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I don't know if there were 16 points worth of fuck it votes, though.

Defund the police is, has, and always will be an absolutely terrible slogan to use and I have zero doubt that this, along with ACAB and many other things that far left protesters used throughout the summer, cost Biden some votes.

A not insignificant number I believe, through no fault of his own.
Plenty of people on both the left and right support law enforcement, and that slogan just presents the problem the wrong way. And the average person doesn't care to dig deeper into what the movement may be about, just sees the word "defund" and makes the most obvious deduction.
I don't know if there were 16 points worth of fuck it votes, though.

I think a lot of the "Fuck it, I don't want a landslide" voters split their ballot, which explains wh why a number of these GOP Senators survived despite in many cases, the polling being uniformly bad for them. There are still many people who genuinely believe that the Presidency and the Congress belonging to opposite parties provides some sort of checks and balances in the system. Which it would, if the GOP didn't become a party of obstructionism and refusal to govern.
How's that working out for ya so far? :lol:

Mainly no responses which can be taken as a positive. One distant cousin did tell me I was a tree hugging faggot though and I simply responded with “that word wasn’t even acceptable 25 years ago and my girlfriend is female”.

So pretty well!
I don't know if there were 16 points worth of fuck it votes, though.

Defund the police is, has, and always will be an absolutely terrible slogan to use and I have zero doubt that this, along with ACAB and many other things that far left protesters used throughout the summer, cost Biden some votes.

You club baby seals.
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I think a lot of the "Fuck it, I don't want a landslide" voters split their ballot, which explains wh why a number of these GOP Senators survived despite in many cases, the polling being uniformly bad for them. There are still many people who genuinely believe that the Presidency and the Congress belonging to opposite parties provides some sort of checks and balances in the system. Which it would, if the GOP didn't become a party of obstructionism and refusal to govern.

I mentioned some months ago, that I receive some private analysis related to my finances, and they seemed to hint that the “best” outcome would be a D presidency and an R Senate. “Best” insofar as stocks are concerned.

It’s possible that many suburban Romney voters with portfolios and income and a level of education that makes them despise Trump’s gutter politics got this message as well and voted accordingly.
It’s possible that many suburban Romney voters with portfolios and income and a level of education that makes them despise Trump’s gutter politics got this message as well and voted accordingly.

Of course they did, it's fairly common wisdom among the investor class.

And many of them could justify voting for somebody like a Susan Collins who, while absolutely despicable, appears to not be a mouth breathing Trumpist, which is enough for those who don't follow politics too closely to know her true colours.
Are you trying to say that many swing voters are not a fan of socialism and wanted to make sure there was a counter in place?

I have a few friends saying the same things about their 401ks. They were never going to vote for Trump but said they could probably retire early if he won...

They’re also of the belief that once Joe takes over the MAGA cult will go back into hiding as they won’t have their leader in the position of power. The GOP will fall back in line and obstruct but will still pass some bills with Dems to keep things afloat.

That the courts will no way strike down ACA, abortion, or marriage equality laws.

I disagree in that there’s no going back. This is what the parties are now. You don’t let crazy out and then put it back in. Not without force. It took decades for the far right to start reclaiming power around the world. Sure it’s cyclical, but at some point the more chances these groups get they’ll eventually win again

I do not trust justice BeerMe. I know everyone is saying the ACA is safe, the mandate is probably gone but there’s been plenty of times during oral arguments the justices say things that leads us to believe a decision is coming and it doesn’t happen. For marriage equality i feel like that one no one predicted???

I’m not sure how anyone’s 401k is going to be doing great after December. Covid is going to absolutely wreck our economy and spirits.

But then stock market has never been based in reality either
You club baby seals.
It's part of my inhumanity.

The most frustrating conversations of the last 4+ years is obviously with those on the right who are living in an alternate universe.

The second most frustrating conversations are trying to convince people you agr with in principle that the way they are presenting their good ideas will play poorly with, oh, most people - because most people do not pay as close attention to these things and are not as nuanced on the details of what you're saying.

One thing that the republicans so very very well is dumb down their message.

Everyone can get on board with the idea that the rich are too fucking rich right now and something needs to be done. But the word socialism still scares people over the age of 40.

My Trump supporting aunt will fight to the death over anyone trying to touch her social security payments and gets offended when anyone calls them an entitlement because "she earned it." It's incredibly dumb - yet also reality. She thinks socialism = communism and can not be convinced otherwise - and is against "the welfare state" and tax and spend elite Democrats.

Most people will agree that racism is a problem and that our police departments need reform - but they'll bristle at "defund the police" or think "white privilege" is bullshit because they may have grown up poor or worked hard to get where they were so they're offended at the idea that they were privileged in any way. I can't tell you how many conversations I've had with friends or relatives about how white privilege doesn't mean that you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth but it still goes right over their heads in most cases.

Much like jokes - if you have to spend a lot of time explaining to the average Joe why your slogan or idea is actually good, then it's a bad fucking slogan.
I don't think it takes any nuance at all for someone to think socialism = bad yet also see that Trump is a dick and Uncle Joe's just a nice fella.

