US Politics XXIV: Your Country Sucks

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I hear you. I’m not as down on the Democrats as you are. Biden isn’t going to lead some revolution but if we can flip everything blue, it does give more younger, progressive folks time to get into the system. The country isn’t getting whiter, and it’s not getting more conservative.

We’ve seen tho how any progress can be stopped with a few bad elections and self gratitude over electing a black man and not paying attention to the local, state, and congress.

2020 can reverse that if it’s not stolen from us.

There are concerns no matter what.

We’ve done nothing about the climate and that’ll be another pandemic (not to mention who knows what bacteria or viruses will adapt or be released with it)
Russia, Saudi Arabia, Iran, North Korea, and the biggest one, China, are all more dangerous than before. We are not safer as a global community compared to 2016

Wealth inequality will be the worst it’s ever been. Even the most progressive, perfect candidate is going to struggle to fix this. And if Trump is still in power.... i don’t even know what the bottom will be.

But there is hope. A pandemic gives us a chance to change everything. We won’t go back to the pre virus normal. We can use this horrible event to shape a better future.

Expectations tho. It will take time, and there’ll be a lot of pushback. We may go through a dark age (of a few years) to come into another enlightenment period.

That’s the hope i have
The pandemic is changing things. Income inequality is accelerating. Poverty is increasing, as is homelessness. And no one can really organize anything to try to combat these things because of the pandemic. Things are changing, they're just changing for the worse.
At this point absolutely nothing surprises me about Trump, he's capable of anything. But this post office thing is insane beyond words. And no one in the House or Senate can do anything about it? How did Trump get that postmaster in there unchallenged? Were there hearings, anything?

Just makes me furious. I feel like we are living under a dictatorship, anyone else feel that way? Screw every person who put this maniac in the WH.

I just a bit of the procedure of the appointment of the Postmaster General here (it's the first item).
Basically, Congress has nothing to say, directly, about the appointment as it's done by the USPS Board of Governors. Now, the current six governors are apparently all Trump appointees. Not sure how they got appointed, but if it had to go through Congress I'm pretty sure that Republicans rubber-stamped them.
I have decided that I will vote for Joe Biden, and I will vote in person since Pennsylvania has already announced that it cannot handle the mail-in ballots it anticipates it's going to have. I am furious with myself for doing so, but I do feel my hand is forced. We are so fucked in the '20s. There is zero incentive for the Democratic Party to listen to the people telling the truth from the left. But the last couple of months have convinced me that, despite not knowing who will be in charge (it will pretty obviously not be Joe Biden), I think someone may accidentally end up making some decision that will help get us through the pandemic. Unfortunately, then we're left with 2-3 more years of decisions from an administration that will very likely set up a Republican win in 2024. But we at least need to get there, I guess.

I'm really depressed. I have never been more despondent. I am strongly considering closing my retirement accounts and getting the money back, because I doubt we have a financial system or even a recognizable society in 30-40 years. This planet is going to be destroyed and eco-fascism will be the center in the United States by 2032. There really is no hope. I just see the most greedy, feckless people alive in the Democratic Party, and keep having to try to reconcile with the idea that this is the "resistance" in this country. How the fuck can we possibly survive? There really is no path.

I'm sorry that you are feeling such despair. I have my moments and hours where I feel like a kid clutching a blanket who's schooshed backwards on the floor to where I have my back against the wall staring in wide-eyed horror.

I happen to agree more with Beal so I'll save a repeat of that and add from there.

Let's start with 2022 - 2024. We might get more progressive people in office in the various levels of government. Don't some polls show that a lot of millennials are on the more progressive side? There will be the continued increase of POC voters every year. When* Biden/Harris are sworn in with (hopefully) a Dem controlled Senate maybe gerrymandering issues can be taken on, along with Citizens United.

I think the Democrats, and a lot of Republicans revolt against the removal of letter boxes, and the high-speed sorting speaks of at least one line not-to-be-crossed. Maybe there might be others though I pray we don't ever get to those. The fact that it was at first only One Person first spotted the mail boxes being trucked away and reported it. Even one person under the right circumstances can make a difference!

Now to the 2024 Election - I'm definitely not convinced that what transpired before leads to what you seem to predict is a way more probable swing back to The Republicans.

First as I pointed out above the continued demographic changes on voters.

Second - and while this was NOT what (almost anybody would have wanted [!!!!!] ) - I said back in Oct 2019 when you were also talking 2024 that Historians point out that things go along as they are until they suddenly don't.
Last Sept 2019 who would have in general seen us in late March let alone now as we are!!!
To me you keep projecting out from perhaps too many strands of previously expected models.

Who knows what other twists and turns will effect the 2024 Election?!

I now have to go out and do my mask-on, social distance Local shopping so either later tonight or in the next day or two I'll get to the other issues including climate change.

*(of course, I'm terrified of Trump stealing the Election)
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Just some interesting polling info

WaPo-ABC poll:

Kamala Harris as Biden's running mate
Approve 54%
Disapprove 29%

86% of Democrats approve and, notably, one in four Republicans approves.

CBS News battleground tracker:

National likely voters
Joe Biden 52%
Donald Trump 42%

Suburban voters
Joe Biden 53%
Donald Trump 40%
(Trump won suburbs 50 to 45 in 2016)

YouGov Poll Biden Support:

Pre-Kamala (8/9-11):
18-29: 58%
Female: 51%
Black: 82%
Hispanic: 52%

Post-Kamala (8/12-14):
18-29: 62% (+4%)
Female: 56% (+5%)
Black: 90% (+8%)
Hispanic: 71% (+19%)
Meanwhile Rush Limbaugh has adopted the “Joe and the Ho” nickname for the Biden campaign. Just what women voters will respond to!
Well of course Trump makes even his own brother's death about himself. Like every single other thing. People are transactional to narcissists, and only liked/tolerated based upon how much they kiss the narcissist's butt and how they can be manipulated.

That statement he put out Friday after his brother's death couldn't have been written by him. It was far too human and decent

When Donnie's brother Fred was dying in a hospital from alcoholism, Donnie and his sister went to a movie.

I'm sorry his brother died and I hope it wasn't from covid.
Meanwhile Rush Limbaugh has adopted the “Joe and the Ho” nickname for the Biden campaign. Just what women voters will respond to!

So disgusting. Give him a medal for that Trump. Oh yeah, you already did.

Trump women voters don't care about that at all. They'd laugh and cheer it on. There are lots of female Trump supporters who seem to be misogynists.
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