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just saw this new thread after i posted.

A woman would be great, if not necessary. But I am not sure I see one yet that would be a lock for top of the ticket.
Harris is great, charisma and tenacity. but she's from Cali, which will vote blue anyway, and not seeing her winning back the PA, MI, WI trio that is pretty much necessary this next time around.
I like Warren, but eh, she's lost her shine with me and I don't see her rallying the midwest either.
Gillibrand. Don't know enough yet. I like her from what i have seen, but again from a Dem lock state and doesn't seem particularly charismatic.
Amy Klobuchar i like a lot. from MN which i think would be great for midwest appeal, but presidential..? eh. great VP pick maybe.

Still seeing Biden/Booker, Biden/Harris or Booker/Harris as the best combo's so far.

Also think you could throw Sherrod Brown as the VP on a ticket and get Ohio back. that could be game, set match right there.
Sherrod Brown is a bad centrist, not what the party needs. Furthermore if he runs the Dems can almost certainly kiss his Senate seat goodbye which is another excellent reason for him to stay put.
Does anyone think that Trump will actually leave the White House???

I’d get Harris in the ticket no matter what. Biden is probably your top choice when it’s all said and done

Officials leasing the Old Post Office Building for the Trump International Hotel in Washington improperly ignored the Constitution's anti-corruption clauses when they continued to lease the government property to President Trump even after he won the White House, according to an internal federal government watchdog.

The Inspector General for the General Services Administration, the agency that leased the building to Trump in 2013, said in a report published Wednesday that agency lawyers decided to ignore the constitutional issues when they reviewed the lease after Trump won the 2016 election.

"The GSA Office of General Counsel recognized that the President's business interest in the lease raised issues under the U.S. Constitution that might cause a breach of the lease, yet chose not to address those issues," said Inspector General Carol F. Ochoa. "As a result, GSA foreclosed an opportunity for an early resolution of these issues and instead certified compliance with a lease that is under a constitutional cloud."


Seriously, GOP, anytime you want to actually grow a spine and start up those impeachment charges...
Sherrod Brown is a bad centrist, not what the party needs. Furthermore if he runs the Dems can almost certainly kiss his Senate seat goodbye which is another excellent reason for him to stay put.

? A centrist?? He's the 12 most liberal/progressive member of of the senate above Bernie Sanders.

It's kind of what i like. A progressive that is reasonable enough to seem centrist. Has better appeal that way. The problem is that he has the charisma of an eggplant. That will put him at VP level at best.
So Trump basically kicked Nancy Pelosi and the congressional delegation off the military plane taking them on a lovely “excursion” to exotic Afghanistan. Because of the shutdown. The same shutdown that saw him going to Iraq.

Washington has become a daycare.
some good news:

And the movement has come from within key portions of his base. He is:

Down significantly among suburban men, a net-positive approval rating of 51-to-39 percent to a net-negative of 42 percent approve, 48 percent disapprove. That's a net change of down 18 percentage points.

Down a net of 13 points among white evangelicals, from 73-to-17 percent approve to 66-to-23 percent approve.

Down a net of 10 points among Republicans, from 90-to-7 percent approve to 83-to-10 percent.

Down marginally among white men without a college degree, from 56-to-34 percent approve to 50-to-35 percent approve, a net change downward of 7 points.
I've been subjected to fox on and off all day today and I have yet to see anything about this news, or Melania wasting money on a flight.

Although I slept through Shep unfortunately, so maybe I missed the sane reporting there.
Probably to announce something he doesn't want a lot of people to see then.
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