhere. Nothing-happening expands into a huge magnitude of seeming-to-be-problems.

And, totally nervous about tomorrow. High school kids *shudder* This could go one of two ways: Katie's explaining in an album liner booklet how much DJing helped her career blahdeblah just bc she lived somewhere so small she could do radio, or option B. This dude will be a typical high school kid with douchebag tastes in music and will think I'm ridiculous.
:wave: :heart: :wave:

take care everyone!
Going home tomorrow! :D

i won't be on-line for ??? who knows how long BUT my sis has offered to pay for a month or 2 of net connection if i can find an inexpensive om-line for my area which isn't always served by net connection companies :|

we'll see :huh::hmm:

thora hope this is the job!

GOOD LUCK ,katie!:hyper:

comet & VP > stay strong!!! :hug:sss

Grace: i guess find out about the box jumping later on
all that ?stair work? is this over-doing it on your trainer's part?

zu i hope you are finally beginning to feel much better! {{hugs}}

Best wishes to everyone!

-and some texting - you know who U R> :D :hug:s
That sounds like a nice way to honor your aunt, Dazz. I'm glad you're going to be able to be a part of the service, too. Take your time and do what you need to do, we'll miss you, definitely, but we'll see you when we see you :hug:.

:hug: to Katie as well on the whole privacy invasion thing. Very annoying. I especially empathize with you on the family stuff, it's weird to have family members prying so much like that. And the sexual orientation thing, WTF? Like you said, why would they assume that, and why is it their business, and would there be anything wrong with it if that were the case?

(Most people keep Facebook private for safety reasons, too, I'm amazed that doesn't seem to come ot their minds.)

The phone conversation stuff is a pain, too. It's always oh-so-fun when you're out and about and you get to hear people talking REALLY loudly on their cell phones about their personal issues. Whatever happened to discretion? Why do they think the rest of the world would be okay with hearing about their divorce hearings or graphic details of the date they went on or cussing out someone they're in a fight with on the phone or whatever?

Bah. Anywho, on a lighter note, Katie, your radio gig sounds great! Good luck with it, hope it goes well :up:.

:rockon: Agreed. That song is great.

Also, awwwwwwwwwwww, baby deer :cute:!
:wave::wave: hey katie

longer songs>

The Who/Who's Next > The Song is Over at 6:17 and Won't get Fooled Again at 8:32

Patti Smith group> Radio Ethiopia 10:00

Television>Marquee Moon 10:00


Yes. Good. Awesome :hyper:

as for everything else—I've healed myself via tumblr. All the pretty mens.

whoever theorized that tumblr was made for porn is basically right
depends on your definition of porn though :giggle:
Yes. Good. Awesome :hyper:

as for everything else—I've healed myself via tumblr. All the pretty mens.

whoever theorized that tumblr was made for porn is basically right
depends on your definition of porn though :giggle:

And there is a ridiculous amount of fanfiction on there. My friend's teenage daughter schooled me on what shipping meant.

I feel so hip.

And I feel my hip....
:lol: I don't feel quite that young the last week and half. the physiotherapist said I walk like an old lady. Yeah uh that's the only way I can walk without pain! :crack:
I just turns up on my dash. With a link to more....mostly Dr. Who/Avengers/both Sherlock. And some crossover with all of them. :huh:

I scroll past those for pretteh pictures.
Ok, that's why. I'm a fan of Dr Who, have seen Sherlock, haven't seen Avengers, am not actively following people who post about only them, really. I'm a biiiit of a hipster in the sense that whenever any fandom gets really big (especially if I haven't seen/heard/whatever the fandom is based on) it irritates the shit out of me.

Me too :)
Ok, that's why. I'm a fan of Dr Who, have seen Sherlock, haven't seen Avengers, am not actively following people who post about only them, really. I'm a biiiit of a hipster in the sense that whenever any fandom gets really big (especially if I haven't seen/heard/whatever the fandom is based on) it irritates the shit out of me.

