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Cute kitten, Cobbler.

Saw the stray tortie, who's been having staring contests with Sheldon for the past few weeks, again tonight. I actually almost hit him/her with my car. S/he was chasing a rather large mouse down the street and darted behind me as I was backing up. Both she and mouse darted past unscathed, but then I had to wait until s/he caught the mouse to be able to move. And then as s/he pranced down the street with the mouse in his/her mouth, tail in the air, I had to creep along behind him/her as s/he took his/her sweet time.

Sheldon has been dying to go outside lately, too, so my mom picked him up and stepped out the back door. Sheldon dug his nails into her shoulder and started crying to go back inside immediately.

Silly cats. :laugh:
Sheldon = TrollCat

I'm getting dressed for the day and he sits at my bedroom door, crying for something. So I go check his food and water bowls. They're full. Cat follows me, sits down at this water bowl and continues mewing. I show him that there's water in there, he bends down to take a drink and I walk away. Few minutes later, he comes back, meowing. I walk back to the kitchen and show him once again that he has water. I even stick my finger in the water bowl and let him lick a couple of drops off. He bends down to take a drink once again. When I come home, he's meowing. I go check his water bowl. He hasn't drank any of it. I dump it and refill it. Maybe it had dog spit in it or something. He watches me refill it cause he jumped up on the counter where he's not supposed to be. I set the bowl down and set him down next to it. He looks at it and starts meowing again. I shake his food bowl. He steps over to it and chows down like nobody's business.

I've been thinking about getting one for him, but there's the slight obstacle of keeping my little brother out of it.
ooh, yes. i bought my kitties here a fountain since over the years we've had kitties who've liked to jump up on the bathroom counter and drink from the tap sometimes. i got it for them for christmas. :cute:
there's a cat sitting on my patio right now, howling like crazy, and it's driving me nuts. But more importantly it's really bothering Wesley. He's trying to protect the house and this cat is trying to attack him through the windows. I'm pretty sure I've seen this cat roaming the neighborhood before but I don't know where it lives. Is there anything I can do to scare it away so it doesn't come back? My dad suggested lighting firecrackers from our upstairs deck. Wesley is all puffed up right now :grumpy:

It's really cold out...I hope this little one has a home to go to. He/she looks very clean and shiny and also very plump so I'm pretty sure it's the one I've seen running around. I can't imagine it's a stray. I just wish I knew where it belonged so I could tell it's owner to keep their cat(s) inside where they belong. They could at least put a collar on it if they're going to let it out :happy:
Awww, poor guy. Other than shooing the other cat away, I don't know.

So both of my kittens are now healthy. Salome is back to her rambunctious self, though she is still cuddly. She always was cuddly though. I'm amused that now MacPhisto has started trilling. I think he just figured it out and likes the sound of it. He doesn't meow unless annoyed (like while I have him locked in his carrier).
Hey guys, anyone have any experience turning an outdoor cat into an indoor one? I acquired my cat about a year ago from a neighbour who recently moved out. He's a 13 year old (you'd never know it) and as far as I know, has been an outdoor cat his whole life. Looks like I'm going to be moving in a couple months and don't want to let him out in a new neighbourhood. I'm afraid he'll get lost or something. I'm going to have to transition him into an indoor cat but I'm concerned about how he'll react. I don't want him to be miserable. He spends a lot of time outside as it is.

Any advice would be awesome. I'm a little worried about him
What kind of neighborhood is the new one? Is it near busy traffic? You could keep him in for a couple months and start letting him out supervised for small periods at a time. Cats that have been outdoor their whole life can usually adjust to a new place if done slowly. Who knows maybe he will be fine inside and you won't have to worry about it.
Haven't found a new place yet. The roommate is moving and I'm tired of relying on other people for living arrangements, so I'm going to find a place for myself. Right now I'm in a residential part of downtown Toronto and I'm hoping to get somewhere similar. I'd actually prefer if he was an indoor cat just for safety, but he loves going outside. I'm thinking of trying a harness and leash and looking like a complete weirdo. But ya, ideally he wont care. Thanks Sicy :)

