PLEBA Girls (and Guys) Photo Thread - IX

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Prom! That's me on the left, and my friend on the right.
Gosh, the more I think about it, the more some aspects of your face look too much like mine.
I was also gonna say I love Adreianloth's pics. Very jealous of you!
And then: here's me at a bat mitzvan celebration for one of my younger friends, last night:


Those are amazing glasses of confidence, they.
Ahhh...actually, you might be right, there.

How come every picture I see of you involves strange glasses? :giggle:
Because the first one was of my actual glasses, the second was me being The Fly which involves cool sunglasses, and the third I just happened to be wearing them for confidence! Oh, and everyone else was wearing them- they were party favors

I have no idea what I'd be for Halloween. Then again, I'll be in college, so it's a little harder
I dunno, maybe I'll find an AMAZING golden jacket like I did in my dream and kick all plans of The Fly out the window... (or maybe becoming Chico Marx will suddenly seem more appetizing :p )
I wish I could still trick or treat, but too old now.
Hehehehe...good luck!

Yeah, same here, plus I'll be in a much huger city so trick-or-treating will be unlikely.
It's been a while and in true pirate fashion I've finally uploaded a new picture of myself that was taken a few weeks ago onboard the HMS Bounty, thought I'd share it with you - now that the tour is concluded and you have your eye-patches avaliable for other purposes like pirate impersonations.

Click the thumbnail to view the larger image.

Yarr maties!

HMS Bounty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No need to add this one, Sicy.
You have ridiculously pretty eyes :) also, that city behind you looks exciting! (and vaguely like Florence except the trees are wrong...)

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