Me too :)

Well, I followed them for the U2 pictures.....and then you get the rest of their stuff too. I also follow some people who love 1980's alternative and punk.
Car would probably make sense as opposed to subway/train crowds. It'd be the shittiest of shitty to think you could make it through that, then realize 'wait no too painful' :/ be careful dazz.

Totally off topic time—has anyone been suffering from extreme lack of privacy recently? I've gotten heap upon heap of privacy invasion in the past couple days or so.

Spoiler'd because kind of rant-y and long and shite
-People keep wanting to judge my art, which I feel like is private unless I'm selling it or it's for a class, or I specifically post it with that intention. Specifically, a family member's been paying a very small amount for me to do life drawing, but it's ridiculously small and I'd really rather be with my friends far away...and apparently the money secretly means I have to show all the drawings. What the fuck. Art is personal.

I've had my room invaded a lot recently. One of the family desktop computers is there. But it's not just computer surfing people are doing, it's also really angsty phone calls I don't need to overhear and really don't want casting a dark cloud over my life.

I've been asked to add older members of the family on Facebook, which is fucking awkward. It's hard to explain that even stupid things there feel private to me. Like how if you're at a friend's house, usually you get to be in a relatively private situation, whereas with Facebook, not at all. I don't need these people to know about my life, my various obsessions, and generally stuff I basically just tell my friends only.

And wonderfully enough, the reason my parents assume is why I keep Facebook private must be 'sexual orientation'. What the actual fuck. First of all, whatever they're assuming is no issue at all. Second of all, as my roommate in college put it, it's none of anyone's business and people need to stop asking so casually. Third of all, just because I have gay friends does not mean I'm gay. I don't know why people ever assume that.

Sorry for the angst fest. It's not really deserved on my part. I've got really stupid problems when in the middle of nowhere. Nothing-happening expands into a huge magnitude of seeming-to-be-problems.

And, totally nervous about tomorrow. High school kids *shudder* This could go one of two ways: Katie's explaining in an album liner booklet how much DJing helped her career blahdeblah just bc she lived somewhere so small she could do radio, or option B. This dude will be a typical high school kid with douchebag tastes in music and will think I'm ridiculous.


Happy Anniversary Edge & Morleigh! :shifty:

I just turns up on my dash. With a link to more....mostly Dr. Who/Avengers/both Sherlock. And some crossover with all of them. :huh:

I scroll past those for pretteh pictures.

Sherlock ff?

I've read some Who fic, but it tends to irritate me.... and I'm scared to read Sherlock stuff. :reject:

Happy Anniversary Edge & Morleigh! :shifty:

Sherlock ff?

I've read some Who fic, but it tends to irritate me.... and I'm scared to read Sherlock stuff. :reject:

I've seen it referred to as Johnlock. Once a rather explicit sketch popped on my dash. I had to unfollow them.

I've only seen the snippets they put up as a sample.

Tumblr is amazing and weird. I've had to unfollow some people because all of a sudden XXX photos of nothing related to the reason I followed in the first place turn up.
Sherlock ff?

I've read some Who fic, but it tends to irritate me.... and I'm scared to read Sherlock stuff. :reject:

I've been following the Sherlock fandom. It's HUUUGE. Tumblr is full of it. I don't have an account,but I have some of my favorites bookmarked.
Ff,yeah,thats a difficult one for me. I really don't do slash,nononono:no:but I like to read some good gen fic. While fandom generally ships it as slash,luckily there are those,who take it as it's ment to be-good honest friendship.
This is as slash-y as I let it get on tumblr

I feel bad for my friends who followed me thinking I posted normal things/infrequently. Their loss.
I think I have a serious problem. 50 Shades is making its way through my office, and that's all they've been talking about for days, and it fills me with rage and contempt that's getting more and more difficult to conceal. I think I may need to quit my job, or stay and explode one day, and get fired. :(

I need some cool friends who don't live a zillion miles away. :(
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