US Politics XXXV: My Insurrection Lasted More Than 4 Hours

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Also, not to sidetrack the badmouthing of religion, cause it is one of my favorite things, but I did have a scary thought last night about how imperative it is that Dems hold the at least the Senate and win the White House in 2024.

Other than you know, facing the thought of living in a christofascist, authoritarian country. But if Desantis were to win, and if at that point Trump had been convicted of any of the multiple things going on at the moment, I imagine he would pardon him.

I dare anyone to tell me I'm off base here.

Possibly, but by the time Trump gets indicted, tried, convicted, the guy will be well into his 80’s. I think by that point, Trump will be the least of our worries and the party will have moved on at that point.
For that to happen, they need to purge out the crazy.

You still have MAGA lite of Cruz, Hawley, Cotton, Johnson (if he wins in November), etc

And these guys aren't the clinically insane like their partners in the House.

My hope is that enough of the "old school Republicans" and Independents keep churning out and voting Blue for the next decade to allow this shit to flush away.

Unfortunately with the way our system is laid out, we are only one election away from these fuckers gaining control, and potentially not giving it up.

And this is just talking about the Federal/National level. The crazies have taken over the State and Local levels for years, and will be tougher to get out.
this bannon indicment is something... always blows my mind that the trump base continues to be conned and grifted by the people they support, who in turn say that the dems are the ones who are actually doing all the actual crimes that they, themselves, are doing.

it's almost as if one day a few people sat down and said "hey - if we just get Fox and some crazies on the internet to believe that the democrats are money laundering, sex crazed pedophiles who are selling us out to our adversaries, they're less likely to believe it when we're the ones caught doing it!"
Nope, No, no way. mikal you suffer from this crazy thing called rational thinking.

There is no stopping this train, and I will tell you why. (well there is a way of stopping it, but it hinges on 2022/24)

The GOP knew back in 2008 that they would never win the popular vote ever again, and they also knew that at some point they wouldn't win national elections at all. Trump's whole election lie thing was a huge gift to them. And if they are good at anything it's packing courts and state and local govs with as far right people as they can. You control the courts, you control nearly everything.

So they have now moved to using violence as their main weapon (no pun intended), which means even the non-corrupt public servants, judiciary, elections officials, legislators, etc... are having to make a choice between doing the right thing or risking harm to them and their families.

If Trump goes to jail, let alone just indicted, I promise you there will be deaths. arson, bombs, whatever you can think of. Think Jan. 6th with 10 times more people, or mobs of people going directly to people's homes that had anything to do with it.

Until Trump dies, they will do anything at all that he says. If he's in jail, believe me, it will be like the new Q. There will be messages transmitted out, said to be from Trump, and these whacko's will do whatever it says.

If Trump dies, then Desantis is right there, Another sociopath with slightly better hair. Or someone else.

People always say that Repubs go along with Trump because they are afraid of his followers. This is true for many. But there are just as many or more that have gotten a taste of what Trump revealed - lawlessness and corruption with zero consequences. In fact. The worse you are, the more corrupt you are, the more vile and violent you are, the more you are rewarded. They see that an authoritarian government is their path to unlimited power. Who cares if democracy is gone if they're on the side that will be in power and control?

The fact is that democracies don't usually crumble and then come back. Once its gone, what are regular people to do? vote them out? It's over.

Now even though that's all dark stuff. The good part is that there are still more of us than them. But SO much hinges on the midterms. AZ needs to be a wipeout, PA Gov race has to be won, and WI would be nice as well.

The slide to fascism takes time, and so if we are able to beat it back soundly now, that's when we could finally see the wheels start to come off. Sure Trump followers will still be crazy. There will be others that try to emulate it for years to come, and Desantis is a very scary prospect of keeping it alive, or re-energizing it in 2024. It's going to be a very interesting and crazy two and a half years.

The biggest irony, is that after decades of planning and working by the christian pro-life movement to get anti-Roe people on the Supreme Court, the very thing that could end up saving democracy could be the decision that court made.

sometimes i sit back and marvel at irony of conversations had around the dinner table with my parents way back when - when i'd push back on their assertion that some of the music, television, movies or video games that i was a fan of was rotting my brain and was unhealthy for impressionable kids... while fox news played in the background, and right wing radio played in my dad's work truck during his long commutes.

i suppose they got the general idea right, when you think about it. they just had the delivery medium wrong.
Nope, No, no way. mikal you suffer from this crazy thing called rational thinking.