This idea that people are voting to get Trump out and keep a republican senate because they like checks and balances is nonsense.

Voting data clearly shows an extremely partisan picture with limited exceptions to that rule. The democrats failed to convert on senate seats in the same states they failed to win. They converted on senate seats in states that they won.

This was a referendum on Trump and the notion that Susan Collins victory in buttfuck Maine is a signal that people wanted Biden + Republicans is absurd.
ATLANTA (AP) — Georgia election officials have announced an audit of presidential election results that will trigger a full hand recount.

Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said at a news conference Wednesday that his office wants the process to begin by the end of the week and he expects it to take until Nov. 20, which is the certification deadline.

President-elect Joe Biden leads President Donald Trump by about 14,000 votes out of nearly 5 million votes counted in the state. Nearly all ballots have been counted, though counties have until Friday to certify their results.
This idea that people are voting to get Trump out and keep a republican senate because they like checks and balances is nonsense.

Voting data clearly shows an extremely partisan picture with limited exceptions to that rule. The democrats failed to convert on senate seats in the same states they failed to win. They converted on senate seats in states that they won.

This was a referendum on Trump and the notion that Susan Collins victory in buttfuck Maine is a signal that people wanted Biden + Republicans is absurd.
It's not nonsense and I don't think it's as complicated as wanting checks and balances. It can really be as simple as "orange man bad" but i also don't want to vote for Democrats because they'll tax all my money, make me eat plant burgers to save the world from cow farts and take away my police department.

Most Americans don't even know what checks and balances means.
It's not nonsense and I don't think it's as complicated as wanting checks and balances. It can really be as simple as "orange man bad" but i also don't want to vote for Democrats because they'll tax all my money, make me eat plant burgers to save the world from cow farts and take away my police department.

Most Americans don't even know what checks and balances means.

I had a balance beam when I was a child!
It's not nonsense and I don't think it's as complicated as wanting checks and balances. It can really be as simple as "orange man bad" but i also don't want to vote for Democrats because they'll tax all my money, make me eat plant burgers to save the world from cow farts and take away my police department.

Most Americans don't even know what checks and balances means.

Based upon everything we’re seeing in the numbers, Black people showed up in urban areas and white people showed up in suburban and rural areas. Yes, Biden did better than Clinton did, but HEZ to show that Clinton was simply missing voters. However, Donald Trump did better than Donald Trump did in 2016.

Larger vote count wins statewide positions like senate and governor. Plurality of precincts wins seats. There’s limited to no data to suggest that split ballots were particularly influential in this election, and it’s downright wrong to suggest they are knowing fine well that you’re misplacing credit for why this election turned out the way it did. Black people.
Larger vote count wins statewide positions like senate and governor. Plurality of precincts wins seats. There’s limited to no data to suggest that split ballots were particularly influential in this election, and it’s downright wrong to suggest they are knowing fine well that you’re misplacing credit for why this election turned out the way it did. Black people.

Talk about absurd takes...

Black people, indigenous communities (see the exit polls of Navajo nation, for example) absolutely played a key role.

Black people showing up in droves to vote in no way explains the overperformance by Republican candidates for the Senate or the House, unless your take is that blacks showed up in large numbers to vote against Trump and then left the rest of the ballot blank. Which makes a whole lot of sense in MAINE where Collins won by 9 points.
Based upon everything we’re seeing in the numbers, Black people showed up in urban areas and white people showed up in suburban and rural areas. Yes, Biden did better than Clinton did, but HEZ to show that Clinton was simply missing voters. However, Donald Trump did better than Donald Trump did in 2016.

Larger vote count wins statewide positions like senate and governor. Plurality of precincts wins seats. There’s limited to no data to suggest that split ballots were particularly influential in this election, and it’s downright wrong to suggest they are knowing fine well that you’re misplacing credit for why this election turned out the way it did. Black people.
Who the hell is misplacing credit? Just because one thing is true doesn't mean that the other thing didn't also happen - nor does saying that there were split ballot voters downplay the importance of black and indigenous persons in Joe Biden's victory.
He has nothing else on his schedule because reportedly he isn't even working these days.

Showed up late and stayed for six minutes.

Molly McKew

POTUS has nothing else on sched today but is nonetheless late to Arlington National Cemetery to honor veterans on Veterans Day, keeping decorated veterans, their families, and others waiting in the rain, not understanding the significance of the day, hour, minute of commemoration.
I don't know if there were 16 points worth of fuck it votes, though.

Defund the police is, has, and always will be an absolutely terrible slogan to use and I have zero doubt that this, along with ACAB and many other things that far left protesters used throughout the summer, cost Biden some votes.
"Defund the Police" was/is a bad slogan. I'm sure votes were lost.

What the heck is ACAB? While I probably will know it in full form - I can't figure the acronym! :huh:

IDK if I'd call some of those things "far left", though. :)

Mainly no responses which can be taken as a positive. One distant cousin did tell me I was a tree hugging faggot though and I simply responded with “that word wasn’t even acceptable 25 years ago and my girlfriend is female”.

So pretty well!

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