US POLITICS XX: Stuck In a Caucus You Can't Get Out Of

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One thing I will say about this.

Biden better be in a dark room somewhere, every spare moment, doing debate prep. For Bernie and for Trump..

Hillary won every debate against that idiot Trump and it made zero difference.
Hillary won every debate against that idiot Trump and it made zero difference.

I’m reading all these conservative comment sections and they’re talking about how old and senile and slurry Biden is and that Trump will dazzle us with his policy acumen.

And it’s like, really? Pot? Kettle?
I’m reading all these conservative comment sections and they’re talking about how old and senile and slurry Biden is and that Trump will dazzle us with his policy acumen.

And it’s like, really? Pot? Kettle?

I actually welcome this. Biden is senile, yes, but Trump has dementia and heaven knows what else, so if they want us to discuss their mental state, bring it on.
I think it will all depend on whether the idiot media buys in or just decides to blank out this coverage for the nonsense that it is.
Meh i I I'll just defer to this
and the fact that Biden has literally buried two of his children, and the trash Trump offspring are actually as corrupt as they are trying to make Hunter out to be.

it won't be a good look.
We've been through burisma and the only people who don't understand that it's horse shit are the red hat brigade.

One of the advantages of the public impeachment - the biggest thing they're going to try and throw at Biden has already been vetted out and the public rejected it.

Not to mention Trump's a fucking germaphobe and coronavirus is going to drive him literally insane
He won’t grab old Joe by the pussy. Or rape him in a department store changing room.

Sad thing is, we actually have about 20-30 creepy and disgusting pictures and videos of Uncle Joe groping kids, sniffing them and fondling and sniffing women, and they are all noticeably VERY uncomfortable.

I’m glad we don’t have any footage of Trump doing those disgusting things to anyone. He should stand accountable for that.

Hopefully you think Creepy Uncle Joe should as well
Hillary won every debate against that idiot Trump and it made zero difference.

So interesting you brought this up, right after I watched a really good interview about Warren and women in politics.

The guest was talking about a couple of groups that have researched this very type of thing. And in business and especially in politics, they found that the more competent and accomplished a woman was, actually caused more negative sentiment from people. Just part of our built in biases.

So this time around, that sort of bias won't be in play. Also, I think we are forgetting that Trump had not yet been president. He hadn't done ALL of the shit that he's done in front of the electorate for years now. This is going to make him become more of a real candidate on that debate stage. Not the cartoon, imaginary, abstract thing he was in 16.
Sad thing is, we actually have about 20-30 creepy and disgusting pictures and videos of Uncle Joe groping kids, sniffing them and fondling and sniffing women, and they are all noticeably VERY uncomfortable.

I’m glad we don’t have any footage of Trump doing those disgusting things to anyone. He should stand accountable for that.

Hopefully you think Creepy Uncle Joe should as well

I'm glad this is the type of nonsense we're up against. Truly. If you had a day of sanity to look at yourself from the outside, you would know what I mean. But that ain't happenin'.
Surprised to see no post on here about this yet:


And of course when you think most of Bernie's detractors on the centre would at least show genuine empathy to a Jewish man over this, they come out with this.

Sad thing is, we actually have about 20-30 creepy and disgusting pictures and videos of Uncle Joe groping kids, sniffing them and fondling and sniffing women, and they are all noticeably VERY uncomfortable.

I’m glad we don’t have any footage of Trump doing those disgusting things to anyone. He should stand accountable for that.

Hopefully you think Creepy Uncle Joe should as well

Well, we do have him on tape talking about grabbing women by the pussy because they just let you do it when you’re a star, and that being, you know, admission of actual sexual assault.

But you folks didn’t care. So, really, welcome to the new world where nothing matters.

There’s literally nothing you can say about Biden that won’t reek of abject hypocrisy. Because Donald Trump is the president.
I’m glad we don’t have any footage of Trump doing those disgusting things to anyone.

Who doesn’t have tapes of themselves saying they wonder what size their 1 year old daughter’s tits will be?
Surprised to see no post on here about this yet:


And of course when you think most of Bernie's detractors on the centre would at least show genuine empathy to a Jewish man over this, they come out with this.