There is no stopping this train, and I will tell you why. (well there is a way of stopping it, but it hinges on 2022/24)

The GOP knew back in 2008 that they would never win the popular vote ever again, and they also knew that at some point they wouldn't win national elections at all. Trump's whole election lie thing was a huge gift to them. And if they are good at anything it's packing courts and state and local govs with as far right people as they can. You control the courts, you control nearly everything.

So they have now moved to using violence as their main weapon (no pun intended), which means even the non-corrupt public servants, judiciary, elections officials, legislators, etc... are having to make a choice between doing the right thing or risking harm to them and their families.

If Trump goes to jail, let alone just indicted, I promise you there will be deaths. arson, bombs, whatever you can think of. Think Jan. 6th with 10 times more people, or mobs of people going directly to people's homes that had anything to do with it.

Until Trump dies, they will do anything at all that he says. If he's in jail, believe me, it will be like the new Q. There will be messages transmitted out, said to be from Trump, and these whacko's will do whatever it says.

If Trump dies, then Desantis is right there, Another sociopath with slightly better hair. Or someone else.

People always say that Repubs go along with Trump because they are afraid of his followers. This is true for many. But there are just as many or more that have gotten a taste of what Trump revealed - lawlessness and corruption with zero consequences. In fact. The worse you are, the more corrupt you are, the more vile and violent you are, the more you are rewarded. They see that an authoritarian government is their path to unlimited power. Who cares if democracy is gone if they're on the side that will be in power and control?

The fact is that democracies don't usually crumble and then come back. Once its gone, what are regular people to do? vote them out? It's over.

Now even though that's all dark stuff. The good part is that there are still more of us than them. But SO much hinges on the midterms. AZ needs to be a wipeout, PA Gov race has to be won, and WI would be nice as well.

The slide to fascism takes time, and so if we are able to beat it back soundly now, that's when we could finally see the wheels start to come off. Sure Trump followers will still be crazy. There will be others that try to emulate it for years to come, and Desantis is a very scary prospect of keeping it alive, or re-energizing it in 2024. It's going to be a very interesting and crazy two and a half years.

The biggest irony, is that after decades of planning and working by the christian pro-life movement to get anti-Roe people on the Supreme Court, the very thing that could end up saving democracy could be the decision that court made.

I go back and forth on the actual threat of his base. Are they insane, yes. Have they already committed acts of violence, yes. Will they again, yes.

But I don't know the scale of it. I can't see mass gatherings in streets with guns firing off. Or the idea of F150s and their Trump flags waving as they look like ISIS patrolling the burbs.

I think if he's ever indicted, there'll be outrage but mostly on the Fox and Internet. There'll be some lone wolf types, like the Cincy FBI nut.

Instead I see it possibly going the opposite. These people harden themselves within the wilderness and try to set up sanctuary against the coming apocalypses that'll never come.

Potentially the crazy states like Idaho, Texas, etc yell louder about succession. Maybe even refuse any sort of Federal Assistance or Inquiry.

As you said, there are more of us than them. Indict Trump, let them show themselves and tire themselves out with their tantrums and self pity. There'll be some violence, but better to be aware of who's a traitor than not
I go back and forth on the actual threat of his base. Are they insane, yes. Have they already committed acts of violence, yes. Will they again, yes.

But I don't know the scale of it. I can't see mass gatherings in streets with guns firing off. Or the idea of F150s and their Trump flags waving as they look like ISIS patrolling the burbs.

I think if he's ever indicted, there'll be outrage but mostly on the Fox and Internet. There'll be some lone wolf types, like the Cincy FBI nut.

Instead I see it possibly going the opposite. These people harden themselves within the wilderness and try to set up sanctuary against the coming apocalypses that'll never come.

Potentially the crazy states like Idaho, Texas, etc yell louder about succession. Maybe even refuse any sort of Federal Assistance or Inquiry.

As you said, there are more of us than them. Indict Trump, let them show themselves and tire themselves out with their tantrums and self pity. There'll be some violence, but better to be aware of who's a traitor than not
It's less his base and more the fringe far right elements of his base that he has dragged to the surface that worry me.

Another Oklahoma City style attack would hardly shock me if/when he is indicted.

Honestly it may be our only way to break this cycle, as horrible as that sounds. Extreme violence that shocks those who can still be shocked and forces the fringe back into hiding.

Alas... I sort of thought that's what would happen after Jan 6.
Nope, No, no way. mikal you suffer from this crazy thing called rational thinking.

There is no stopping this train, and I will tell you why. (well there is a way of stopping it, but it hinges on 2022/24)

The GOP knew back in 2008 that they would never win the popular vote ever again, and they also knew that at some point they wouldn't win national elections at all. Trump's whole election lie thing was a huge gift to them. And if they are good at anything it's packing courts and state and local govs with as far right people as they can. You control the courts, you control nearly everything.

