Well we still don't know if they're playing stadiums...

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Headache in a Suitcase

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Jul 16, 2000
With the other morally corrupt bootlicking rubes.
... but I think we can pretty much say for sure that they'll be playing arenas.

from U2log.com

As we discuss whether U2 will play stadiums or arenas on the next tour, here's a big clue: The US-Ireland Alliance will soon host an eBay auction that includes two tickets to see U2 live at Madison Square Garden in New York whenever the next U2 tour takes place. That's Madison Square Garden. That's not Giants Stadium. And the prize, which also includes a pre-concert dinner at "The Spotted Pig", that hip new restaurant Bono invested in last year, has been donated directly to the US-Ireland Alliance by some guy named Paul McGuinness. We hear he's pretty knowledgeable on the band's plans. :)
Frankly, I'd be very surprised if U2 booked stadiums after such a long absence. Not that they couldn't fill them, but arenas are very efficient for now, I'd think. :shrug:
let them do a warm up in american arenas and bring them then to european stadiums in the summer for the real thing
I still think they should model it after the last Rolling Stones Tour. The Stones did it just right: One arena show in smaller stones markets like Phoenix, Oklahoma City, Denver, etc. Then they played one Stadium, one Arena, and one Theatre show in the moster markets like Philly, Chicago, New York. They also played setlists that fit the venue. So stadium shows had more big hits and theatre shows had some more obscure stuff.

For U2 that would mean you'd pick a more theatre friendly tune you couldn't pull off in a Stadium, like The First Time for instance. Too quiet and fragile for a boomy stadium, but could hit you in the gut in a smallish theatre with great accoustics. On the other hand, the whole bad/streets like combo is always more fun with 20-50,000 of your closest friends. I think it'd be fun to weigh the pros and cons throughout the tour of the different shows...
Didn't the Stones play clubs (was it theatres), arenas and stadiums?

I don't know if U2 would do that, with all the setlist changing and all (although Bono said something about 2 different setlists), I think they will definitely start with arenas (see the Madison Square garden tickets auction news), whether they'll do stadiums... :shrug:
Something to also take note about the Stones tour. Bono performed one night. Bono loves to take insperation on what other bands are doing. I'm sure doing arenas and stadiums together has crossed U2's mind. :wink:
They will start the tour in March in Miami in arenas, to test the waters, so to speak. Then come back later for a stadium tour, just like they did on Joshua Tree and Zoo TV. I predict the tour schedule to look like this.

March/April- U.S. Arenas
May/August - Europe Stadiums
September/November- U.S. Stadiums
January/March 2006- Stadiums in the "Rest of the world" aka South America/Australia/Japan etc.
TheBrazilianFly said:
They're great in a stadium.

exactly. they can start out in arenas , but I hope majority of the tour is in stadiums (think popmart 4th leg +elevation band tightness and add cutting edge stage design and technology..........:drool: :drool: )
I caught the last 10 minutes of the Bono/Paul Martin press conference this morning and it was maybe telling that at the end Bono looked at Martin and said "We'll be playing at a stadium near you" in response to a question by a reporter basically saying U2 fans are all kinds of people young and old including Paul Martins own constituents who will make sure that he continues to support the fight against AIDS.
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EvolutionMonkey said:
I caught the last 10 minutes of the Bono/Paul Martin press conference this morning and it was maybe telling that at the end Bono looked at Martin and said "We'll be playing at a stadium near you"

I think he means it. Like babyman I also think that this tour is going to be huge. They're going to play stadiums all over the world, maybe they'll play just a few stadiums in America and mostly arenas but who knows, this is U2 we're talking about here. A very unpredictable group.

The boys will be playing arenas first and moving on to stadiums as the tour warms up. Also, rumor has it the tour will be on the road a month at a time with almost a month in-between legs. So, if they start in early March, they will probably not tour in April, returning to the road in May, and so on...

I'm afraid you'll just have to take me at my word, for now. I'm not sure how much I'm allowed to divulge (not that I know much more than what I've told you) The info seems harmless enough, but you never know how touchy the boys at Clear Channel are gonna be.

Re: Yes

Road Whore said:
Also, rumor has it the tour will be on the road a month at a time with almost a month in-between legs. So, if they start in early March, they will probably not tour in April, returning to the road in May, and so on...


Oh good God I hope not. I can actually understand if it happens that way because of their families and stuff but don't a band needs publicity when they're on the road? If they take those months off it won't do them good. Plus it will kill that touring feel for them, just when they're used to be on a tour again they stop everything, every time they brake they will adopt another lifestyle and when they come back they will have to get their chops back and start all over again. Know what I mean? I hope you're wrong there.
the last time they stopped though an album came out!

I think that they will play arenas.........just because you can play in stadiums doesn't mean you have to.
Trust me... It's a great way to do a tour. You don't have to put your whole life on hold for six or eight months at a go and if something important comes up, the longest you have to put it off is a month. True, it does tend to "kill the touring feel" a bit, but the plus-side far outweighs that... for the crew as well as the band.
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