I feel like I already read someone claiming that Bernie was attracting nazis.
I'm glad this is the type of nonsense we're up against. Truly. If you had a day of sanity to look at yourself from the outside, you would know what I mean. But that ain't happenin'.


Dude that makes no sense at all. I know Biden’s your guy, but he’s a freakin’ weirdo, talking about his hairy legs and biting his wife’s finger at a campaign stop, along with the fondling and sniffing.

I guess I’m not progressive enough to follow the new liberal ways if this is considered normal behavior in 2020
Who doesn’t have tapes of themselves saying they wonder what size their 1 year old daughter’s tits will be?

You guys are really tone deaf, or can’t read or something.

Footage is film, look it up.

I never said Trump is normal, that is a sick and very abnormal thing to say. His behavior is grotesque.

Footage is the actual creepy film we have of Joe Biden doing his thing. I wouldn’t want my wife or daughters anywhere near either of them.

As a woman and feminist, I can’t believe you’re not disgusted by Creepy Joe, and actually defending his actions.

But he’s a Democrat so.....
this place takes this dipshit's troll bait every single time.

what if we literally all just ignore him.
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I wouldn't be surprised, I've seen some truly bewildering takes.

I don't know why anyone still engages with him, just scroll down lmao

Haha! Libs always look the other way when it’s one of their own.

Groping, fondling, rape fantasies, none of it matters to libs when it’s libs doing it.

These are the only responses any of you have about the disgusting perverts in your own party.

I already said Donald Trump is a disgusting human being and should get what he deserves if he raped or groped anyone.

You guys give your good old boys passes every time. That’s hypocrisy
Haha! Libs always look the other way when it’s one of their own.

Groping, fondling, rape fantasies, none of it matters to libs when it’s libs doing it.

These are the only responses any of you have about the disgusting perverts in your own party.

I already said Donald Trump is a disgusting human being and should get what he deserves if he raped or groped anyone.

You guys give your good old boys passes every time. That’s hypocrisy

Fuck's sake, if you think I'm a lib or a supporter of the Democratic party based on my posting history then I don't know what to tell you. :laugh:
Haha! Libs always look the other way when it’s one of their own.

Groping, fondling, rape fantasies, none of it matters to libs when it’s libs doing it.

These are the only responses any of you have about the disgusting perverts in your own party.

I already said Donald Trump is a disgusting human being and should get what he deserves if he raped or groped anyone.

You guys give your good old boys passes every time. That’s hypocrisy

Speaking of tone deaf...

The sign of a great grifter; being completely self unaware
Speaking of tone deaf...

The sign of a great grifter; being completely self unaware

Oh I’m very self aware Beavis. I call things as I see them. Again, the silence is deafening in this place when it comes to any nefarious, lying, sexually immoral activity by the Democratic Party.

Obviously Republicans are aware of it, and so are independents.

Again, Donald Trump is President, most people know who and what he is, except for your narrow minded Republicans who think he’s faultless, which there are many. However, America is in a much better place economically, in our trade deals with other countries, in our foreign policy dealings as well. Facts are facts.

His competition, is Joe Biden or Bernie Sanders.

Most people know who and what they are, except for narrow minded Democrats of which there are many.

And again, the indifference with which many on this forum show to Bernie’s rape fantasies and Biden’s pedophilic and creepy sexist moments , but continue to blast from the rooftops Trump’s “grab em by the pussy” speaks volumes about integrity and credibility
You sound so concerned about character lmao

Character is very important to me. Is it not to you?

That being said, we have who we have.

I mean, if only one of you could say, “yeah I know Biden is a creepy weirdo but I still think he’s better than Trump, or “yeah he’s creepy but I think he will steer our nation in a better direction “, etc. but none of you can even say that
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Character is very important to me. Is it not to you?

That being said, we have who we have.

I mean, if only one of you could say, “yeah I know Biden is a creepy weirdo but I still think he’s better than Trump, or “yeah he’s creepy but I think he will steer our nation in a better direction “, etc. but none of you can even say that

I’ll give you an “I’m not sure if he’s creepy, he might be” if you redact your statement that character is important to you.

edit: dammit i keep posting coronavirus things in the wrong thread by mistake. whatever, i'll just leave it here.
Oh hey, I work 4 blocks from the Convention Center.

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