So they have now moved to using violence as their main weapon (no pun intended), which means even the non-corrupt public servants, judiciary, elections officials, legislators, etc... are having to make a choice between doing the right thing or risking harm to them and their families.

If Trump goes to jail, let alone just indicted, I promise you there will be deaths. arson, bombs, whatever you can think of. Think Jan. 6th with 10 times more people, or mobs of people going directly to people's homes that had anything to do with it.

Until Trump dies, they will do anything at all that he says. If he's in jail, believe me, it will be like the new Q. There will be messages transmitted out, said to be from Trump, and these whacko's will do whatever it says.

If Trump dies, then Desantis is right there, Another sociopath with slightly better hair. Or someone else.

People always say that Repubs go along with Trump because they are afraid of his followers. This is true for many. But there are just as many or more that have gotten a taste of what Trump revealed - lawlessness and corruption with zero consequences. In fact. The worse you are, the more corrupt you are, the more vile and violent you are, the more you are rewarded. They see that an authoritarian government is their path to unlimited power. Who cares if democracy is gone if they're on the side that will be in power and control?

The fact is that democracies don't usually crumble and then come back. Once its gone, what are regular people to do? vote them out? It's over.

Now even though that's all dark stuff. The good part is that there are still more of us than them. But SO much hinges on the midterms. AZ needs to be a wipeout, PA Gov race has to be won, and WI would be nice as well.

The slide to fascism takes time, and so if we are able to beat it back soundly now, that's when we could finally see the wheels start to come off. Sure Trump followers will still be crazy. There will be others that try to emulate it for years to come, and Desantis is a very scary prospect of keeping it alive, or re-energizing it in 2024. It's going to be a very interesting and crazy two and a half years.

The biggest irony, is that after decades of planning and working by the christian pro-life movement to get anti-Roe people on the Supreme Court, the very thing that could end up saving democracy could be the decision that court made.

I understand your point. The one thing that I think is being missed is that the majority of this GOP can’t stand Trump and they just act like they worship him to cater to voters, and it happens to be midterms right now. If Trump gets indicted soon, don’t be surprised to see a quick exodus from the MAGA world after the midterms are over. The GOP will still suck either way.
Pennsylvania man

And how many times did Trump visit the Epstein island? Or does that not count?

What's really scary is these disturbed people are taking over school boards as well as local office.

How do you even have a normal conversation with someone like this?

more from that thread:

During interviews, a number of family members all said Corliss had spoken about conspiracy theories, and QAnon — including sex trafficking fears with children and "celebrities and politicians had been replaced with imposters." She also feared coronavirus and spoke about taking hydroxychloroquine and turpentine to fend off the virus.

A digital extraction of her cellphone found references to a number of "conspiracy theories, QAnon, the (2020) election, and videos of butchered human corpses," the report stated.

A California father took his two young children to Mexico and killed them with a spearfishing gun after he claimed he had been "enlightened by QAnon and Illuminati conspiracy theories," federal authorities say.

According to a criminal complaint filed in federal court in California, Matthew Taylor Coleman reportedly told investigators he had been "receiving visions and signs revealing that his wife possessed serpent DNA and had passed it onto his children" and that by killing them he was "saving the world from monsters."

QAnon is a conspiracy popular among some on the far right that claims Democratic politicians operate a cabal that kidnaps and tortures children, using their blood in satanic rituals.
It’s insane. They’re insane.

If you’ve ever encountered someone who believes in that stuff, their eyes light up when talking about it. When you don’t believe them they become aggressive to the point where there’s zero chance you ever go near them again.

The obsession of cabals, Satan, blood….

The above posts i think state this is the 7th known death associated with Q conspiracy
They're brainwashed. It's not that all of those who believe in this Q nonsense are necessarily coocoo birds. Some lived perfectly normal lives before they were consumed by this garbage.

It's destroying lives, families and friendships... and we have major politicians and heavily watched network TV stars either fully pushing this stuff or at the very least giving wink wink nods to it because they're concerned about ratings/poll numbers.

I've lost a few friends to this shit. One was especially close. Before 2016 we spoke regularly. We haven't spoken in 3 years. His wife went down the rabbit hole first, and he followed.

The shit is so dangerous.
After the recent retreat of the Russian army, which I know will be upsetting to those who want to indirectly criticize Joe Biden, I think we can all agree that Hunter Biden has done really important work in Ukraine.
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