US Politics XXIII: Law & Order SOU (Stupid Orange Unit)

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welcome to day two of the news cycle caring 100x more about what the president tweeted during his morning shit instead of about russians literally paying terrorists to murder american soldiers with the president's approval.
welcome to day two of the news cycle caring 100x more about what the president tweeted during his morning shit instead of about russians literally paying terrorists to murder american soldiers with the president's approval.

Usually the case no doubt. But getting major coverage now. And will only grow as the lies get exposed. This is one that the Dems could and should drag out as long as possible.

This happened Friday night, so today is the first time that reporters can actually hit repub members of Congress and Senate about their feelings on it. That will start a whole new cycle of shit of Rep members dodging or making excuses.
Trumpsters have gone totally mental over Roberts - they hate him more than the 4 liberal justices combined.
Some new polls starting to come in today.

National - Biden +8

GA - Biden +4

One of the most interesting is the Presidential Approval from Rasmussen. This is a pollster that is skewed pretty republican. Over the last month they have had Trump's Disapproval somewhere between +4 and +8. While pretty much every other pollster has it somewhere between +13 to +20.

Today's Rasmussen poll was done from 6/24-6/28 and has it at +13.
Whether this is just a one off outlier for them, or an actual shift will be interesting to see.
The Iranian General and militia(s) killed one service member and we bomb him off the earth.

Russia pays bounties to kill our troops, we were aware of it and we do nothing ?

No wonder Iran is pissed

I've said before that women will decide this election.

Meanwhile, the President regularly bullied and demeaned the leaders of America's principal allies, especially two women: telling Prime Minister Theresa May of the United Kingdom she was weak and lacked courage; and telling German Chancellor Angela Merkel that she was "stupid."

Yes, the woman with the PhD in quantum chemistry is "stupid".

Is it November yet?
Trump seems to be the least psychologically complex person in the world. How is it possible that psychological traits can be so obvious?
Hell, let's keep pushing until Trump is absolutely forced to resign. I don't care if he wants to resign or not, make it so he literally has no choice but to do so.

Seriously starting to wonder, if this keeps up, if he would rather resign than lose. I mean, you can never tell with Trump and his psyche, but I wouldn’t put it past him.
He would have to flee the country to survive prison and or worse. He owes a lot of $$$ to a lot of bad actors.

And is this the “deep state” taking him out with the Russian Bounty story? More and more info is leaking out making White House and his enablers lies worse and worse.

The GOP talking points at the moment seem to be “This isn’t something new. Russia has been doing this for years. Blame Obama “
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