Type The First Thing That Pops Into Your Head, 05-28-19

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
My son came over this evening to install our new cable box and stayed for supper, then we watched "Nosferatu" on TV. It made this old girl happy to have him and MrPurrl, my two favorite people in the world, both here with me for several hours. :love:
My son is in the hospital! He’s supposed to be loading a Uhaul truck tomorrow and driving it up Thursday but he’s been having awful pain in his left side. He tried to work thru it but couldn’t stand it any more so took himself to an ER nearby in LA. They’ve admitted him and are doing all kinds of tests. They think it’s a plugged bile duct. Not good. He’s unemployed with no medical insurance too. :doh:
My son is in the hospital! He’s supposed to be loading a Uhaul truck tomorrow and driving it up Thursday but he’s been having awful pain in his left side. He tried to work thru it but couldn’t stand it any more so took himself to an ER nearby in LA. They’ve admitted him and are doing all kinds of tests. They think it’s a plugged bile duct. Not good. He’s unemployed with no medical insurance too. :doh:

Oh no Carek :hug: So sorry to hear this.:sad:
Thanks ladies. Nick made it out of the hospital and 2 of his buddies did lol the heavy loading , unloading and driving the Uhaul truck and he’s all moved in. His diagnosis was Acute Pancreatitis. Thank goodness he didn’t require surgery and didn’t have a blocked nodule. He’s going to have to make lifestyle changed meaning NO alcohol and diet change. The pain is getting better so he’s only taking half the Rx pain med and liquid diet for another week. He’s handling it well. It gave him quite the scare!
They’re all liars and having no platform to run on is aggregios! Who in their right mind with a heart, soul and values would believe in such a thing for the future of our country?
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