Why so few new sightings this tour?

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Harry Vest

Dec 6, 2004
Winnipeg, Canada
Just noticed that there seems to be hardly any new sightings of the band as soon as they started this new tour. Why is that? You'd think that there would be a flood of new meetings and sightings since they are jumping from city to city...someone must have met them and has a story to tell? Or are they simply not being seen on this tour? What gives?
I guess they fly back to Nice pretty often after the shows. I heard of sightings in Amsterdam, Berlin and Gothenburg though.
sorry... As far as I know (most of) the band are staying in their homes in the South of France with their families over the summer and fly out for the concerts.
In Amsterdam , they stayed at a hotel one night, nothing more than that, signed autographs for a few minutes.
I heard that Larry is staying Dublin. They flew out of Dublin to go to Sweden, I do know that. They didn't go to France after the Croke shows
Yeah I think they mentioned in an interview before the tour that they want to spend time with their families and be in their own houses...stuff like that.
No, they've stayed in every city so far, except for Gelsenkirchen. Of course they stayed in Dublin, it's their home. A lot of fans have met them at hotels. I'm pissed because I missed Bono in Berlin :angry: They have had meet&greets in Milan, Paris, Berlin, Paris and in Gothenburg so far.
In the cities, where they are playing 2 shows, they stay overnight for sure (Milan, Paris, Amsterdam, Gotheburg, as LU said). And they stayed in Berlin. In Gelsenkirchen helicopters were waiting for them after the show (but don't know where they were going). I missed them in Amsterdam, but nevermind.
@lauramullen- I heard they left Dublin for Nice right after the 3rd show. (But as I haven't seen them at the airport personally, I've no idea if the rumors are true. But people saw their airplane on Dublin airport outside the hangar on the Monday of the 3rd show.)


U2: Access all areas

This is a reference to the fact that Bono's kids will join him and Ali
in France for the summer, for the first part of the tour
, fitting in
with school holidays.
They have def. been less meet-and-greets than in North America during Vertigo tour. I don't know what it was like in Europe during Vertigo, but in North America they were doing venues (much smaller) and it was easy for fans to figure out where venue entrances/exits were, and in almost every city fans were meeting them before shows/soundchecks. Stadiums are huge... lot harder to figure things out etc. All of my previous meetings with them were at venues, not hotels, but no suck luck this time around.
They really took time to do meet & greet in Amsterdam, so I'm not complaining. They need their rest, bothering them after a show wouldn't feel comfy for me.
:hmm: There were pics of Bono and Ali going to a party in Ireland on Tuesday July 28th
In Gelsenkirchen helicopters were waiting for them after the show (but don't know where they were going).

the helicopters took them to Köln/Bonn airport where the plane waited for them. don't know where they went then, but I'm guessing Nice.

my hopes are set on London, and not too many paparazzi in front of their hotel
I just ran across this article in the Irish Independent:

Bono clan strikes camp for French horizons
By Barry Egan
Sunday August 02 2009

I can solve the mystery of why there seems to be no line on the horizon in Killiney Bay. Bono has decamped (no, not de-camped, that'll never happen, moved out) en famille for the rest of the year.

I thought there was little in the way of rattle 'n' hum out that way recently. U2's spokesperson Lindsey Holmes was good enough to set the record straight exclusively for this column.

"The first part of the 360 tour is Europe and the band have based themselves in Nice for this part," she told me. "The second part of the tour is US-based, starting in Chicago on August 12, and similarly they will move on to base themselves in New York for the latter part. So Bono and family have also moved for this period. Hope this helps."
But that's not news, Bono & family are always in Eze for the summer, and when they are on tour, they use gaps between tour dates to go to Eze and relax with friends and family. For the US, I guess they'll have their base in NY. Ali also said so in a recent interview. Also, isn't their housei n Dublin being renovated/revamped?
I was the house last Tuesday and it didn't look like any work was being done. It was very quiet.

I don't really care where they stay. I'll try to meet them when they come into the stadiums in NA and if I can't that's ok. I really want to thank them for the Dublin shows and tell them how it was special for me on my birthday, but there will be other chances if I don't meet them.
I have notice this too less meetings and sightings of u2. No fan reports or photos etc.
It seems its harder to meet them this tour.
Least the school holidays they can spend time with there children until they go back to school.
Seems like a there were some fans at the airport in Poland when they arrived for the concert yesterday.

I've read a couple of reports by fans who met them and seen some pictures, there always seemed to be lots of fans at the hotels where the boys are staying, but apparently not many are on forums and writing reviews.
I can't see them staying in New York for the LA, AZ and LV shows. I would imagine that they would stay in LA and fly to the venues from there however.

well they did stay in Paris overnight.

On 12 July, we waited for them at the hotel (Plaza), and after some hours, Edge came to shake hands :love:. No autographes. :sad:
I heard Bono came a few hours later, but we missed him, but obviously, he went straight to his ride.
My hopes are also for London... Do you think they will be in the same hotel as in February earlier this year??

Edit: I am very sorry but I don't really have decent pics when Edge came too us, I was totally unable to take a pic when he stood in front of me :doh:

But in general, I think you are right, not very sightings this time.
It is possible to meet them this time - my wife and i caught them at their hotel in Zagreb last Monday. We waited and were rewarded with Larry then Adam and then Bono. Bono signed my wife's paper notepad from her purse and she was caught on Croatian TV news!

We just returned from our mad week on the road - the 2 Zagreb shows and the 2 Wembleys and will post story and pics later this week.
I knew I wasn't going to meet them in Dublin, since they all live there and there was no way to meet them outside the stadium, because I was in the pavilion area in the GA queue and I couldn't leave there. Secruity won't let us leave there.
You can meet them at the hotel if you wait long enough for them to leave on show day. Not a good idea if you have GA and want to be at the front. If you have seats, it's possible.
I have been looking for any reports on any meet and greets...none even at the stadiums before the shows? Last tour, they were always out signing
You can meet them at the hotel if you wait long enough for them to leave on show day. Not a good idea if you have GA and want to be at the front. If you have seats, it's possible.

I would try that, but with where I'm going to see them it is a little hard. The Boston concerts are actually in Foxboro which is 30 miles south of the city, East Rutherford is the NYC concerts and almost all have homes there, DC is going to be in Maryland and I heard they stay in Virginia and C'ville I have no idea if they would even stay there since it's the middle of nowhere. I'm just going to try my luck when they come into the stadium. Bono did stop outside of Wembley
Goodluck lauramullen ;) Are you going to go to any u2 shows next year when they have more dates up of more cities?
Definitly. I live 15 minutes outside of Philadelphia in New Jersey, so there are most likely coming here and a probably going to go to a few other places.
Met them both at Radio 1 today :wink:



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