Here are two pictures of him sleeping:


yes. the stray my parents took in was of course an outdoor cat for...the vet figures he's at least eight, so yeah. he's become used to staying indoors though he did just get out in the backyard the other day when they were bringing in christmas decorations. but for a while they would try to put him on a leash and take him outside, though like most cats he just got confused by what he was supposed to do.

he did get out once when they were taking him to the vet for something but thankfully they found him, poor thing was understandably all turned around and managed to go in the opposite direction you'd go to get back to their house.

so yeah, my suggestion is to just bring him in and make sure he can't get out. eventually he'll just get used to being an indoor cat. especially this time of year i'd imagine any cat would be thankful they don't have to go outdoors at all.
Haven't found a new place yet. The roommate is moving and I'm tired of relying on other people for living arrangements, so I'm going to find a place for myself. Right now I'm in a residential part of downtown Toronto and I'm hoping to get somewhere similar. I'd actually prefer if he was an indoor cat just for safety, but he loves going outside. I'm thinking of trying a harness and leash and looking like a complete weirdo. But ya, ideally he wont care. Thanks Sicy :)

Here are two pictures of him sleeping:



Those are great pics! What a cutie!
We're having canyon winds similar to the Santa Ana's today. Sheldon is at defcon 4, which consists of tearing up and down the hall to look out the front and back windows. We were at defcon 3 there for a while which was hiding in the bathtub with his squishy ball, but it seems we're okay now and it's not that scary. He can't cuddle, has to watch the windows.
lol yep my cats run back and forth from the living room window to the bedroom to watch everything blowing around in the wind.
We're having canyon winds similar to the Santa Ana's today. Sheldon is at defcon 4, which consists of tearing up and down the hall to look out the front and back windows. We were at defcon 3 there for a while which was hiding in the bathtub with his squishy ball, but it seems we're okay now and it's not that scary. He can't cuddle, has to watch the windows.

The winds are awful. Thankfully, they weren't too too loud at my place. Every so often they'd look warily at the window, but they they'd either go back to playing or sleeping.
Haven't found a new place yet. The roommate is moving and I'm tired of relying on other people for living arrangements, so I'm going to find a place for myself. Right now I'm in a residential part of downtown Toronto and I'm hoping to get somewhere similar. I'd actually prefer if he was an indoor cat just for safety, but he loves going outside. I'm thinking of trying a harness and leash and looking like a complete weirdo. But ya, ideally he wont care. Thanks Sicy :)

Here are two pictures of him sleeping:


Judging by that picture, I'd say he's well on his way to becoming an indoor cat :wink:.

the transition can be a little rough sometimes, just depends on your new living situation and whether you'll have a yard or an enclosed space that he can go out in but still be within your property.

A leash or harness can absolutely be very useful. I take Keto out on a leash all the time. He goes about in our backyard and through a couple of neighbor's yards.

Once you move into your new place, if you can take him out on a leash once a day for even 5-10 minutes or so, he will be happy. gradually his need to be outside constantly will decrease and he will be just as happy indoors.

You might have to experiment with the leash a little bit too because he's an older cat and probably has never been on a leash, he will fight it. If he does take to the leash, keep him in areas where there are not a lot of people walking around or traffic going by.
Santa Ana's

also jurkey, i did think of something else that can help an outdoor cat feel more at home indoors, especially this time of year: a christmas tree. it sounds ridiculously silly, i know. but since we put up the christmas tree in my parents' house, the stray they took in has taken to sleeping under it every night, it's adorable. my mom was worried how he'd be since it was his first christmas indoors, but he hasn't even shown an interest in the tree, much less tried to bat at the ornaments. he just sleeps under the tree. not sure if your cat is as mellow as theirs is, but there you go. i guess for this one, it's some familiarity with the outside or something, or maybe for him it's just that it's something new in the living room.
Sheldon tried to climb the Christmas Tree. He was removed from said Christmas Tree. hasn't tried to climb it since, but has decided the table under the tree is his clubhouse. No goggies or hoomins allowed.
Kittehs loveeee to sit under / near the tree. We should all post our kitteh tree pics.


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