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Phoebe was still doing her funky ear-shaking thing. All other behavior was fine, and she's not even been scratching her ears - you could just tell they were bothering her.

The vet said it's definitely not mites, and all he could see was a bit of wax and some redness in one of the ears. So I have some ear drops that he said clear up a lot of that miscellaneous stuff.

We'll see how it goes putting them in tonight. She was pretty traumatized after the drops he gave her at the office. (To say nothing of the thermometer she had shoved up her butt!)

Poor kitty.

poor phoebe! :hug:

maybe the tramatization of being at the vet made it worse.. Back home may put her a little more at ease.
Yeah, she's already fine. But now she knows that carrier, and it is traumatizing for both of us to get her in there! At least she doesn't get violent while resisting.

She's really very mild-mannered. Except for her goofball freakouts, which I love. :cute:
Phoebe was still doing her funky ear-shaking thing. All other behavior was fine, and she's not even been scratching her ears - you could just tell they were bothering her.

The vet said it's definitely not mites, and all he could see was a bit of wax and some redness in one of the ears. So I have some ear drops that he said clear up a lot of that miscellaneous stuff.

We'll see how it goes putting them in tonight. She was pretty traumatized after the drops he gave her at the office. (To say nothing of the thermometer she had shoved up her butt!)

Poor kitty.

poor little thing. Good luck with the drops....I dread the day my guy has to take any sort of meds again. :yikes:
I'm putting off doing tonight's ear drops. She's going through her nightly crazy freakout, so I need to wait until she's a bit more mellow. :uhoh:

Edit: That wasn't so bad! I'm not sure I got as much liquid in there as I should have, but once I was able to shut her in the bathroom with me, it was over in a minute. She hated it more this afternoon - I probably didn't get enough in.

I'm also needing to increase her food for morning and night - she lost half a pound in the few months since she was last weighed. The vet's not concerned - it seemed to take her a while after the surgery to find her full appetite again. I'm going to up her to a can and a half in the morning and a can and a half at night, and hopefully she'll start gaining weight.
I love this one of my cat. I usually go through and fix the contrast on some photos but this one I've left alone. I think it looks good as is.


Her name is Louise.;)
Bowie has been feeling rather playful today so I got out the camera. Of course, that means he decided to stand still immediately. But, hey, y'all haven't seen him in a while...

So little! Awww.

Phoebe barely touched her food today. I'm chalking it up to her traumatic day of carriers, car rides, thermometers up the butt, Q-tips in the ears and ear drops.

But she'd lost half a pound since I'd taken her in last, so I'm increasing her food to a can and a half twice a day. Vet wasn't concerned; she's probably just finally settled into her regular appetite after surgery.

She'd better start eating! She's going to be getting traumatizing ear drops for possibly the next 9 days - she'd better eat. :angry:

(Did I say all of this already yesterday? Sorry if I'm repeating myself.)
Aww Bowie is getting big already!! So cute :cute:

Poor Phoebe.. :( Give her something yummy that you know she likes :hug:
He's starting to look more like a cat now.. rather than the little fuzzy miniature kitteh.
So little! Awww.

Phoebe barely touched her food today. I'm chalking it up to her traumatic day of carriers, car rides, thermometers up the butt, Q-tips in the ears and ear drops.

But she'd lost half a pound since I'd taken her in last, so I'm increasing her food to a can and a half twice a day. Vet wasn't concerned; she's probably just finally settled into her regular appetite after surgery.

She'd better start eating! She's going to be getting traumatizing ear drops for possibly the next 9 days - she'd better eat. :angry:

(Did I say all of this already yesterday? Sorry if I'm repeating myself.)

I second what Sicy mentioned. Give Phoebe all her favorite foods during this traumatic time. It should tempt her into eating again.

Its amazing how quickly animals can get stressed when their routines are thrown off.
Bowie has been feeling rather playful today so I got out the camera. Of course, that means he decided to stand still immediately. But, hey, y'all haven't seen him in a while...


That's an awesome shot. Whether you meant to take a picture like this or if just happened by accident, I really like the look and feel of the photograph :up:

And good to see Bowie a bit more grown up.
I'll pick up some of the tuna wet food - that seems to be her favorite. I've been giving her treats after putting in the drops, and I put out some dry food last night so she ate something, and she did eat some of that, so at least she's not starving.
She's on to me now, with the drops. As soon as I bring her into the bathroom and shut the door, she wants nothing to do with me.

Her sad little meows of complaint! :sad:

It hasn't been too difficult, though, thankfully. I can only assume/hope I'm getting enough of the drops in there!
Cats are smart for sure. By day two of Saki's meds he already knew and fought us the whole way every day after that. :sigh:
I'm relieved that (so far) Phoebe hasn't turned to violence to let me know she's not happy. I kept waiting for her to bring out the claws when I was fighting to get her in the carrier, but really all she does is meow a few times and struggle in my arms.

Same with the meds.

Oh, my little peanut. :cute:
I'm relieved that (so far) Phoebe hasn't turned to violence to let me know she's not happy. I kept waiting for her to bring out the claws when I was fighting to get her in the carrier, but really all she does is meow a few times and struggle in my arms.

Same with the meds.

Oh, my little peanut. :cute:

Try some tuna in water--drain the water off and see if she'll eat it. That's how we get Miss Callie to take her meds. :heart:
I've tried that before - she's taken one whiff and reacted like it was really unappealing! I thought that was interesting - I thought for sure she'd be all over it.
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