USA might have got twice as many shows as Europe...

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War Child
Nov 25, 2004
But they each were only half a European show. So I think we're even (unless we get another run, by which we will have had twice as much quality as you :)

After watching the DVD I am glad we (europeans) got the massive screen - added so much to the show compared to the indoor shows - i.e Yahweh's screen added another dimension to the song - The Fly was miles better on the big screen as well etc etc.

Also the editing on the DVD sucks - random shots, pointless shots, boring shots. Can't wait for th European DVD now.
If I was gonna mock America I would still be typing by the time U2 had retired :wink:

However, it doesnt matter how bad the European DVD will be its what happened in the shows that matters :madspit:

(what part of my post are you referring to? 'half a european show' is correct is it not? half an european show does not sound correct to me...)
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I don't know, I loved the Toronto 3 show, was incredible, and this Chicago DVD just brings back those fond memories. I also think that people are overrating the crowd's underreaction that night. Personally the band sounded great.. even though the times the crowd really is into a concert are amazing (Popmart Mexico).
fandangamoq said:
AN European show, AN. If you're going to mock us make it gramatically correct damn you!:wink:


Actually, 'Europe' is an exception to the rule that 'an' must be used before words starting with a vowel. The more true rule is that 'an' is used before words that start with a vowel sound, which is why we say 'an hour' (starts with the vowel sound rather than an 'h' sound) but 'a European' (which starts with a 'y' sound).
fandangamoq said:
AN European show, AN. If you're going to mock us make it gramatically correct damn you!:wink:

"The form an for the indefinite article is used before a spoken vowel sound, regardless of how the written word is spelt. Because 'European' is said with an initial 'y' sound, which counts as a consonantal sound in English speech, it is said (and written) with 'a' not 'an'. "

I think after that we can mock all we want.
yahweh uses the screens now so :madspit:

glad to see the USA has caught up.

You (allegedly) put a man on the moon - but you couldn't come up with screens for Yahweh!!!:laugh:

Wow. Deep down I always new everyone was jealous of my country. Thanks for confirming my beliefs. I'm so excited to know I live in the best country in the world that everyone is envious of! God bless the U.S.A. and that's SO NICE! :applaud:
catlhere said:

Wow. Deep down I always new everyone was jealous of my country. Thanks for confirming my beliefs. I'm so excited to know I live in the best country in the world that everyone is envious of! God bless the U.S.A. and that's SO NICE! :applaud:

I do love irony.
Everyone in the world knows the USA is the only country that matters in the world. The Americans certainly know it. All praise Mr Bush.
fandangamoq said:
AN European show, AN. If you're going to mock us make it gramatically correct damn you!:wink:



A European Show.

An European Show? Who talks like that? That doesn't even sound right.

let's check the grammar rule:

A or An.
Use an in place of a when it precedes a vowel sound, not just a vowel. That means it's "an honor" (the h is silent), but "a UFO" (because it's pronounced yoo eff oh). This confuses people most often with acronyms and other abbreviations: some people think it's wrong to use "an" in front of an abbreviation (like "MRI") because "an" can only go before vowels. Poppycock: the sound is what matters. It's "an MRI," assuming you pronounce it "em ar eye."

by the way...

bush's approval rating dipped below 37 percent this week, so no... not all americans praise him.

certainly not this one
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mo786 said:
Everyone in the world knows the USA is the only country that matters in the world. The Americans certainly know it. All praise Mr Bush.

Exactly! I've known this for so long, and U2 finally sees we're the fans that matter mostest! Godddd bless americaaaaa, land we all loveeeeeeeeee! Join in Europe! We let anyone who tried hard enough into our country to find a better life!

And I liXes that alot! :dancing:
The European Union will join up with China and India, and together we will take over the USA, you will be our bitch.
mo786 said:
The European Union will join up with China and India, and together we will take over the USA, you will be our bitch.

We'll see about that! With our fearless leader and Mr.T on our side, how can we lose!

I love America!!!

(On a kind of side note, we should get flag smilies or a little person waving different flags to add to these very intelligent conversations about whose country is better)

By the way, America soooo wins:shh: don't tell the crazy Europeans
OK, well at least U2 will be on our side - they will make AN anti USA song, which will go on to be the biggest selling single in the EU, China and India.
onebloodonelife said:
I love America!!!

(On a kind of side note, we should get flag smilies or a little person waving different flags to add to these very intelligent conversations about whose country is better)

By the way, America soooo wins:shh: don't tell the crazy Europeans

I would say "au contraire" my posting chum, but since I live in the greatest country in the world, why speak French! Good ol' english!

We should proudly proclaim it from our perfectly formed mountains! America is the land of possibilities and excessive U2 concerts! The journey of equality moves ON
ON!!! :hyper:

(only in America)
Now all we are waiting for to proclaim our absolute greatness is the announcement of a summer stadium tour of the U.S., then we can shout from every mountain that we are the best!! YAY AMERICA!!!
onebloodonelife said:
Now all we are waiting for to proclaim our absolute greatness is the announcement of a summer stadium tour of the U.S., then we can shout from every mountain that we are the best!! YAY AMERICA!!!

Has anyone ever told you that boasting is a sign of insecurity?
Clawgrabber said:


A European Show.

An European Show? Who talks like that? That doesn't even sound right.

let's check the grammar rule:

A or An.
Use an in place of a when it precedes a vowel sound, not just a vowel. That means it's "an honor" (the h is silent), but "a UFO" (because it's pronounced yoo eff oh). This confuses people most often with acronyms and other abbreviations: some people think it's wrong to use "an" in front of an abbreviation (like "MRI") because "an" can only go before vowels. Poppycock: the sound is what matters. It's "an MRI," assuming you pronounce it "em ar eye."

by the way...

bush's approval rating dipped below 37 percent this week, so no... not all americans praise him.

certainly not this one

Is this a fookin' grammar lesson????? How pathetic :mad:
tarquinsuperb said:

Has anyone ever told you that boasting is a sign of insecurity?

Exactly, look at the thread topic, started by a Euro. Insecurity? :shrug:

Seriously though. I'm hoping this thread is tongue and cheek. Unless you went to every arena show and every stadium show there is no way you can judge it fairly. There were shows on the arena leg that probably blew alot of the Euro stadium shows away, and vice versa. Its different type of shows with different experiences. Both are great in their own way.
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