US POLITICS XX: Stuck In a Caucus You Can't Get Out Of

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Since I wear my heart on my sleeve...

:sad: :scream: :sad: Sen Elizabeth Warren's departure from the Presidential race.

Dan Rather

I remember a time, not long ago, when the mental image for most Americans of a mayor, governor, or senator, was a man. Sadly, this still remains strong for president. That will change. Warren, Harris, Klobuchar, and Clinton will be seen as pioneers for an America not yet ready.
Two new polls out tonight:


Biden 45
Sanders 32
Warren 11


Biden 48
Sanders 44

The survey was done with Warren in, and they sort of divided up her second choice picks.
Oh, and the Warren/Maddow interview is great.

She is just such a great candidate, person, political icon.
Kind, thoughtful, brilliant, direct, but tactful.

The 10 minute section on Bernie supporters was a must watch.
Trump just said that Senator Warren had a "lack of talent" and that people don't like her because she's a mean person. He then said people like someone like me who is not a mean person. He's the king of comedy.

He did give her credit for destroying Bloomberg in that debate.

He said the people around Biden would be running the govt and they're even more leftist than Bernie. They'd raise taxes and get rid of guns and undo everything that's great now.
Well Bernie is out in full force on social media today trashing Biden. I guess that, “I hope we can keep this from being a negative campaign “ thing lasted a whole 12 hours.
The NYT story isn't THAT big of a deal. It's more that Bernie better get used to it if he progresses. NYT will find his version of EMAILS or Clinton Foundation
Here we go. It will be Burisma 24/7. Rudy will be foaming at the mouth on tv nightly.
I think Li'l Donnie shot his wad on Burisma a little early. It never affected Biden's standing then, and I think it will have little effect now. The fact that every voter except his base knows that it's horseshit because of the whole impeachment process, doesn't help him much either.
Doesn’t really matter what the story is. His base will rally around Burisma or red scare Sanders or whatever. Better that we just tune that shit out and accept that it’ll be a thing.
One of my best friends is concerned that it'll be Emails 2.0 again with Biden (or anyone honestly) and doesn't believe Americans are smart enough to figure it out (he's British, but got citizenship years ago)

We've known the GOP are cowards and evil for a long time. Still bites when you see the few who you think could do better
I think Li'l Donnie shot his wad on Burisma a little early. It never affected Biden's standing then, and I think it will have little effect now. The fact that every voter except his base knows that it's horseshit because of the whole impeachment process, doesn't help him much either.

and the fact that Biden has literally buried two of his children, and the trash Trump offspring are actually as corrupt as they are trying to make Hunter out to be.

it won't be a good look.
and the fact that Biden has literally buried two of his children, and the trash Trump offspring are actually as corrupt as they are trying to make Hunter out to be.

it won't be a good look.

One thing I will say about this.
Biden better be in a dark room somewhere, every spare moment, doing debate prep. For Bernie and for Trump. Bernie literally told him every single thing he was going to hit him on. If he comes out unprepared in the next debate, it will be ridiculous.
He already knows Trump's playbook. He has to have every stat available on Trump's kids business deals, and Trump's self-dealing.
And above all he has to have a simple, succinct, truthful, convincing reply every time Hunter is brought up. Hillary never really managed to that with her emails.
Oh, and I know there was a lot of argument going on about Bernie's California numbers. I saw a post yesterday from a stats guy familiar with the spread on the current mail in and absentee ballots and he said it looks like Bernie may end up winning by about 5-6 points.

Not saying this is completely legit, but it does make it interesting to see where they will end up by the time the final vote is certified.
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