U2 tribute band guitarist re-creates 'Dallas' clip from U2.com Videos

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That's one of the guys from the Unforgettable Fire tribute band. Pretty sure he posts here.
This song is going to be good. I know this clip is just a recreation...but still...it's gonna be good!
It seems likely that it's White As Snow A.K.A Winter. It fits the descriptions for that song pretty well.
PS MODS please change subject.. i just realized it sounds like I have a new song but this is just someone using the sound from the U2 video. My apologies!

i will take that as a compliment..it is me i recorded it with an ebow and a gretsch.its 4 or 5 tracks then i added the vid with it so there was somthing to at least look at :)

i will take that as a compliment..it is me i recorded it with an ebow and a gretsch.its 4 or 5 tracks then i added the vid with it so there was somthing to at least look at :)


Mick it is frikin awesome! When i first heard it i thought it was a leak from the new album (given that we heard the dallas clip) Infact I thought it was a new U2.com video LOL. Well done my friend well done!
Thanks means alot to me..I cant wait for this album..I hope we get more etheral stuff like this..i love it

Mick, you are truly a rock star.... :rockon: Ive seen you guys many timesand I can't get over the "sound" you have, Tony is great and all but you really make the experiance, I was really psyched to meet all of you the night of the Hartford (Vertigo) show and again in the ellipse.

Thanks for sharing this....
Thanks means alot to me..I cant wait for this album..I hope we get more etheral stuff like this..i love it


That was an absolutely beautiful recreation, Mick -- well done. :up:

(Holy shit, your gear! I made grabby hands at the screen while I watched that video.)
Thanks Sicy...I took it down...I will now go crawl under a rock :) Fun playing anyway. Thanks Gibson Girl :)
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